How to Get Help

Users and developers can get support from the OpenDaylight community through the
mailing lists, IRC and forums.

#. Create your question on `ServerFault <>`_
   or `Stackoverflow <>`_ with the tag

   .. note:: It is important to `tag <>`_
             questions correctly to ensure that the questions reach individuals
             subscribed to the tag.

#. Mail ```` or ````.

#. Directly mail the PTL as indicated on the specific
   `projects page <>`_.

#. IRC: Connect to ``#opendaylight`` or ``#opendaylight-meeting`` channel on ``Libera.Chat``.
   The `Linux Foundation's IRC guide <>`_ may be helpful.
   You'll need `an IRC client <>`_,
   or can use `the Libera.Chat webchat <>`_,
   or perhaps you'll `like IRCCloud <>`_.

#. For infrastructure and release engineering queries, mail ````.
   IRC: Connect to ``#lf-releng`` channel on ``Libera.Chat``.