.. _transportpce-tox-guide:

TransportPCE tox Guide

What is tox?

`Tox` is a tool written in Python to ease tests automation and dependencies management.
It provides a command line tool that run tests inside a `Python virtual environment <https://docs.python.org/3/glossary.html#term-virtual-environment>`_.

This means that it will not modify your local system settings or package and executable files.
Instead, it uses a hidden folder (`.tox`) to install the required Python dependencies via pip
(`the package installer for Python <https://pip.pypa.io/>`_) before running tests.

You can find more details about tox at https://github.com/tox-dev/tox .
`Tox` is often used as a front-end to Continuous Integration servers.

For instance, `Linux Foundation globaljjb <https://globaljjbdocstest.readthedocs.io/en/latest/jjb/lf-python-jobs.html#tox-verify>`_
provides a gerrit-tox-verify profile.
This profile is `used by TransportPCE <https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/c/releng/builder/+/78656>`_
in OpenDaylight Jenkins CI.

`Tox` configuration and behavior is very portable across GNU+Linux distributions
and others UNIX-like systems or environments.

Once tox installed in a local environment with
for example the following command on Debian based systems::

    $ sudo apt-get install tox

or on Red Hat based systems::

    $ sudoƂ yum install python-tox

the same test suite than the CI can be run locally by simply calling the tox command
from the project git clone local folder::

    $ tox

Tox configuration

`Tox` configuration is written in the `tox.ini` file at the root folder of the Git project.
Please read `tox official documentation <https://tox.wiki/>`_ for more details.
For tox users, the most important parameter in the `[tox]` section is `envlist`.
It specifies which profiles to run by default (i.e. when tox is called without the option `-e`).
The option `-e` overrides this parameter and allows to choose which profiles to run.
For example::

    $ tox -e gitlint

will only run the `gitlint` profile.

    $ tox -e gitlint,checkbashisms

will run the `gitlint` and `checkbashisms` profiles.

Profiles configuration are described in the `[testenv]` section.
Each profile specificities are usually configured in a subsection, for example the
subsection `[testenv:gitlint]` for the configuration of `Gitlint <https://jorisroovers.com/gitlint/>`_.

Docs profiles

The `docs` profile itself is used to generate from the sources the HTML documentation of the project.
This docuementation can be found in `docs/_build/html/`
once the following command has been run locally::

    $ tox -e docs

The sources are written in the reStructuredText format a.k.a. RST and are located in the `docs/` folder.

`Sphinx` can also be used to check the validity of the URLs present in the sources
with the `docs-linkcheck` profile::

    $ tox -e docs-linkcheck

False positives can be declared in the sphinx configuration file (usually `docs/conf.py`).
Both `docs` and `docs-linkcheck` profiles are run in the CI.

A third profile called `spelling` and based on `Sphinx` and `PyEnchant <https://pyenchant.github.io/pyenchant/>`_
can also be used as a spellchecker.

.. note::

   All docs profiles call the sphinx Python package.
   Documentation and more details can be found at `sphinx home page <https://www.sphinx-doc.org/>`_ .
   Web page templates are inherited from the Python dependency `lfdocs-conf` delared in `docs/requirements.txt`.

Linter profiles

A few linter are also provided from tox profiles.
Some are even performed in the CI.

* `gitlint`. Check that the last commit message is well formatted.
* `pylint`. Lint Python tests scripts
* `autopep8`. Autoformat Python tests scripts according to PEP8 standard rules.
* `pyang`. Lint YANG files.
* `pyangformat`. Autoformat YANG files.
* `checkbashisms`. Detect bashisms in shell scripts.

Pre-commit profiles

`Pre-commit <https://pre-commit.com/>`_ is another wrapper for linters that relies on `Git Hooks <https://git-scm.com/docs/githooks>`_.
It is particularly useful to address common programming issues such as
triming trailing whitespaces or removing tabs.

