Library scope: | GLOBAL |
Simple resource with setup keywords which combine FailFast and Karaf logging.
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This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
In order for most keywords to work properly, the initialization keyword Setup_Utils_For_Setup_And_Teardown has to be called, best in sute setup. This initialization also initializes dependend Resources, (most important KarafKeywords) whcih may initialize their dependecies as well.
See FailFast.robot documentation for intricacies of that library.
Tell the Teardown keywords that any failure from now on is due to the specified known bug.
Tell the Teardown keywords that from now on there is no longer known bug causing the failure so it should use linked bugs.
Set the log level for given loggers on node nodes of the cluster
Test case setup which skips on previous failure. If not, logs test case name to Karaf log. Recommended to be used as the default test case setup.
Test case setup which explicitly ignores previous failure and logs test case name to Karaf log. Needed if the recommended default is to be overriden.
Prepare both FailFast and Karaf logging, log that the caller suite has started. This keyword is to be used in suite setup, and without it the other keywords may not work properly.
Test case teardown. Show linked bugs and start fast failing in case of failure.
Test case teardown. Show linked bugs in case of failure.