docs: install_deps> python -I -m pip install -r docs/requirements.txt buildcontroller: install_deps> python -I -m pip install 'setuptools>=7.0' -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/requirements.txt -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/test-requirements.txt checkbashisms: freeze> python -m pip freeze --all docs-linkcheck: install_deps> python -I -m pip install -r docs/requirements.txt checkbashisms: pip==24.3.1,setuptools==75.6.0,wheel==0.45.1 checkbashisms: commands[0] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> ./ checkbashisms: commands[1] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> sh -c 'command checkbashisms>/dev/null || sudo yum install -y devscripts-checkbashisms || sudo yum install -y devscripts-minimal || sudo yum install -y devscripts || sudo yum install -y || (echo "checkbashisms command not found - please install it (e.g. sudo apt-get install devscripts | yum install devscripts-minimal )" >&2 && exit 1)' checkbashisms: commands[2] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> find . -not -path '*/\.*' -name '*.sh' -exec checkbashisms -f '{}' + checkbashisms: OK ✔ in 2.84 seconds pre-commit: install_deps> python -I -m pip install pre-commit pre-commit: freeze> python -m pip freeze --all pre-commit: cfgv==3.4.0,distlib==0.3.9,filelock==3.16.1,identify==2.6.3,nodeenv==1.9.1,pip==24.3.1,platformdirs==4.3.6,pre_commit==4.0.1,PyYAML==6.0.2,setuptools==75.6.0,virtualenv==20.28.0,wheel==0.45.1 pre-commit: commands[0] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> ./ pre-commit: commands[1] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> sh -c 'which cpan || sudo yum install -y perl-CPAN || (echo "cpan command not found - please install it (e.g. sudo apt-get install perl-modules | yum install perl-CPAN )" >&2 && exit 1)' /usr/bin/cpan pre-commit: commands[2] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> pre-commit run --all-files --show-diff-on-failure [WARNING] hook id `remove-tabs` uses deprecated stage names (commit) which will be removed in a future version. run: `pre-commit migrate-config` to automatically fix this. [WARNING] hook id `perltidy` uses deprecated stage names (commit) which will be removed in a future version. run: `pre-commit migrate-config` to automatically fix this. [INFO] Initializing environment for [WARNING] repo `` uses deprecated stage names (commit, push) which will be removed in a future version. Hint: often `pre-commit autoupdate --repo` will fix this. if it does not -- consider reporting an issue to that repo. [INFO] Initializing environment for buildcontroller: freeze> python -m pip freeze --all [INFO] Initializing environment for[trusted-deps]. buildcontroller: bcrypt==4.2.1,certifi==2024.12.14,cffi==1.17.1,charset-normalizer==3.4.0,cryptography==44.0.0,dict2xml==1.7.6,idna==3.10,iniconfig==2.0.0,lxml==5.3.0,netconf-client==3.1.3,packaging==24.2,paramiko==3.5.0,pip==24.3.1,pluggy==1.5.0,psutil==6.1.0,pycparser==2.22,PyNaCl==1.5.0,pytest==8.3.4,requests==2.32.3,setuptools==75.6.0,urllib3==2.2.3,wheel==0.45.1 buildcontroller: commands[0] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> ./ java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64 1111 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64 java-1.12.0-openjdk-amd64 1211 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.12.0-openjdk-amd64 java-1.17.0-openjdk-amd64 1711 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.17.0-openjdk-amd64 java-1.21.0-openjdk-amd64 2111 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.21.0-openjdk-amd64 java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64 1081 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64 [INFO] Initializing environment for [INFO] Initializing environment for [INFO] Initializing environment for 21 21 ok, java is 21 or newer [INFO] Installing environment for [INFO] Once