`Pre-commit` configuration can be found in the `.pre-commit-config.yaml` file
at the Git project root.
`Pre-commit` hooks, like any other Git hooks, are run automatically when the
command `'git commit'` is called. This avoids forgetting running linters.
Although, `pre-commit` can also be called directly from its shell command.
This is what is currently performed in TransportPCE CI.

The `pre-commit` profile allows to call `pre-commit` inside tox virtualenv
without installing the `pre-commit` package in the local system,
what is pretty convenient::

    $ tox -e pre-commit

This is also true to install/uninstall the corresponding Git hooks in your
Git folder thanks to the profiles `pre-commit-install`
and `pre-commit-uninstall`::

    $ tox -e pre-commit-install


    $ tox -e pre-commit-uninstall

Functional tests profiles

TransportPCE functional tests are Python scripts that allow to perform blackbox testing on a
controller instance.
They do not need tox to be performed locally and can be called directly from the shell or with
a launcher such as `nosetests <https://nose.readthedocs.io/>`_
(often available in Linux distributions packages under the name `python-nose`).
Currently, they require the presence of `Honeynode simulators <https://gitlab.com/Orange-OpenSource/lfn/odl/honeynode-simulator>`_
and the modification of the controller default OLM timers to speed-up the tests.
They are also supposed to be called within the tests folder::

    $ cd tests/

These tests have been spread over several directories in `tranportpce_tests/`.
These directories are mostly named upon OpenROADM device versions.
Tests scripts files names are also numbered so that they are performed in a certain order.
To ease their integration in tox, a script `launch_tests.sh` can be used to call them.
For example, the following command::

    $ ./launch_tests.sh pce

will call by default all the tests in the folder `tests/transportpce_tests/pce` with `nose`.
And the command::

    $ ./launch_tests.sh 1.2.1 portmapping

is equivalent to::

    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/1.2.1/test01_portmapping.py

Several tests can be listed in the arguments. For example::

    $ ./launch_tests.sh 1.2.1 portmapping topology

is equivalent to::

    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/1.2.1/test01_portmapping.py
    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/1.2.1/test03_topology.py

Also, some shell environment variables can be used to modify their default behavior.
For example the commands::

    $ export LAUNCHER="python3"
    $ ./launch_tests.sh 2.2.1

are equivalent to::

    $ python3 transportpce_tests/2.2.1/test01_portmapping.py


    $ export LAUNCHER="nosetests"
    $ export USE_LIGHTY="True"
    $ ./launch_tests.sh 7.1

are equivalent to::

    $ nosetests transportpce_tests/7.1/test01_portmapping.py

but will ask tests script to use the controller `lighty.io <https://lighty.io/>`_
build instead of Karaf.

These variables are also understood inside tox virtualenv thanks to the `passenv` parameter
configured in `tox.ini`.

Tox TransportPCE functional tests support is split into several tox profiles.
Strictly spoken, only the following profiles perform functional tests as described above:

* `testsPCE`. To evaluate the Path Computation behavior.
* `tests121`. To evaluate the support of OpenROADM devices version 1.2.1 .
* `tests221`. To evaluate the support of OpenROADM devices version 2.2.1 .
* `tests71`. To evaluate the support of OpenROADM devices version 7.1 .
* `tests_hybrid`. To evaluate the controller behavior in a mixed environment with several versions of OpenROADM devices.
* `gnpy`. To evaluate the controller behavior when used in conjunction with `GNPy <https://github.com/Telecominfraproject/oopt-gnpy>`_. Requires `docker <https://www.docker.com/>`_.
* `nbinotifications`. To evaluate the controller north-bound interface notifications support. Requires `docker <https://www.docker.com/>`_.

Each of these profiles depend on the `buildcontroller` profile, which is simply
there to build the controller from sources and adapt OLM default timers.
They can also depend on `sims121` or `sims221` or `sims71` profiles to download
simulators of OpenROADM devices when needed.
Other profiles named from the pattern `build_karaf_testsXXX` have also been
added to configure separate karaf instances with alternate listening ports
in order to use concurrency.

