module bmp-monitor { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:bmp-monitor"; prefix "bmp-mon"; import bgp-rib { prefix rib; revision-date 2018-03-29; } import bgp-multiprotocol { prefix bgp-mp; revision-date 2018-03-29; } import bmp-message { prefix bmp-msg; revision-date 2020-01-20; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; revision-date 2013-07-15; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; revision-date 2013-07-15; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Milos Fabian <>"; description "This module contains the base data model of a BMP monitor. Copyright (c)2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at"; revision 2020-01-20 { description "Update to use -no-zone-adresses"; } revision "2018-03-29" { description "Add support for add-path for all afi/safi."; } revision "2017-12-07" { description "Add support for add-path in base BGP NLRI."; } revision "2015-05-12" { description "Initial revision."; } typedef router-id { description "Monitored router identified by IP address."; type inet:ip-address-no-zone; } typedef monitor-id { description "The name of BMP monitoring station instance."; type string; } typedef status { type enumeration { enum up; enum down; } } grouping afi-safi-route-counter { list afi-safi { uses bgp-mp:bgp-table-type; key "afi safi"; leaf count { type yang:gauge64; } } } grouping peers { list peer { key "peer-id"; leaf peer-id { type rib:peer-id; } uses bmp-msg:peer; leaf router-distinguisher { type string; } container peer-session { uses bmp-msg:peer-up; leaf status { type status; } uses bmp-msg:timestamp; } container stats { leaf rejected-prefixes { type yang:counter32; } leaf duplicate-prefix-advertisements { type yang:counter32; } leaf duplicate-withdraws { type yang:counter32; } leaf invalidated-cluster-list-loop { type yang:counter32; } leaf invalidated-as-path-loop { type yang:counter32; } leaf invalidated-originator-id { type yang:counter32; } leaf invalidated-as-confed-loop { type yang:counter32; } leaf adj-ribs-in-routes { type yang:gauge64; } leaf loc-rib-routes { type yang:gauge64; } container per-afi-safi-adj-rib-in-routes { uses afi-safi-route-counter; } container per-afi-safi-loc-rib-routes { uses afi-safi-route-counter; } leaf updates-treated-as-withdraw { type yang:counter32; } leaf prefixes-treated-as-withdraw { type yang:counter32; } leaf duplicate-updates { type yang:counter32; } uses bmp-msg:timestamp; } container pre-policy-rib { uses rib:rib; } container post-policy-rib { uses rib:rib; } container mirrors { leaf information { type bmp-msg:mirror-information-code; } uses bmp-msg:timestamp; } } } grouping routers { list router { key "router-id"; leaf name { type string; } leaf description { type string; } leaf info { type string; } leaf router-id { type router-id; } leaf status { type status; } uses peers; } } container bmp-monitor { list monitor { config false; key "monitor-id"; leaf monitor-id { type monitor-id; } uses routers; } } }