installed this environment will be reused. [INFO] This may take a few minutes... Apache Maven 3.9.8 (36645f6c9b5079805ea5009217e36f2cffd34256) Maven home: /opt/maven Java version: 21.0.5, vendor: Ubuntu, runtime: /usr/lib/jvm/java-21-openjdk-amd64 Default locale: en, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "5.4.0-200-generic", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" [INFO] Installing environment for [INFO] Once installed this environment will be reused. [INFO] This may take a few minutes... [INFO] Installing environment for [INFO] Once installed this environment will be reused. [INFO] This may take a few minutes... [INFO] Installing environment for [INFO] Once installed this environment will be reused. [INFO] This may take a few minutes... docs: freeze> python -m pip freeze --all docs-linkcheck: freeze> python -m pip freeze --all docs-linkcheck: alabaster==1.0.0,attrs==24.3.0,babel==2.16.0,blockdiag==3.0.0,certifi==2024.12.14,charset-normalizer==3.4.0,contourpy==1.3.1,cycler==0.12.1,docutils==0.21.2,fonttools==4.55.3,funcparserlib==2.0.0a0,future==1.0.0,idna==3.10,imagesize==1.4.1,Jinja2==3.1.4,jsonschema==3.2.0,kiwisolver==1.4.7,lfdocs-conf==0.9.0,MarkupSafe==3.0.2,matplotlib==3.10.0,numpy==2.2.0,nwdiag==3.0.0,packaging==24.2,pillow==11.0.0,pip==24.3.1,Pygments==2.18.0,pyparsing==3.2.0,pyrsistent==0.20.0,python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0,PyYAML==6.0.2,requests==2.32.3,requests-file==1.5.1,seqdiag==3.0.0,setuptools==75.6.0,six==1.17.0,snowballstemmer==2.2.0,Sphinx==8.1.3,sphinx-bootstrap-theme==0.8.1,sphinx-data-viewer==0.1.5,sphinx-rtd-theme==3.0.2,sphinx-tabs==3.4.7,sphinxcontrib-applehelp==2.0.0,sphinxcontrib-blockdiag==3.0.0,sphinxcontrib-devhelp==2.0.0,sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp==2.1.0,sphinxcontrib-jquery==4.1,sphinxcontrib-jsmath==1.0.1,sphinxcontrib-needs==0.7.9,sphinxcontrib-nwdiag==2.0.0,sphinxcontrib-plantuml==0.30,sphinxcontrib-qthelp==2.0.0,sphinxcontrib-seqdiag==3.0.0,sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml==2.0.0,sphinxcontrib-swaggerdoc==0.1.7,urllib3==2.2.3,webcolors==24.11.1,wheel==0.45.1 docs-linkcheck: commands[0] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> sphinx-build -q -b linkcheck -d /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/.tox/docs-linkcheck/tmp/doctrees ../docs/ /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/docs/_build/linkcheck docs: alabaster==1.0.0,attrs==24.3.0,babel==2.16.0,blockdiag==3.0.0,certifi==2024.12.14,charset-normalizer==3.4.0,contourpy==1.3.1,cycler==0.12.1,docutils==0.21.2,fonttools==4.55.3,funcparserlib==2.0.0a0,future==1.0.0,idna==3.10,imagesize==1.4.1,Jinja2==3.1.4,jsonschema==3.2.0,kiwisolver==1.4.7,lfdocs-conf==0.9.0,MarkupSafe==3.0.2,matplotlib==3.10.0,numpy==2.2.0,nwdiag==3.0.0,packaging==24.2,pillow==11.0.0,pip==24.3.1,Pygments==2.18.0,pyparsing==3.2.0,pyrsistent==0.20.0,python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0,PyYAML==6.0.2,requests==2.32.3,requests-file==1.5.1,seqdiag==3.0.0,setuptools==75.6.0,six==1.17.0,snowballstemmer==2.2.0,Sphinx==8.1.3,sphinx-bootstrap-theme==0.8.1,sphinx-data-viewer==0.1.5,sphinx-rtd-theme==3.0.2,sphinx-tabs==3.4.7,sphinxcontrib-applehelp==2.0.0,sphinxcontrib-blockdiag==3.0.0,sphinxcontrib-devhelp==2.0.0,sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp==2.1.0,sphinxcontrib-jquery==4.1,sphinxcontrib-jsmath==1.0.1,sphinxcontrib-needs==0.7.9,sphinxcontrib-nwdiag==2.0.0,sphinxcontrib-plantuml==0.30,sphinxcontrib-qthelp==2.0.0,sphinxcontrib-seqdiag==3.0.0,sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml==2.0.0,sphinxcontrib-swaggerdoc==0.1.7,urllib3==2.2.3,webcolors==24.11.1,wheel==0.45.1 docs: commands[0] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> sphinx-build -q -W --keep-going -b html -n -d /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/.tox/docs/tmp/doctrees ../docs/ /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/docs/_build/html docs: OK ✔ in 34.37 seconds pylint: install_deps> python -I -m pip install 'pylint>=2.6.0' trim trailing whitespace.................................................Passed Tabs remover.............................................................Passed autopep8.................................................................Passed perltidy.................................................................Passed docs-linkcheck: OK ✔ in 35.32 seconds pre-commit: commands[3] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> pre-commit run gitlint-ci --hook-stage manual [WARNING] hook id `remove-tabs` uses deprecated stage names (commit) which will be removed in a future version. run: `pre-commit migrate-config` to automatically fix this. [WARNING] hook id `perltidy` uses deprecated stage names (commit) which will be removed in a future version. run: `pre-commit migrate-config` to automatically fix this. [INFO] Installing environment for [INFO] Once installed this environment will be reused. [INFO] This may take a few minutes... pylint: freeze> python -m pip freeze --all pylint: astroid==3.3.6,dill==0.3.9,isort==5.13.2,mccabe==0.7.0,pip==24.3.1,platformdirs==4.3.6,pylint==3.3.2,setuptools==75.6.0,tomlkit==0.13.2,wheel==0.45.1 pylint: commands[0] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> find transportpce_tests/ -name '*.py' -exec pylint --fail-under=10 --max-line-length=120 --disable=missing-docstring,import-error --disable=fixme --disable=duplicate-code '--module-rgx=([a-z0-9_]+$)|([0-9.]{1,30}$)' '--method-rgx=(([a-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]{2,})|(_[a-z0-9_]*)|(__[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+__))$' '--variable-rgx=[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,30}$' '{}' + gitlint..................................................................Passed ------------------------------------ Your code has been rated at 10.00/10 pre-commit: OK ✔ in 52.73 seconds pylint: OK ✔ in 29.59 seconds buildcontroller: OK ✔ in 1 minute 48.54 seconds testsPCE: install_deps> python -I -m pip install gnpy4tpce==2.4.7 'setuptools>=7.0' -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/requirements.txt -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/test-requirements.txt build_karaf_tests221: install_deps> python -I -m pip install 'setuptools>=7.0' -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/requirements.txt -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/test-requirements.txt build_karaf_tests121: install_deps> python -I -m pip install 'setuptools>=7.0' -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/requirements.txt -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/test-requirements.txt sims: install_deps> python -I -m pip install 'setuptools>=7.0' -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/requirements.txt -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/test-requirements.txt build_karaf_tests121: freeze> python -m pip freeze --all sims: freeze> python -m pip freeze --all build_karaf_tests221: freeze> python -m pip freeze --all build_karaf_tests121: bcrypt==4.2.1,certifi==2024.12.14,cffi==1.17.1,charset-normalizer==3.4.0,cryptography==44.0.0,dict2xml==1.7.6,idna==3.10,iniconfig==2.0.0,lxml==5.3.0,netconf-client==3.1.3,packaging==24.2,paramiko==3.5.0,pip==24.3.1,pluggy==1.5.0,psutil==6.1.0,pycparser==2.22,PyNaCl==1.5.0,pytest==8.3.4,requests==2.32.3,setuptools==75.6.0,urllib3==2.2.3,wheel==0.45.1 build_karaf_tests121: commands[0] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> ./ sims: bcrypt==4.2.1,certifi==2024.12.14,cffi==1.17.1,charset-normalizer==3.4.0,cryptography==44.0.0,dict2xml==1.7.6,idna==3.10,iniconfig==2.0.0,lxml==5.3.0,netconf-client==3.1.3,packaging==24.2,paramiko==3.5.0,pip==24.3.1,pluggy==1.5.0,psutil==6.1.0,pycparser==2.22,PyNaCl==1.5.0,pytest==8.3.4,requests==2.32.3,setuptools==75.6.0,urllib3==2.2.3,wheel==0.45.1 