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"odlparent-lite"]], "odlparent": [[1, "odlparent"]], "bundle-parent": [[1, "bundle-parent"]], "features-parent": [[1, "features-parent"]], "karaf-parent": [[1, "karaf-parent"]], "single-feature-parent": [[1, "single-feature-parent"]], "feature-repo-parent": [[1, "feature-repo-parent"]], "karaf4-parent": [[1, "karaf4-parent"]], "karaf-dist-static": [[1, "karaf-dist-static"]], "Features (for Karaf 3)": [[1, "features-for-karaf-3"]], "Features (for Karaf 4)": [[1, "features-for-karaf-4"]], "ODL Parent Documentation": [[2, "odl-parent-documentation"]], "Contents:": [[2, null]]}, "indexentries": {}})