Library scope: | GLOBAL |
This library contains keywords related to the BGP functionality.
Add loopback interface on DCGW
Add routes on DCGW
Associate the created L3VPN to a network-id received as dictionary argument
Verifies if example-bmp-monitor data contains one peer.
Verify example-bmp-monitor presence in bmp-monitors
Check all BGP VPNv4 neighbor on ODL
Check the example-bgp-rib content for string
Check the example-bgp-rib does not contain the string
Check the example-ipv4-topology content for string
Check the example-ipv4-topology does not contain the string
Configure BGP and add neighbor on the dcgw
Associate the created L3VPN to a network-id received as dictionary argument
Create Tunnel End point
Creating L3VPN on DCGW
Create telnet session for Quagga
Delete BGP Config on Quagga
Delete BGP
Delete Tunnel End point
Deleting L3VPN on DCGW
Execute command on Quagga telnet session(session should exist) and returns the output.
Execute command on quagga and returns the ouput.
Get bgp configuration
Returns hex update message.
Removes the route if present.
To Restart the zrpcd, bgpd and zebra processes on DCGW
To restart the bgpd , qthriftd processes on ODL VM
Setup BGP peering between DCGW and given neighbor IP. Configuring,adding neighbor on DCGW node and verifying BGP neighbor.
Setup BGP peering between ODL and given neighbor IP. Configuring and starting BGP on ODL node with given AS number Adding and verifying BGP neighbor
Show quagga config from ODL
To start the zrpcd, bgpd,and zebra processes on DCGW
To start the zrpcd processes on ODL VM
To stop the bgpd , qthriftd processes on specific node given by user.
Create and Log the diff between expected and actual responses, make sure Python tool was killed. Tear down imported Resources.
Verify bgp neighbor status on quagga
Verify L3VPN vrf name and rd value on DCGW
Verify routes on quagga
Verifies two hex messages are equal even in case, their arguments are misplaced. Compares length of the hex messages and sums hex messages arguments as integers and compares results.