module data-export-import {
    yang-version 1;
    namespace "urn:opendaylight:daexim";
    prefix "daexim";

    import ietf-yang-types {
        prefix yang;
        revision-date 2013-07-15;

        "Brocade BSC Team";

        "Anton Ivanov <>
         David Spence <>
         Shaleen Saxena <>
         Richard Kosegi <>";

        "This module defines the data store export and import public API.

         Copyright (c) 2016 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

         This program and the accompanying materials are made available
         under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
         accompanies this distribution, and is available at

         This feature is used to export the system data tree state, or part of,
         to the system's file system. It may also be used to import the system
         data tree state, or part of, from the system's file system.

         Connected devices whose data trees are accessed via a mount point of
         this system are not considered part of the system for the purposes of
         export. This mechanism does not export the data trees of such devices.

         Where a logical system comprises more than one physical node, export
         files may be produced on one or more of the physical nodes. When
         importing to a logical system, files may be required to be present on
         one or more of the physical nodes.

         The `schedule-export` RPC is used to export at a specified time in the
         future. The server clock (the clock of the host which handles this
         module's RPC requests) is the authoritative time source for this module.
         All times are specified as either absolute UTC or a relative offset from
         the server clock; all time comparisons are performed against the server

         By default the whole system data state will be exported. Whole data
         subtrees for a data store can be excluded from an export, with each
         data subtree specified by module name. (This is the smallest unit of
         exclusion: it is not possible to specify that only part of a module be
         excluded for a data store.) A whole data store can be excluded from an
         export by specifying a wildcard value for the module name.

         Excluding part of the system from an export may result in a partial
         loss of integrity for the data in the exported files. For example, if
         we have two modules, m1 and m2, where m2 has a leafref whose value
         points to a data node in m1, and m1 is excluded, then the exported data
         will contain a leafref which points to a node absent from the exported

         An export outputs a models declaration file and one or more data files.
         An implementation may export all data for a data store into one file
         representing the whole data store, may split the data by module into
         several files, or some combination of both. If data for a module is
         exported into both a base file and a module-specific file, then the
         module-specific data overrides the base data.

         The filename format for the models declaration file is:


         The filename formats for data files are:


         Within these formats:

            '<prefix>' is a fixed string which has the same value for a related
            set of models declaration and data files;

            '<store>' is the name of the data store to which the data relates;

            '<module>' is the name of the module to which the data relates;

            '<module@revision>' is the name and revision of the module to which
            the data relates.

         A models declaration file contains a JSON-encoded list of models, with
         each model specified as an object with string values for 'module',
         'revision-date' and 'namespace' (module name, revision and namespace

         A data file contains a JSON-encoded object representing the data for a
         store, optionally scoped to a module. The format of the object is as
         per draft-ietf-netmod-yang-json.

         An import takes input from the set of locally available files, which
         are named and structured as per export.

         When importing, a models declaration file declares the models that are
         required in order to load the data files. This file is used by the
         `immediate-import` RPC in order to check that the required models are
         already loaded before any data modifications are made. If desired, this
         test may be skipped.

         When importing data to a data store, the `immediate-import` RPC may be
         instructed to first clear all existing data from that store. Data is
         then imported to the data store from file. All data modifications for a
         data store are performed in a transaction, with one transaction per
         data store. The transaction ensures that inter-module data dependencies
         within a data store are respected. Data is imported such that data from
         files with a <module> part or a <module@revision> part overrides any
         data from a base file (one which does not specify a <module> part or a
         <module@revision> part.)";

    revision "2016-09-21" {
        description "Initial revision.";

    typedef absolute-time {
        description "A type for absolute time values.";
        type yang:date-and-time {
            pattern '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}Z';
    typedef relative-time {
        description "A type for relative time values.";
        type yang:timeticks;

    typedef data-store {
            "A data store is specified as a string whose value is either a
             formally declared enum label, or another string value which may be
             supported by the implementation (but not formally declared in this
            "RFC 6020: YANG - A Data Modeling Language
             Section 4.2.3. State Data";
        type union {
            type enumeration {
                enum config {
                    value 0;
                    description "The config data store.";
                enum operational {
                    value 1;
                    description "The operational data store.";
            type string;

    typedef data-store-scope {
            "A type for communicating the scope of an operation that applies to
             a set of data stores.";
        type enumeration {
            enum none {
                value 0;
                    "No data stores are in scope for this operation.";
            enum all {
                value 1;
                    "All data stores are in scope for this operation.";
            enum data {
                value 2;
                    "Only data stores for which data is supplied are in scope
                     for this operation.";

