List of test cases

Each test case has a shorter code, tables with results use that code. In result tables, the code is a link to this document, due to coala ReST requirements, the codes are (self-pointing) links also in this document.

Other links point to scenario definitions ao caveat items.

  • DOMDataBroker: Producers make 1000 transactions per second, except BGP which works full speed.

  • Leader stability: BGP inject benchmark (thus module shards only), 300k prefixes, 1 Python peer. Progress tracked by counting prefixes in example-ipv4-topology.

  • Ask-based protocol:

  • Module-based shards:

  • Module-based shards:

  • Module-based shards:

  • Module-based shards:

  • Leader local:

  • Leader remote:

  • Leader local:

  • Leader remote:

  • Module-based shards:

  • No-loss rate: Publisher-subscriber pairs, 5k nps per pair.

  • Functional (5 minute tests for 1, 4 and 12 pairs): dnb-1n-60k-a