Library scope: | GLOBAL |
A resource file containing all global elements (Variables, keywords) to help DLUX csit testing.
Checks if a folder named 'phantomjs' is found in the robot script directory. Checks if PhantomJS already been downloaded. This check is done by listing the directory and verification if there is one containing the word 'phantomjs'. Result is that the PhantomJS compressed file is downloaded and uncompressed locally related to the path of the running script.
Closes all browser instances and terminates Xvfb if the process is running.
Downloads and uncompress the headless browser PhantomJS.
Clicks the element with previous element visibility check and element focus.
Returns the path of the executable headless browser.
Clicks the ${element_to_be_clicked} and verifies that page contains ${element_to_be_checked}.
Launches with a delay to let the page load. If it cannot run the default browser, it will download PhantomJS and use it instead. Steps of Launch DLUX are the following: 1. Trying to start Xvfb and load the browser defined by the variable ${BROWSER}. 2. If failed to start one of those task: 2.1 Download and extract PhantomJS if not already done 2.2 Create a custom PhantomJS webdriver based on the downloaded one 3. Go to DLUX login URL and wait until the HTML page contains a specific element.
Inserts username and password and logs in DLUX.
Tries to log in to DLUX with invalid credentials and verifies occurence of the error message.
Clicks the element by imitating mouse left button click down and click up.
Loads DLUX login page.
Failback browser, download and use the WebKit headless browser PhantomJS.
Tries to open Dlux login page. If it fails, then launches Dlux using xvfb or headless browser.
Opens or launches Dlux and then logs in to Dlux.
Starts xvfb, a kind-ish x-server on RAM.
Similar to Selenium2Library.Wait Until Page Contains Element but returns web page source code when fails.
Combines clicking ${element_to_be_clicked} and checking that ${element_to_be_checked} is visible with BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds keyword in order to secure reliable execution of Selenium2Library.Click Element keyword in AngularJS webapp.
Sets the environment variable used by xvfb and the browser.
Verifies elements presence in DLUX login page.