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"downloading-testtool"]], "Running testtool": [[2, "running-testtool"]], "Default Parameters": [[2, "default-parameters"]], "Verifying testtool": [[2, "verifying-testtool"]], "Testtool help": [[2, "testtool-help"]], "Supported operations": [[2, "supported-operations"]], "Notification support": [[2, "notification-support"]], "Connecting testtool with controller Karaf distribution": [[2, "connecting-testtool-with-controller-karaf-distribution"]], "Auto connect to OpenDaylight": [[2, "auto-connect-to-opendaylight"]], "Running testtool and OpenDaylight on different machines": [[2, "running-testtool-and-opendaylight-on-different-machines"]], "Executing operations via RESTCONF on a mounted simulated device": [[2, "executing-operations-via-restconf-on-a-mounted-simulated-device"]], "Test YANG schema": [[2, "test-yang-schema"]], "Editing data for simulated device": [[2, "editing-data-for-simulated-device"]], "Testing User defined RPC": [[2, "testing-user-defined-rpc"]], "Known problems": [[2, "known-problems"]], "Slow creation of devices on virtual machines": [[2, "slow-creation-of-devices-on-virtual-machines"]], "Too many files open": [[2, "too-many-files-open"]], "\u201cKilled\u201d": [[2, "killed"]], "NETCONF User Guide": [[3, "id1"]], "Overview": [[3, "overview"], [3, "id7"]], "Southbound (netconf-connector)": [[3, "southbound-netconf-connector"]], "Netconf-connector configuration": [[3, "netconf-connector-configuration"]], "Preconditions": [[3, "preconditions"]], "Spawning new NETCONF connectors": [[3, "spawning-new-netconf-connectors"]], "Reconfiguring an existing connector": [[3, "reconfiguring-an-existing-connector"]], "Deleting an existing connector": [[3, "deleting-an-existing-connector"]], "Connecting to a device not supporting NETCONF monitoring": [[3, "connecting-to-a-device-not-supporting-netconf-monitoring"]], "Connecting to a device supporting only NETCONF 1.0": [[3, "connecting-to-a-device-supporting-only-netconf-1-0"]], "Clustered NETCONF connector": [[3, "clustered-netconf-connector"]], "Netconf-connector utilization": [[3, "netconf-connector-utilization"]], "Writing configuration data to the device": [[3, "writing-configuration-data-to-the-device"]], "Invoking custom RPC": [[3, "invoking-custom-rpc"]], "Receiving Netconf Device Notifications on a http client": [[3, "receiving-netconf-device-notifications-on-a-http-client"]], "Change event notification subscription tutorial": [[3, "change-event-notification-subscription-tutorial"]], "SSE notifications subscription process": [[3, "sse-notifications-subscription-process"]], "Create stream": [[3, "create-stream"], [3, "id2"]], "Subscribe to stream": [[3, "subscribe-to-stream"], [3, "id3"]], "Receive notifications": [[3, "receive-notifications"], [3, "id4"]], "WebSocket notifications subscription process": [[3, "websocket-notifications-subscription-process"]], "Example use case": [[3, "example-use-case"]], "Simple javascript client implementation": [[3, "simple-javascript-client-implementation"]], "Netconf-connector + Netopeer": [[3, "netconf-connector-netopeer"]], "Netopeer installation": [[3, "netopeer-installation"]], "Mounting netopeer NETCONF server": [[3, "mounting-netopeer-netconf-server"]], "Northbound (NETCONF servers)": [[3, "northbound-netconf-servers"]], "NETCONF server for config-subsystem": [[3, "netconf-server-for-config-subsystem"]], "NETCONF server for MD-SAL": [[3, "netconf-server-for-md-sal"]], "Configuration": [[3, "configuration"]], "Verifying MD-SAL\u2019s NETCONF server": [[3, "verifying-md-sals-netconf-server"]], "Mounting the MD-SAL\u2019s NETCONF server": [[3, "mounting-the-md-sals-netconf-server"]], "NETCONF stress/performance measuring tool": [[3, "netconf-stress-performance-measuring-tool"]], "RESTCONF stress-performance measuring tool": [[3, "restconf-stress-performance-measuring-tool"]], "YANGLIB remote repository": [[3, "yanglib-remote-repository"]], "YANGLIB configuration through RESTCONF": [[3, "yanglib-configuration-through-restconf"]], "Netconf-connector with YANG library as fallback": [[3, "netconf-connector-with-yang-library-as-fallback"]], "Restconf northbound configuration": [[3, "restconf-northbound-configuration"]], "NETCONF Call Home": [[3, "netconf-call-home"]], "Call Home Installation": [[3, "call-home-installation"]], "Northbound Call-Home API": [[3, "northbound-call-home-api"]], "Global Configuration": [[3, "global-configuration"]], "Configuring global credentials": [[3, "configuring-global-credentials"]], "Configuring to accept any ssh server key using global credentials": [[3, "configuring-to-accept-any-ssh-server-key-using-global-credentials"]], "Device-Specific Configuration": [[3, "device-specific-configuration"]], "Configure device to connect over SSH protocol": [[3, "configure-device-to-connect-over-ssh-protocol"]], "Configuring Device with Device-specific Credentials": [[3, "configuring-device-with-device-specific-credentials"], [3, "id6"]], "Configuring Device with Global Credentials": [[3, "configuring-device-with-global-credentials"], [3, "id5"]], "Deprecated configuration models for devices accessed with SSH protocol": [[3, "deprecated-configuration-models-for-devices-accessed-with-ssh-protocol"]], "Configure device to connect over TLS protocol": [[3, "configure-device-to-connect-over-tls-protocol"]], "Operational Status": [[3, "operational-status"]], "Rogue Devices": [[3, "rogue-devices"]], "Southbound Call-Home API": [[3, "southbound-call-home-api"]], "Reading data with selected fields": [[3, "reading-data-with-selected-fields"]], "Preparation of data": [[3, "preparation-of-data"]], "Examples": [[3, "examples"]]}, "indexentries": {}})