module odl-mappingservice { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:lfm:mappingservice"; prefix "mappingservice"; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; revision-date 2013-07-15; } import yang-ext { prefix ext; revision-date 2013-07-09; } import odl-lisp-proto { prefix lisp-proto; revision-date 2015-11-05; } contact "Lorand Jakab <"; description "An MD-SAL based implementation of a LISP Map-Server database"; revision "2015-09-06" { description "Renamed and moved module to mappingservice.api."; } typedef mapping-origin { description "The originating entity of an EID-to-RLOC mapping"; type enumeration { enum northbound; enum southbound; } } typedef vni-uri { description "VNI as a string lookup key in a URI"; type inet:uri; } typedef eid-uri { description "EID as a string lookup key in a URI"; type inet:uri; } typedef xtr-id-uri { description "xTR-ID as a string lookup key in a URI"; type inet:uri; } typedef mapping-change { description "Type of mapping update"; type enumeration { enum created; enum updated; enum removed; } } identity vni-context { description "A classifier for virtual-network-identifier elements which allows direct access to a particular element in the data tree."; } identity eid-context { description "A classifier for endpoint-id elements which allows direct access to a particular element in the data tree."; } identity xtrid-context { description "A classifier for xtr-id elements which allows direct access to a particular element in the data tree."; } grouping mapping-authkey-list { list mapping-authkey-item { key "mapping-authkey-item-id"; leaf mapping-authkey-item-id { type string; } uses lisp-proto:mapping-authkey-container; } } grouping eid-authkey-list { list eid-authkey-item { key "eid-authkey-item-id"; leaf eid-authkey-item-id { type string; } uses lisp-proto:eid-container; uses lisp-proto:mapping-authkey-container; } } grouping db-instance { description "Describes the mappings belonging to the same Virtual Network Identifier"; leaf vni { description "The 24-bit Virtual Network Identifier"; type vni-uri; } list mapping { description "A list of EID-to-RLOC mappings within the same Instance ID"; key "eid-uri origin"; ext:context-instance "eid-context"; leaf eid-uri { type eid-uri; } leaf origin { description "Mapping origin"; type mapping-origin; } leaf-list site-id { description "Site ID"; type lisp-proto:site-id; } uses lisp-proto:mapping-record-container; list xtr-id-mapping { description "A list of xTR-IDs with their associated mappings"; config false; key "xtr-id-uri"; ext:context-instance "xtrid-context"; leaf xtr-id-uri { type xtr-id-uri; } uses lisp-proto:mapping-record-container; } } list authentication-key { description "A list of authentication keys for EID prefixes within the same Virtual Network Identifier"; key "eid-uri"; ext:context-instance "eid-context"; leaf eid-uri { type eid-uri; } uses lisp-proto:eid-container; uses lisp-proto:mapping-authkey-container; } } container mapping-database { description "The LISP EID-to-RLOC mapping database"; list virtual-network-identifier { description "A list of Virtual Network Identifiers"; key "vni"; ext:context-instance "vni-context"; uses db-instance; } container last-updated { config false; leaf last-updated { description "Last database update timestamp (in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT)"; type int64; } } } rpc add-key { input { uses lisp-proto:eid-container; uses lisp-proto:mapping-authkey-container; } } rpc get-key { input { uses lisp-proto:eid-container; } output { uses lisp-proto:mapping-authkey-container; } } rpc update-key { input { uses lisp-proto:eid-container; uses lisp-proto:mapping-authkey-container; } } rpc remove-key { input { uses lisp-proto:eid-container; } } rpc add-mapping { input { uses lisp-proto:mapping-record-container; } } rpc get-mapping { input { uses lisp-proto:eid-container; } output { uses lisp-proto:mapping-record-container; } } rpc get-mapping-with-xtr-id { input { uses lisp-proto:eid-container; leaf xtr-id { type lisp-proto:xtr-id; } } output { uses lisp-proto:mapping-record-container; } } rpc update-mapping { input { uses lisp-proto:mapping-record-container; } } rpc remove-mapping { input { uses lisp-proto:eid-container; } } rpc add-keys { input { uses eid-authkey-list; } } rpc get-keys { input { uses lisp-proto:eid-list; } output { uses eid-authkey-list; } } rpc update-keys { input { uses eid-authkey-list; } } rpc remove-keys { input { uses lisp-proto:eid-list; } } rpc add-mappings { input { uses lisp-proto:mapping-record-list; } } rpc get-mappings { input { uses lisp-proto:eid-list; } output { uses lisp-proto:mapping-record-list; } } rpc update-mappings { input { uses lisp-proto:mapping-record-list; } } rpc remove-mappings { input { uses lisp-proto:eid-list; } } rpc get-all-keys { output { uses eid-authkey-list; } } rpc get-all-mappings { output { uses lisp-proto:mapping-record-list; } } rpc remove-all-keys { } rpc remove-all-mappings { } rpc remove-all-operational-content { } notification mapping-changed { description "Notification sent when a mapping is changed"; leaf change-type { description "The type of change"; type mapping-change; } uses lisp-proto:mapping-record-container; uses lisp-proto:eid-container; list subscriber-item { description "The list of subscribers to be notified of this change."; uses lisp-proto:subscriber-data-grouping; } list dst-subscriber-item { description "For Src/Dst EIDs, The list of the Dst subscribers to be notified of this change."; uses lisp-proto:subscriber-data-grouping; } } }