module odl-lisp-proto { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:lfm:lisp-proto"; prefix "lisp-proto"; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; revision-date 2013-07-15; } import odl-inet-binary-types { prefix inet-bin; revision-date 2016-03-03; } import odl-lisp-address-types { prefix odl-lisp-address; revision-date 2016-05-04; } organization "LISP Flow Mapping"; contact "David Goldberg <> Vina Ermagan <>"; description "YANG representation of LISP (RFC6830) protocol."; revision "2015-11-05" { description "Renamed the module to lisp-proto."; reference ""; } typedef xtr-id { type binary { length "16"; } description "128 bit xTR identifier."; } typedef site-id { type binary { length "8"; } description "64 bit site identifier."; } grouping transport-address { container transport-address { leaf ipAddress { type inet-bin:ip-address-binary; reference ""; } leaf port { type inet:port-number; } } } grouping mapping-authkey-container { container mapping-authkey { leaf key-string { type string; } leaf key-type { type uint16; } } } grouping eid-container { container eid { uses odl-lisp-address:augmented-lisp-address; } } grouping rloc-container { container rloc { uses odl-lisp-address:augmented-lisp-address; } } grouping eid-list { list eid-item { key "eid-item-id"; ordered-by user; leaf eid-item-id { type string; } uses eid-container; } } grouping LocatorRecords { list LocatorRecord { key "locator-id"; ordered-by user; leaf locator-id { type string; } leaf priority { type uint8; } leaf weight { type uint8; } leaf multicastPriority { type uint8; } leaf multicastWeight { type uint8; } leaf localLocator { type boolean; } leaf rlocProbed { type boolean; } leaf routed { type boolean; } //locator address uses rloc-container; } } grouping map-request-metadata { leaf source-rloc { type inet-bin:ip-address-binary; description "The Source IP address used for sending the enclosing control packet in RLOC space."; } description "This is a collection of fields which are not present in the actual mapping record defined in RFC 6830, but are used internally in OpenDaylight"; } grouping mapping-record-metadata { leaf xtr-id { type xtr-id; description "128 bit xTR identifier."; } leaf site-id { type site-id; description "64 bit site identifier."; } leaf source-rloc { type inet-bin:ip-address-binary; description "The Source IP address used for sending the enclosing control packet in RLOC space."; } leaf timestamp { type int64; description "Milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT"; } description "This is a collection of fields which are not present in the actual mapping record defined in RFC 6830, but are used internally in OpenDaylight"; } grouping mapping-record-container { container mapping-record { leaf recordTtl { type int32; description "A mapping record's time to live in Minute(s)"; } leaf mapVersion { type int16; } leaf action { type enumeration { enum NoAction; enum NativelyForward; enum SendMapRequest; enum Drop; } } leaf authoritative { type boolean; } // EID prefix uses eid-container; // locator record list uses LocatorRecords; // metadata uses mapping-record-metadata; } } grouping mapping-record-list { list mapping-record-item { key "mapping-record-item-id"; ordered-by user; leaf mapping-record-item-id { type string; } uses mapping-record-container; } } grouping xtrSiteId { leaf xtrId { type xtr-id; } leaf siteId { type site-id; } } grouping MapRegister { reference " ,"; leaf proxyMapReply { type boolean; } leaf xtrSiteIdPresent { type boolean; } leaf wantMapNotify { type boolean; } leaf nonce { type int64; } leaf keyId { type int16; } leaf authenticationData { type binary; } leaf mergeEnabled { type boolean; } uses mapping-record-list; uses xtrSiteId; } grouping MapNotify { reference " ,"; leaf xtrSiteIdPresent { type boolean; } leaf nonce { type int64; } leaf keyId { type int16; } leaf authenticationData { type binary; } leaf mergeEnabled { type boolean; } uses mapping-record-list; uses xtrSiteId; } grouping MapRequest { reference ""; leaf authoritative { type boolean; } leaf mapDataPresent { type boolean; } leaf probe { type boolean; } leaf smr { type boolean; } leaf pitr { type boolean; } leaf smrInvoked { type boolean; } leaf nonce { type int64; } container SourceEid { uses eid-container; } list itrRloc { key "itr-rloc-id"; ordered-by user; leaf itr-rloc-id { type string; } uses rloc-container; } uses eid-list; container MapReply { uses mapping-record-container; } uses map-request-metadata; } grouping MapReply { reference ""; leaf probe { type boolean; } leaf nonce { type int64; } leaf echoNonceEnabled { type boolean; } leaf securityEnabled { type boolean; } uses mapping-record-list; } grouping map-register-cache-key-container { container map-register-cache-key { leaf eid-prefix { type binary; description "The EID prefix stored as binary data"; } leaf xtr-id { type binary; description "128 bit xTR identifier."; } leaf site-id { type binary; description "64 bit site identifier."; } description "The lookup key in the Map-Register fast path."; } } grouping map-register-cache-metadata-container { container map-register-cache-metadata { list eid-lisp-address { key "eid-lisp-address-id"; leaf eid-lisp-address-id { type string; } uses eid-container; description "List of EID-Prefixes from Map-Register message."; } leaf xtr-id { type xtr-id; description "128 bit xTR identifier."; } leaf site-id { type site-id; description "64 bit site identifier."; } leaf timestamp { type int64; description "Milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT"; } leaf want-map-notify { type boolean; description "xTR askes for Map-Register acknowledgement in form of a Map-Notify control message."; } leaf merge-enabled { type boolean; description "Value of 22th bit in map register message."; } description "The Map-Register cache metadata is information for a mapping database about mapping update event, without the full Map-Register packet data. The metadata and the packet data together will form the Map-Register cache value."; } } grouping map-register-cache-value-grouping { container map-register-cache-value { uses map-register-cache-metadata-container; uses mapping-authkey-container; leaf packet-data { type binary; description "Map-Register packet contents"; } } } grouping subscriber-data-grouping { container subscriber-data { description "A network element which subscribed to notifications about mapping changes."; uses rloc-container; uses eid-container; leaf ttl { type int32; description "The time to live for the subscriber entry in minutes"; } } } typedef message-type { type enumeration { enum reserved { value 0; description "Reserved"; } enum map-request { value 1; description "Map-Request control packet"; } enum map-reply { value 2; description "Map-Reply control packet"; } enum map-register { value 3; description "Map-Register control packet"; } enum map-notify { value 4; description "Map-Notify control packet"; } enum map-referral { value 6; description "Map-Referral control packet"; } enum info { value 7; description "Info control packet"; } enum encapsulated-control-message { value 8; description "Encapsulated control packet"; } } description "Defines the LISP control message types"; reference ""; } grouping MapRegisterMessage { container MapRegister { uses MapRegister; } uses transport-address; } grouping MapRegisterNotification { container MapRegister { uses MapRegister; } uses transport-address; } grouping MapNotifyMessage { container MapNotify { uses MapNotify; } uses transport-address; } grouping MapNotifyNotification { container MapNotify { uses MapNotify; } uses transport-address; } grouping MapRequestMessage { container MapRequest { uses MapRequest; } uses transport-address; } grouping MapRequestNotification { container MapRequest { uses MapRequest; } uses transport-address; } grouping MapReplyMessage { container MapReply { uses MapReply; } uses transport-address; } grouping MapReplyNotification { container MapReply { uses MapReply; } uses transport-address; } notification addMapping { uses MapRegisterNotification; } notification gotMapNotify { uses MapNotifyNotification; } notification requestMapping { uses MapRequestNotification; } notification gotMapReply { uses MapReplyNotification; } notification xtrRequestMapping { uses MapRequestNotification; } notification xtrReplyMapping { uses MapReplyNotification; } notification mappingKeepAlive { uses map-register-cache-metadata-container; } }