    typedef status {
            "A type for communicating the status of the export or export task.";
        type enumeration {
            enum initial {
                value 0;
                    "An export has not been scheduled yet or a task has not yet
            enum scheduled {
                value 1;
                description "An export or import task is scheduled to run.";
            enum in-progress {
                value 2;
                description "An export or import task is in progress.";
            enum complete {
                value 3;
                description "An export or import task completed successfully.";
            enum boot-import-scheduled {
                value 4;
                description "An automatic-on-boot import will start as soon as the system is fully ready.";
            enum boot-import-in-progress {
                value 5;
                description "An automatic-on-boot import is in progress.";
            enum skipped {
                value 6;
                description "An export or task was skipped.";
            enum inconsistent {
                value -1;
                    "An export completed successfully, however a transaction was
                     executed while the export was in progress.";
            enum failed {
                value -2;
                description "An export or import task did not complete successfully.";
            enum boot-import-failed {
                value -3;
                description "An automatic-on-boot import failed.";

    typedef wildcard-star {
            "A wildcard expression used to match everything in scope.";
        type string {
            pattern '\*';

    grouping arg-result {
        leaf result {
                "A return value of true indicates that the request completed or
                 was actioned successfully: otherwise, the request failed.";
            mandatory true;
            type boolean;

    grouping arg-reason {
        leaf reason {
                "A human-readable string indicating why a request could not be
                 completed or actioned successfully.";
            type string;

    grouping operation-status {
        leaf status {
            description "A human-readable string describing the cause, if this
            task failed.";
            type status;
        uses arg-reason;

    grouping inclusions {
        list included-modules {
                "A list of module name, data store pairs to be included in an
            key "module-name data-store";
            leaf module-name {
                    "The name of the module to be included.";
                mandatory true;
                type yang:yang-identifier;
            leaf data-store {
                    "The data store to include for the corresponding module name.";
                mandatory true;
                type data-store;

    grouping exclusions {
        list excluded-modules {
                "A list of module name, data store pairs to be excluded from an

                 If any module name is specified using the wildcard string value,
                 then all modules are excluded for that data store.

                 To exclude all data stores for a specific module, specify a
                 separate list item for each data store, with each item using the
                 same module name.";
            key "module-name data-store";
            leaf module-name {
                    "The name of the module to exclude, or the wildcard string
                     value when excluding all modules.";
                mandatory true;
                type union {
                    type yang:yang-identifier;
                    type wildcard-star;
            leaf data-store {
                    "The data store to exclude for the corresponding module name.";
                mandatory true;
                type data-store;

    grouping files {
        leaf model-file {
            description "The filename of the models declaration file.";
            type string;
        leaf-list data-files {
            description "The filenames of the output data files.";
            type string;

    grouping split-by-module-options {
        leaf split-by-module {
                "In context of data export, this flag indicate if exported data
                should be split by module into separate files.";
            type boolean;
            default false;

    rpc schedule-export {
            "A request to export the system at a specific time in the future.
             The `run-at` time may be specified as either an absolute UTC
             time or a relative offset from the server clock. Attempts to
             schedule an export in the past will be rejected.

             Both `inclusions` and/or `exclusions` may be specified.
             If only `inclusions` are specified, then only those explicitly
             'whitelisted' module/store pairs are exported, and no other ones.
             If only `exclusions` are specified, then all modules are exported
             except the 'blacklisted' module/store pairs.
             If both `inclusions` and `exclusions` are specified, then a module
             is only exported if it is included (whilelisted) but not also excluded (blacklisted).

             Each file that is written will contain a JSON-encoded object that
             contains module data from the corresponding data store: module data
             is not included in the object for any module identified in the
             exclusion list. (Each file that is written will contain at least an
             empty JSON object.)";
        input {
            leaf run-at {
                    "The time, as either an absolute UTC time or a relative
                     offset from the server clock, at which to run the export.";
                mandatory true;
                type union {
                    type absolute-time;
                    type relative-time;
            leaf local-node-only {
                    "Indicates if export should be performed only on
                     the node receiving this request.";
                type boolean;
            leaf strict-data-consistency {
                    "Indicates if strict data consistency needs to be
                     maintained while exporting data. This value determines
                     how data is read from the datastore during export -
                     in one shot (true) or in smaller batches (false).";
                type boolean;
                default true;
            uses split-by-module-options;
            uses inclusions;
            uses exclusions;
        output {
            uses arg-result;
            uses arg-reason;

    rpc status-export {
            "A request to check export status.

