Model-Driven Service Abstraction Layer (MD-SAL)


MD-SAL provides infrastructure for binding YANG models to Java object model and infrastructure
for providing YANG-defined interaction patterns:
* Reactive datastore update
* RPC and Action invocation
* Notification sourcing and delivery

Behavior/Feature Changes
No behaviour changes.

New Features
No new features.

Deprecated Features
No deprecated features.

Removed Features
``NotificationService.registerNotificationListener()`` method has been removed, along with its Binding
specification interfaces based on ``NotificationListener``.

``RpcProviderService.registerRpcImplementation()`` methods, ``RpcConsumerRegistry.getRpcService()`` methods and
Binding specification interfaces based on ``RpcService`` have been removed.

Resolved Issues
The following table lists the issues resolved in this release.

.. jira_fixed_issues::
   :project: MDSAL
   :versions: 13.0.0-13.0.1

Known Issues
The following table lists the known issues that exist in this release.

.. jira_known_issues::
   :project: MDSAL
   :versions: 13.0.0-13.0.1

Resolved Issues in SR1
The following table lists the issues resolved in Service Release 1.

.. jira_fixed_issues::
   :project: MDSAL
   :versions: 13.0.2-13.0.4

Known Issues in SR1
The following table lists the known issues that exist in Service Release 1.

.. jira_known_issues::
   :project: MDSAL
   :versions: 13.0.2-13.0.4