Project Standalone Release

This page explains how a project can release independently outside of the
OpenDaylight simultaneous release.

Preparing your project for release

A project can produce a staging repository by using one of the following
methods against the {project-name}-maven-stage-{stream} job:

* Leave a comment ``stage-release`` against any patch for the stream to build
* Click ``Build with Parameters`` in Jenkins Web UI for the job

This job performs the following duties:

1. Removes -SNAPSHOT from all pom files
2. Produces a ``taglist.log``, project.patch, and project.bundle files
3. Runs a `mvn clean deploy` to a local staging repository
4. Pushes the staging repository to a Nexus staging repository
   (REPO_ID is saved to ``staging-repo.txt`` on the log server)
5. Archives ``taglist.log``, project.patch, and project.bundle files to log

The files `Ì€`taglist.log`` and `Ì€ project.bundle`Ì€` can be used later at release
time to reproduce a byte exact commit of what was built by the Jenkins job.
This can be used to tag the release at release time.

Releasing your project

Once testing against the staging repository has been completed and project has
determined that the staged repository is ready for release. A release can the be
performed using the self-serve release process:

1. Ask helpdesk the necessary right on jenkins if you do not have them
2. Log on https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/
3. Choose your project dashboard
4. Check your release branch has been successfully staged and note the corresponding log folder
5. Go back to the dashboard and choose the release-merge job
6. Click on build with parameters
7. Fill in the form:

* GERRIT_BRANCH must be changed to the branch name you want to release (e.g. stable/sodium)
* VERSION with your corresponding project version (e.g. 0.4.1)
* LOG_DIR with the relative path of the log from the stage release job (e.g. project-maven-stage-master/17/)
* choose maven DISTRIBUTION_TYPE in the select box
* uncheck USE_RELEASE_FILE box

8. Launch the jenkins job

This job performs the following duties:
* download and patch your project repository
* build the project
* publish the artifacts on nexus
* tag and sign the release on Gerrit