Library scope: | GLOBAL |
Documentation for resource file NetconfCallHome
Upload netopeer2 configuration files needed for SSH transport
Upload netopeer2 configuration files needed for TLS transport
Checks the operational device status.
Generates certificates for 2-way TLS authentication (ca, server, client)
Install docker-compose on tools system.
Pulls the netopeer image from the docker repository.
Set global credentials for SSH call-home devices
Register pre-configured netopeer2 certificates and key in ODL-netconf keystore
Registration call-home device with SSH transport
Registration call-home device with SSH transport using latest models
Registration call-home device with TLS transport
Get the suite ready for callhome test cases.
Tearing down the setup.
Opens session towards ODL controller, set configuration folder, generates a new host key for the container
Tears down the docker running netopeer and deletes entry from the blacklist.
Uninstall docker-compose on tools system