Library scope: | GLOBAL |
A resource file containing all global keywords to help Yangman GUI and functional testing.
Clicks form list item with given index or key is visible.
Clicks indexed module`s config to load module detail config tab.
Clicks indexed module`s operational to load module detail operational tab.
Clicks indexed module`s operations to load module detail operations tab.
Click indexed branch in module detail.
Collapses all branches in module detail active operations or operational or config tab.
Composes and returns string - branch id in the format branch-${index}.
Selects operation, selects or unselects fill form with received data after execution checkbox.
Selects operation, selects or unselects fill form with received data after execution checkbox and verifies that execution status matches regexp provided as an argument.
Closes opened/ expanded dialogs/ menus by clicking the backdrop.
Expands all branches in module detail active operations or operational or config tab.
Clicks module list item in modules tab to expand the item and display its operations/ operational/ config items. Arguments are either module name, or module id index, that is a number, or ${EMPTY}, if the option is not used.
Clicks module list item in modules tab and then clicks its config item to load operational tab in module detail. Arguments are either module name, or module id index, that is a number, or ${EMPTY}, if the option is not used.
Clicks module list item in modules tab and then clicks its operational item to load operational tab in module detail. Arguments are either module name, or module id index, that is a number, or ${EMPTY}, if the option is not used.
Clicks operation select menu to expand it.
Expands operation select menu and select operation provided as an argument.
Returns labelled form input field and inputs the text provided as an argument into it.
Loads and expands network-topology top element container.
Expands network-topology branch in testing module detail and clicks topology {topology-id} branch to load topology list node in form.
Expands network-topology branch in testing module detail and clicks topology {topology-id} branch to load topology list node in form.
Verifies that module tab is selected and history and collection tabs are unselected.
Returns and click Click indexed branch in module detail.
Returns string - curly braces part of label of indexed branch in module detail without curly braces.
Returns string - part of label of indexed branch in module detail without curly braces part.
Returns xpath toggle button of labelled branch in module detail and clicks it.
Returns string - catenated branch label and index, in the form "label [${index_or_key}]" or "label <${branch_label_curly_braces_part}:${index_or_key}>".
Returns string - form top element label.
Returns xpath of form top element with label.
Returns string - label of indexed branch in module detail.
Returns Xpath of the indexed module`s config in Modules tab.
Returns xpath of indexed module expander icon.
Returns indexed Xpath of the module from the module`s name.
Returns Xpath of the indexed module`s operational in Modules tab.
Returns Xpath of the indexed module's operations item in Modules tab.
Returns Xpath of labelled API path input field.
Returns xpath of toggle button of labelled branch in module detail.
Returns xpath of labelled element show next list item icon.
Returns xpath of labelled element show previous list item icon in form.
Returns xpath of labelled form input field.
Returns labelled form input field.
Returns list of IDs of Get, Put, Post and Delete options in expanded operation select menu.
Returns list of operations names.
Returns string - module detail branch id in the format branch-${index}.
Returns indexed Xpath of the module detail branch. Argument is ${branch_id} in the form "branch-"${index}"".
Returns xpath of module detail labelled branch.
Returns number - module id index from module name.
Returns indexed Xpath of the module. ${index} is a number.
Returns Xpath of collapsed indexed module.
Returns Xpath of expanded indexed module.
Returns number of modules loaded in Modules tab.
Click Form radiobutton to display form view.
Click Json radiobutton to display json view.
Selects config tab in module detail.
Selects operational tab in module detail.
Selects chosen operation from expanded operation select menu.
Selects chosen operation from expanded operation select menu and verifies the operation has been selected.
Clicks Send request button and waits until progression bar disappears.
Sends request and verifies that execution status code matches regexp provided as an argument.
Click toggle module detail button to toggle from module detail to modules or history or collections tab.
Verifies that at least one module has been loaded in Modules tab.
Verifies that the form contains error message that is provided as an argument.
Verifies that form list item with given index or key is visible.
Returns status "True" if module detail branch is a list branch and "False" if module detail branch is not a list brnach.
Verifies that there are no data displayed in either sent or received data code mirror. Value for ${code_mirror_code} is either ${SENT_DATA_CODE_MIRROR_CODE} or ${RECEIVED_DATA_CODE_MIRROR_CODE}.
Verifies that received data code mirror is displayed.
Verifies that received data code mirror is not displayed.
Verifies that execution time value is present.
Verifies that execution time value is threedots.
Verifies that execution status code matches regexp provided as an argument.
Verifies that the selected operation is now displayed in collapsed operation select menu.
Verifies that sent data code mirror is displayed.
Verifies that sent data code mirror is not displayed.
Verifies presence of Yangman home page elements.