             If `status` has the value 'initial' then an export has not been

             If `status` has the value 'scheduled' then `run-at` indicates
             the time at which the next export will run.

             If `status` has the value `in-progress` then: `run-at` indicates
             the time at which the running export was scheduled to start; and,
             `tasks` indicates activities that have been undertaken, that are
             currently being executed and that will be performed. As such,
             `tasks` serves as an indicator of activity progress and success.

             If `status` has any other value then: `run-at` indicates the
             time at which the last export was scheduled to start; and, `tasks`
             indicates the activities that were undertaken.

             If the `status` for any node in `nodes` is 'failed', then the
             corresponding `reason` may be used to communicate any identified
        output {
            uses operation-status;
            leaf run-at {
                description "The export time in absolute UTC time.";
                type absolute-time;
            list nodes {
                description "A list of nodes and their status.";
                key "node-name";
                leaf node-name {
                    description "The name of the node.";
                    mandatory true;
                    type string;
                leaf last-change {
                    description "Timestamp in absolute UTC time when export status was last changed.";
                    type absolute-time;
                uses operation-status;
                uses files;

    rpc cancel-export {
            "A request to cancel export.

             To cancel the export the server stops any running tasks (where
             possible, immediately), clears any scheduled export time value and
             releases associated resources.

             This RPC may be called at any time, whether there is an export in
             progress, scheduled or not yet scheduled. The returned result is
             true when the server has successfully cleared tasks, state and
             resources: false on failure to do so. (Note that if there is no
             export scheduled or running, then there is nothing for the server
             to clear. Therefore the return result is true as the server cannot
        output {
            uses arg-result;
            uses arg-reason;

    rpc immediate-import {
            "A request to import data from files already present in the file
        input {
            leaf check-models {
                    "If this flag is true then the server must read the models
                     declaration file and check that all declared models are
                     loaded before performing any data modifications. If the
                     application cannot read the models declaration file, the
                     file has bad content, or any declared model is not loaded,
                     then no data modifications are performed and a result of
                     false is returned.

                     If this flag is false then this check is skipped. (If a
                     models declaration file is present it is ignored.)";
                type boolean;
                default true;
            leaf clear-stores {
                    "This flag allows for the existing data in data stores to be
                     deleted before restoring data from data files. When this
                     flag's value is 'all', all data in all stores is deleted.
                     When this flag's value is 'data', all data in the stores
                     for which data files are supplied is deleted. When this
                     flag's value is 'none', then no data is deleted.";
                type data-store-scope;
                default all;
            leaf strict-data-consistency {
                    "Indicates if strict data consistency needs to be
                     maintained while importing data. This value determines
                     how data is written to the datastore during import -
                     in one shot (true) or in smaller batches (false).";
                type boolean;
                default true;
            leaf file-name-filter {
                    "This pattern can be used to filter import data files.
                     Value must be valid regular expression.
                     When this pattern is not specified or it is empty string
                     then all files matching daexim naming format are accepted
                     for import. Otherwise files are accepted for import only
                     if they match this regular expression (path is not taken
                     into account, only file name).";
                type string;
            container import-batching {
                    "Parameters used for batching of imported data. They are
                     used only when value of `strict-data-consistency` is false.
                     Batching is performed by traversing the data tree till depth
                     of `max-traversal-depth` is reached or list of size greater
                     than `list-batch-size` is found, whichever is earlier. If
                     list of size greater than `list-batch-size` is found, it is
                     imported by breaking it down into batches not exceeding size
                     `list-batch-size`. Further traversal of the subtree for
                     that list is not performed.";
                leaf max-traversal-depth {
                        "Maximum depth to traverse in the data tree for batching.";
                    type uint16;
                    default 2;
                leaf list-batch-size {
                        "Maximum number of list entries that can be written in one go.";
                    type uint32;
                    default 2000;
        output {
            uses arg-result;
            uses arg-reason;

    rpc status-import {
            "A request to check last import status.

             If `status` has the value 'initial' then a import has not taken

             For all other values of status `imported-at` indicates
             the time at which the restore has taken place.

             List `nodes` holds status about restore operation on per-node basis.
        output {
            uses operation-status;
            list nodes {
                description "A list of nodes and their status.";
                key "node-name";
                leaf node-name {
                    description "The name of the node.";
                    mandatory true;
                    type string;
                leaf imported-at {
                    description "The restore time in absolute UTC time.";
                    type absolute-time;
                leaf last-change {
                    description "Timestamp in absolute UTC time when import status was last changed.";
                    type absolute-time;
                uses operation-status;
                uses files;