************************** Project Standalone Release ************************** This page explains how a project can release independently outside of the OpenDaylight simultaneous release. Preparing your project for release ================================== A project can produce a staging repository by using one of the following methods against the {project-name}-maven-stage-{stream} job: * Leave a comment ``stage-release`` against any patch for the stream to build * Click ``Build with Parameters`` in Jenkins Web UI for the job This job performs the following duties: 1. Removes -SNAPSHOT from all pom files 2. Produces a ``taglist.log``, project.patch, and project.bundle files 3. Runs a `mvn clean deploy` to a local staging repository 4. Pushes the staging repository to a Nexus staging repository https://nexus.opendaylight.org/content/repositories/<REPO_ID> (REPO_ID is saved to ``staging-repo.txt`` on the log server) 5. Archives ``taglist.log``, project.patch, and project.bundle files to log server The files `Ì€`taglist.log`` and `Ì€ project.bundle`Ì€` can be used later at release time to reproduce a byte exact commit of what was built by the Jenkins job. This can be used to tag the release at release time. Releasing your project ====================== Once testing against the staging repository has been completed and project has determined that the staged repository is ready for release. A release can the be performed using the self-serve release process: https://docs.releng.linuxfoundation.org/projects/global-jjb/en/latest/jjb/lf-release-jobs.html 1. Ask helpdesk the necessary right on jenkins if you do not have them 2. Log on https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/ 3. Choose your project dashboard 4. Check your release branch has been successfully staged and note the corresponding log folder 5. Go back to the dashboard and choose the release-merge job 6. Click on build with parameters 7. Fill in the form: * GERRIT_BRANCH must be changed to the branch name you want to release (e.g. stable/sodium) * VERSION with your corresponding project version (e.g. 0.4.1) * LOG_DIR with the relative path of the log from the stage release job (e.g. project-maven-stage-master/17/) * choose maven DISTRIBUTION_TYPE in the select box * uncheck USE_RELEASE_FILE box 8. Launch the jenkins job This job performs the following duties: * download and patch your project repository * build the project * publish the artifacts on nexus * tag and sign the release on Gerrit