Library scope: | GLOBAL |
Library containing Keywords used for SXP testing
Based on ODL version decide if bindings will be added with or without origin type (introduced in Fluorine)
Add/Update one or more bindings with origin type via RPC to Master DB of the node
Add Bindings to Node specified by range
Add connection via RPC to node
Based on ODL version decide if domain's bindings will be added with or without origin type (introduced in Fluorine)
Add Domain Filter via RPC from Node
Add Domain with bindings (with origin) via RPC
Add Filter via RPC from Node
Add node via RPC to ODL
Adds new PeerGroup via RPC to Node
Retrieves bindings and verifies they contain given binding
Retrieves bindings and verifies they do not contain given binding
Check if Node contains Bindings specified by range
Check if Node does not contains Bindings specified by range
Verify that SxpNode has data writen to Operational datastore and is running
Verify that SxpNode has data removed from Operational datastore and is not running
Delete all bindings via RPC from Master DB of node
Delete all connections via RPC from node
Delete all PeerGroups via RPC from node
Delete Routing configuration from Config DS
Destroy created sessions
Retrieves connections and verifies they contain given connection
Retrieves connections and verifies they do not contain given connection
Delete one or more bindings via RPC from Master DB of node
Delete Bindings to Node specified by range
Delete connection via RPC from node
Delete Domain via RPC
Delete Filter via RPC from Node
Delete Filter via RPC from Node
Delete connection via RPC from node
Delete PeerGroup via RPC from Node
Gets all binding via RPC from Master DB of node
Gets all connections via RPC from node
Get status if node is running by checking that netty server is running
Gets all PeerGroups via RPC from node
Get Routing configuration from config DS
Post request to Controller and checks response
Prepare XML payload for add-filter and update-filter RPCs. Payloads for both RPCs are the same.
Put Routing configuration to Config DS
Create session to Controller, ${node_range} parameter specifies number of localhost nodes to be created on ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}.
Tests if data contains specified binding
Test if data contains specified connection
Tests if data doesn't contains specified binding
Test if data doesn't contains specified connection
Update Filter via RPC
Verify that connection is ON
Will succeed if the ${snapshot_string} is found in the karaf logs