The `depend` parameter in `tox.ini` allows tox to establish the most efficient
tests order strategy  when calling tox without the `-e` option.
This is particularly important when the parallelized mode is enabled.
If tox is called locally with the option `-e`, profiles not specified to this
option but listed in the `depends` parameters are simply ignored.
This means you have to specify manually the `buildcontroller` or `simsXXX`
profiles if the controller was not build yet or the sims were not downloaded.
For example::

    $ tox -e buildcontroller,sims121,tests121

or with karaf alternate builds::

    $ tox -e buildcontroller,build_karaf_tests121,sims121,tests121

will build the controller and download simulators before running every functional
tests for OpenROADM devices 1.2.1.
Once that done, you only need to list the others sims versions profiles before
lauching hybrid tests::

    $ tox -e sims221,sims71,tests_hybrid

or with karaf alternate builds::

    $ tox -e build_karaf_tests_hybrid,sims221,sims71,tests_hybrid

Also the same way arguments can be passed to the `launch_tests.sh` script,
tests names can be passed as argument when calling the corresponding tox profiles.

For example:

    $  tox -e tests121 portmapping

will launch by default the following command inside tox virtual environment::

    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/1.2.1/test01_portmapping.py


    $  tox -e tests121 "portmapping topology"

will perform::

    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/1.2.1/test01_portmapping.py
    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/1.2.1/test03_topology.py

Note the necessity to use quotes here when listing several test names.
If you need to test the portmapping behavior for every OpenROADM devices versions::

    $  tox -e tests121,tests221,tests71 portmapping

will perform::

    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/1.2.1/test01_portmapping.py
    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/2.2.1/test01_portmapping.py
    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/7.1/test01_portmapping.py

Idem for OLM with only OpenROADM devices versions 1.2.1 and 2.2.1 ::

    $  tox -e tests121,tests221 olm

will perform::

    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/1.2.1/test05_olm.py
    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/2.2.1/test08_olm.py

Profiles parrallelization

Tox profiles execution can be parallelized.
CI behavior can be configured from the `releng/builder` repository.
This is `the current configuration <https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/c/releng/builder/+/96557>`_
in TransportPCE CI.

Locally, tox jobs are not parallelized by default.
You have to use the `-p` option to specify the level of concurrency::

    $  tox -p


    $  tox -p auto


    $  tox -p 2

The default parameter "auto" is based on the number of CPU cores,
which is a bad idea for TransportPCE functional tests.
Their most critical ressource is RAM, mostly because of the need
to launch several simulators very greedy in memory.
Unfortunately, "auto" is historically the only option available
in OpenDaylight CI configuration.
To palliate this problem, `tox.ini` current configuration uses the `depends` parameter
to artifically chain tests profiles and limit to only 2 the number of controller instances
run in parallel.

Also, the default display will change from the classical sequence mode.
You need to use the option `-o` to get it back (with the notable difference
that displayed messages are now mixed between tests profiles).
This is the default configuration in the CI::

    $  tox -o -p 2

Running different tests in parallel also creates concurrency access problems
to others ressources than RAM, mostly the ports to listen to, and the log files.
To this sake, lighty.io and karaf build configuration have been customized to change
thier listening ports and log files from shell environment variables.
This environment variables are also understood by Python tests scripts and tox.

You can take a look at the following Gerrit changes for more details


And particularly at






In a nutshell, TransportPCE CI uses tox and parrallelization to perform functional tests.
And if your computer environment has enough RAM and CPU cores,
it is perfectly possible to run the same way several functional tests concurrently on it.
For example, the following command will test the portmapping behavior
for every OpenROADM devices supported versions::

    $  tox -p 3 -e buildcontroller,sims121,sims221,sims71,tests121,tests221,tests71 portmapping

or with karaf alternate builds::

    $  tox -p 3 -e buildcontroller,build_karaf_tests121,build_karaf_tests221,build_karaf_tests71,sims121,sims221,sims71,tests121,tests221,tests71 portmapping