sims: commands[0] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> ./ build_karaf_tests221: bcrypt==4.2.1,certifi==2024.12.14,cffi==1.17.1,charset-normalizer==3.4.0,cryptography==44.0.0,dict2xml==1.7.6,idna==3.10,iniconfig==2.0.0,lxml==5.3.0,netconf-client==3.1.3,packaging==24.2,paramiko==3.5.0,pip==24.3.1,pluggy==1.5.0,psutil==6.1.0,pycparser==2.22,PyNaCl==1.5.0,pytest==8.3.4,requests==2.32.3,setuptools==75.6.0,urllib3==2.2.3,wheel==0.45.1 build_karaf_tests221: commands[0] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> ./ Using lighynode version Installing lightynode device to ./lightynode/lightynode-openroadm-device directory sims: OK ✔ in 11.2 seconds build_karaf_tests71: install_deps> python -I -m pip install 'setuptools>=7.0' -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/requirements.txt -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/test-requirements.txt build_karaf_tests71: freeze> python -m pip freeze --all build_karaf_tests71: bcrypt==4.2.1,certifi==2024.12.14,cffi==1.17.1,charset-normalizer==3.4.0,cryptography==44.0.0,dict2xml==1.7.6,idna==3.10,iniconfig==2.0.0,lxml==5.3.0,netconf-client==3.1.3,packaging==24.2,paramiko==3.5.0,pip==24.3.1,pluggy==1.5.0,psutil==6.1.0,pycparser==2.22,PyNaCl==1.5.0,pytest==8.3.4,requests==2.32.3,setuptools==75.6.0,urllib3==2.2.3,wheel==0.45.1 build_karaf_tests71: commands[0] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> ./ build_karaf_tests121: OK ✔ in 55.08 seconds build_karaf_tests_hybrid: install_deps> python -I -m pip install 'setuptools>=7.0' -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/requirements.txt -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/test-requirements.txt build_karaf_tests221: OK ✔ in 57.82 seconds tests_tapi: install_deps> python -I -m pip install 'setuptools>=7.0' -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/requirements.txt -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/test-requirements.txt build_karaf_tests71: OK ✔ in 55.61 seconds build_karaf_tests_hybrid: freeze> python -m pip freeze --all build_karaf_tests_hybrid: bcrypt==4.2.1,certifi==2024.12.14,cffi==1.17.1,charset-normalizer==3.4.0,cryptography==44.0.0,dict2xml==1.7.6,idna==3.10,iniconfig==2.0.0,lxml==5.3.0,netconf-client==3.1.3,packaging==24.2,paramiko==3.5.0,pip==24.3.1,pluggy==1.5.0,psutil==6.1.0,pycparser==2.22,PyNaCl==1.5.0,pytest==8.3.4,requests==2.32.3,setuptools==75.6.0,urllib3==2.2.3,wheel==0.45.1 build_karaf_tests_hybrid: commands[0] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> ./ tests_tapi: freeze> python -m pip freeze --all tests_tapi: bcrypt==4.2.1,certifi==2024.12.14,cffi==1.17.1,charset-normalizer==3.4.0,cryptography==44.0.0,dict2xml==1.7.6,idna==3.10,iniconfig==2.0.0,lxml==5.3.0,netconf-client==3.1.3,packaging==24.2,paramiko==3.5.0,pip==24.3.1,pluggy==1.5.0,psutil==6.1.0,pycparser==2.22,PyNaCl==1.5.0,pytest==8.3.4,requests==2.32.3,setuptools==75.6.0,urllib3==2.2.3,wheel==0.45.1 tests_tapi: commands[0] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> ./ tapi using environment variables from ./karaf221.env pytest -q transportpce_tests/tapi/ testsPCE: freeze> python -m pip freeze --all testsPCE: bcrypt==4.2.1,certifi==2024.12.14,cffi==1.17.1,charset-normalizer==3.4.0,click==8.1.7,contourpy==1.3.1,cryptography==3.3.2,cycler==0.12.1,dict2xml==1.7.6,Flask==2.1.3,Flask-Injector==0.14.0,fonttools==4.55.3,gnpy4tpce==2.4.7,idna==3.10,iniconfig==2.0.0,injector==0.22.0,itsdangerous==2.2.0,Jinja2==3.1.4,kiwisolver==1.4.7,lxml==5.3.0,MarkupSafe==3.0.2,matplotlib==3.10.0,netconf-client==3.1.3,networkx==2.8.8,numpy==1.26.4,packaging==24.2,pandas==1.5.3,paramiko==3.5.0,pbr==5.11.1,pillow==11.0.0,pip==24.3.1,pluggy==1.5.0,psutil==6.1.0,pycparser==2.22,PyNaCl==1.5.0,pyparsing==3.2.0,pytest==8.3.4,python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0,pytz==2024.2,requests==2.32.3,scipy==1.14.1,setuptools==50.3.2,six==1.17.0,urllib3==2.2.3,Werkzeug==2.0.3,wheel==0.45.1,xlrd==1.2.0 testsPCE: commands[0] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> ./ pce pytest -q transportpce_tests/pce/ ............................................. [100%] 20 passed in 118.00s (0:01:57) pytest -q transportpce_tests/pce/ ................ [100%] 9 passed in 41.23s pytest -q transportpce_tests/pce/ .............. [100%] 8 passed in 37.02s pytest -q transportpce_tests/pce/ ........ [100%] 3 passed in 34.56s ....... [100%] 50 passed in 409.78s (0:06:49) pytest -q transportpce_tests/tapi/ .............................. [100%] 30 passed in 269.26s (0:04:29) pytest -q transportpce_tests/tapi/ ...................................................................... [100%] 70 passed in 269.32s (0:04:29) build_karaf_tests_hybrid: OK ✔ in 1 minute 11.46 seconds testsPCE: OK ✔ in 5 minutes 23.11 seconds tests_tapi: OK ✔ in 16 minutes 4.22 seconds tests71: install_deps> python -I -m pip install 'setuptools>=7.0' -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/requirements.txt -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/test-requirements.txt tests71: freeze> python -m pip freeze --all tests71: bcrypt==4.2.1,certifi==2024.12.14,cffi==1.17.1,charset-normalizer==3.4.0,cryptography==44.0.0,dict2xml==1.7.6,idna==3.10,iniconfig==2.0.0,lxml==5.3.0,netconf-client==3.1.3,packaging==24.2,paramiko==3.5.0,pip==24.3.1,pluggy==1.5.0,psutil==6.1.0,pycparser==2.22,PyNaCl==1.5.0,pytest==8.3.4,requests==2.32.3,setuptools==75.6.0,urllib3==2.2.3,wheel==0.45.1 tests71: commands[0] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> ./ 7.1 using environment variables from ./karaf71.env pytest -q transportpce_tests/7.1/ ............ [100%] 12 passed in 41.85s pytest -q transportpce_tests/7.1/ .............................................................. [100%] 62 passed in 155.38s (0:02:35) pytest -q transportpce_tests/7.1/ ................................................ [100%] 48 passed in 133.90s (0:02:13) pytest -q transportpce_tests/7.1/ ...................... [100%] 22 passed in 71.39s (0:01:11) tests71: OK ✔ in 6 minutes 49.55 seconds tests221: install_deps> python -I -m pip install 'setuptools>=7.0' -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/requirements.txt -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/test-requirements.txt tests221: freeze> python -m pip freeze --all tests221: bcrypt==4.2.1,certifi==2024.12.14,cffi==1.17.1,charset-normalizer==3.4.0,cryptography==44.0.0,dict2xml==1.7.6,idna==3.10,iniconfig==2.0.0,lxml==5.3.0,netconf-client==3.1.3,packaging==24.2,paramiko==3.5.0,pip==24.3.1,pluggy==1.5.0,psutil==6.1.0,pycparser==2.22,PyNaCl==1.5.0,pytest==8.3.4,requests==2.32.3,setuptools==75.6.0,urllib3==2.2.3,wheel==0.45.1 tests221: commands[0] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> ./ 2.2.1 using environment variables from ./karaf221.env pytest -q transportpce_tests/2.2.1/ ................................... [100%] 35 passed in 75.62s (0:01:15) pytest -q transportpce_tests/2.2.1/ ...... [100%] 6 passed in 43.66s pytest -q transportpce_tests/2.2.1/ ............................................ [100%] 44 passed in 137.16s (0:02:17) pytest -q transportpce_tests/2.2.1/ ............ [100%] 12 passed in 58.94s pytest -q transportpce_tests/2.2.1/ ................ [100%] 16 passed in 113.50s (0:01:53) pytest -q transportpce_tests/2.2.1/ ............................... [100%] 31 passed in 34.34s pytest -q transportpce_tests/2.2.1/ .......................... [100%] 26 passed in 89.89s (0:01:29) pytest -q transportpce_tests/2.2.1/ ...................... [100%] 22 passed in 98.23s (0:01:38) pytest -q transportpce_tests/2.2.1/ ........................................ [100%] 40 passed in 180.41s (0:03:00) pytest -q transportpce_tests/2.2.1/ ........................................................................ [ 74%] ......................... [100%] 97 passed in 489.50s (0:08:09) pytest -q transportpce_tests/2.2.1/ ...................................................... [100%] 54 passed in 445.41s (0:07:25) pytest -q transportpce_tests/2.2.1/ ........................................................................ [ 71%] ............................. [100%] 101 passed in 669.57s (0:11:09) pytest -q transportpce_tests/2.2.1/ ........................................................................ [ 67%] ................................... [100%] 107 passed in 599.19s (0:09:59) tests221: OK ✔ in 50 minutes 44.3 seconds tests121: install_deps> python -I -m pip install 'setuptools>=7.0' -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/requirements.txt -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/test-requirements.txt tests121: freeze> python -m pip freeze --all tests121: bcrypt==4.2.1,certifi==2024.12.14,cffi==1.17.1,charset-normalizer==3.4.0,cryptography==44.0.0,dict2xml==1.7.6,idna==3.10,iniconfig==2.0.0,lxml==5.3.0,netconf-client==3.1.3,packaging==24.2,paramiko==3.5.0,pip==24.3.1,pluggy==1.5.0,psutil==6.1.0,pycparser==2.22,PyNaCl==1.5.0,pytest==8.3.4,requests==2.32.3,setuptools==75.6.0,urllib3==2.2.3,wheel==0.45.1 tests121: commands[0] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> ./ 1.2.1 using environment variables from ./karaf121.env pytest -q transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [100%] ==================================== ERRORS ==================================== _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_01_rdm_device_connection _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_02_rdm_device_connected _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_03_rdm_portmapping_info _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_04_rdm_portmapping_DEG1_TTP_TXRX _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_05_rdm_portmapping_SRG1_PP7_TXRX _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_06_rdm_portmapping_SRG3_PP1_TXRX _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_07_xpdr_device_connection _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_08_xpdr_device_connected _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_09_xpdr_portmapping_info _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_10_xpdr_portmapping_NETWORK1 _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_11_xpdr_portmapping_NETWORK2 _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_12_xpdr_portmapping_CLIENT1 _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_13_xpdr_portmapping_CLIENT2 _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_14_xpdr_portmapping_CLIENT3 _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_15_xpdr_portmapping_CLIENT4 _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_16_xpdr_device_disconnection _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_17_xpdr_device_disconnected _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_18_xpdr_device_not_connected _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_19_rdm_device_disconnection _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_20_rdm_device_disconnected _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! _ ERROR at setup of TransportPCEPortMappingTesting.test_21_rdm_device_not_connected _ cls = @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): > cls.processes = test_utils.start_tpce() transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def start_tpce(): if 'NO_ODL_STARTUP' in os.environ: print('No OpenDaylight instance to start!') return [] print('starting OpenDaylight...') if 'USE_LIGHTY' in os.environ and os.environ['USE_LIGHTY'] == 'True': process = start_lighty() else: process = start_karaf() if wait_until_log_contains(TPCE_LOG, [LIGHTY_OK_START_MSG, KARAF_OK_START_MSG], time_to_wait=100): print('OpenDaylight