Argon-SR1 Release Notes ======================= This page details changes and bug fixes between the Argon Release and the Argon Stability Release 1 (Argon-SR1) of OpenDaylight. daexim ------ * `7c1552a `_ : Bump upstreams integration/distribution ------------------------ * `44f4d474 `_ : Bump MRI projects * `68613934 `_ : Bump bgpcep to 0.19.4 * `5b619248 `_ : Update Argon platform versions jsonrpc ------- * `c4fd2cd `_ : Bump upstreams * `48c53fb `_ : Migrate users of Optional.get() lispflowmapping --------------- * `57bd81b0 `_ : Bump upstreams openflowplugin -------------- * `9406e9fb7 `_ : Bump upstreams * `38f326861 `_ : Migrate users of Optional.get() ovsdb ----- * `1db9d4810 `_ : Bump upstreams * `15b576cdf `_ : Migrate users of Optional.get() serviceutils ------------ * `b3d4387 `_ : Bump upstreams