started !') else: print('OpenDaylight failed to start !') shutdown_process(process) for pid in process_list: shutdown_process(pid) > sys.exit(1) E SystemExit: 1 transportpce_tests/common/ SystemExit ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup ----------------------------- starting OpenDaylight... starting KARAF TransportPCE build... Searching for patterns in karaf.log... Pattern not found after 100 seconds! OpenDaylight failed to start ! =========================== short test summary info ============================ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ ERROR transportpce_tests/1.2.1/ 21 errors in 2132.51s (0:35:32) tests121: exit 1 (2132.73 seconds) /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> ./ 1.2.1 pid=55912 tests121: FAIL ✖ in 35 minutes 39.05 seconds tests_hybrid: install_deps> python -I -m pip install 'setuptools>=7.0' -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/requirements.txt -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/test-requirements.txt tests_hybrid: freeze> python -m pip freeze --all tests_hybrid: bcrypt==4.2.1,certifi==2024.12.14,cffi==1.17.1,charset-normalizer==3.4.0,cryptography==44.0.0,dict2xml==1.7.6,idna==3.10,iniconfig==2.0.0,lxml==5.3.0,netconf-client==3.1.3,packaging==24.2,paramiko==3.5.0,pip==24.3.1,pluggy==1.5.0,psutil==6.1.1,pycparser==2.22,PyNaCl==1.5.0,pytest==8.3.4,requests==2.32.3,setuptools==75.6.0,urllib3==2.2.3,wheel==0.45.1 tests_hybrid: commands[0] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests> ./ hybrid using environment variables from ./karaf121.env pytest -q transportpce_tests/hybrid/ ................................................... [100%] 51 passed in 329.17s (0:05:29) pytest -q transportpce_tests/hybrid/ ........................................................................ [ 66%] ..................................... [100%] 109 passed in 427.16s (0:07:07) pytest -q transportpce_tests/hybrid/ ..................................................... [100%] 53 passed in 258.74s (0:04:18) tests_hybrid: OK ✔ in 17 minutes 1.29 seconds buildlighty: install_deps> python -I -m pip install 'setuptools>=7.0' -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/requirements.txt -r /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/tests/test-requirements.txt buildlighty: freeze> python -m pip freeze --all buildlighty: bcrypt==4.2.1,certifi==2024.12.14,cffi==1.17.1,charset-normalizer==3.4.0,cryptography==44.0.0,dict2xml==1.7.6,idna==3.10,iniconfig==2.0.0,lxml==5.3.0,netconf-client==3.1.3,packaging==24.2,paramiko==3.5.0,pip==24.3.1,pluggy==1.5.0,psutil==6.1.1,pycparser==2.22,PyNaCl==1.5.0,pytest==8.3.4,requests==2.32.3,setuptools==75.6.0,urllib3==2.2.3,wheel==0.45.1 buildlighty: commands[0] /w/workspace/transportpce-tox-verify-scandium/lighty> ./ buildcontroller: OK (108.54=setup[7.67]+cmd[100.88] seconds) testsPCE: OK (323.11=setup[90.97]+cmd[232.13] seconds) sims: OK (11.20=setup[7.38]+cmd[3.82] seconds) build_karaf_tests121: OK (55.08=setup[7.24]+cmd[47.84] seconds) tests121: FAIL code 1 (2139.05=setup[6.32]+cmd[2132.73] seconds) build_karaf_tests221: OK (57.82=setup[7.38]+cmd[50.44] seconds) tests_tapi: OK (964.22=setup[15.14]+cmd[949.08] seconds) tests221: OK (3044.30=setup[5.97]+cmd[3038.34] seconds) build_karaf_tests71: OK (55.61=setup[13.83]+cmd[41.78] seconds) tests71: OK (409.55=setup[6.12]+cmd[403.43] seconds) build_karaf_tests_hybrid: OK (71.46=setup[16.79]+cmd[54.68] seconds) tests_hybrid: OK (1021.29=setup[5.56]+cmd[1015.74] seconds) buildlighty: OK (21.22=setup[5.31]+cmd[15.91] seconds) docs: OK (34.37=setup[32.12]+cmd[2.24] seconds) docs-linkcheck: OK (35.32=setup[32.08]+cmd[3.24] seconds) checkbashisms: OK (2.84=setup[1.96]+cmd[0.01,0.05,0.82] seconds) pre-commit: OK (52.73=setup[3.32]+cmd[0.00,0.01,33.69,15.70] seconds) pylint: OK (29.59=setup[8.71]+cmd[20.88] seconds) evaluation failed :( (7766.08 seconds)