module bmp-message {
    yang-version 1;
    namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:bmp-message";
    prefix "bmp-msg";

    import bgp-message { prefix bgp-msg; revision-date 2020-01-20; }
    import bgp-multiprotocol { prefix bgp-mp; revision-date 2018-03-29; }
    import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; revision-date 2013-07-15; }
    import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; revision-date 2013-07-15; }
    import bgp-types { prefix bgp-t; revision-date 2020-01-20; }

    organization "Cisco Systems, Inc.";
    contact "Milos Fabian <>";

        "This module contains the base data model of a BMP messages.
        It rolls up the definitions contained in RFC7854.

        Copyright (c)2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

        This program and the accompanying materials are made available
        under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
        accompanies this distribution, and is available at";


    revision 2020-01-20 {
        description "Update to use -no-zone-adresses";

    revision "2018-03-29" {
        description "Add support for add-path for all afi/safi.";

    revision "2017-12-07" {
        description "Add support for add-path in base BGP NLRI.";

    revision "2015-05-12" {
            "Initial revision.";

    typedef reason {
        type enumeration {
            enum administratively-closed {
                value 0;
                    "Session administratively closed.";
            enum unspecified {
                value 1;
                    "Unspecified reason.";
            enum out-of-resources {
                value 2;
                    "Out of resources. The router has exhausted
                     resources available for the BMP session.";
            enum redundant-connection {
                value 3;
                    "Redundant connection. The router has determined
                     that this connection is redundant with another one.";
            enum permanently-closed {
                value 4;
                    "Session permanently administratively closed,
                     will not be re-initiated.  Monitoring station should reduce
                     (potentially to 0) the rate at which it attempts
                     reconnection to the monitored router.";

    typedef adj-rib-in-type {
        type enumeration {
            enum pre-policy {
                value 0;
            enum post-policy {
                value 1;
            "If set to 1, indicates that the message reflects
             the post-policy Adj-RIB-In (i.e., it reflects the application
             of inbound policy).  It is set to 0 if the message reflects the
             pre-policy Adj-RIB-In.";

    typedef peer-type {
        type enumeration {
            enum global {
                value 0;
                description "Global Instance Peer.";
            enum l3vpn {
                value 1;
                description "RD Instance Peer.";
            enum local {
                value 2;
                description "Local Instance Peer";

    typedef mirror-information-code {
        type enumeration {
            enum errored-pdu {
                value 0;
            enum message-lost {
                value 1;

    grouping tlv {
            "Common marker for all BMP TLVs.";

    grouping string-tlv {
        container string-tlv {
            uses tlv;
            leaf string-info {
                type string;
                "Type = 0: String. The Information field contains a free-form
                 UTF-8 string whose length is given by the Information Length
                 field. Inclusion of this TLV is optional.
                 Multiple String TLVs MAY be included in the message.";

    grouping description-tlv {
        container description-tlv {
            uses tlv;
            leaf description {
                type string;
                mandatory true;
                "Type = 1: sysDescr. The Information field contains an ASCII
                 string whose value MUST be set to be equal to the value of the
                 sysDescr MIB-II [RFC1213] object.  Inclusion of this TLV is

    grouping name-tlv {
        container name-tlv {
            uses tlv;
            leaf name {
                type string;
                mandatory true;
                "Type = 2: sysName. The Information field contains a ASCII
                 string whose value MUST be set to be equal to the value of the
                 sysName MIB-II [RFC1213] object.  Inclusion of this TLV is

    grouping string-informations {
        list string-information {
            uses string-tlv;

    grouping initiation-tlvs {
        uses string-informations;
        uses description-tlv;
        uses name-tlv;
            "TLVs containing information about the monitored router";

    grouping reason-tlv {
        container reason-tlv {
            uses tlv;
            leaf reason {
                type reason;
                mandatory true;
                "Type = 1: Reason. The Information field contains a two-byte
                 code indicating the reason the connection was terminated.  Some
                 reasons may have further TLVs associated with them.  Inclusion
                 of this TLV is not optional.";

    grouping termination-tlvs {
        uses string-informations;
        uses reason-tlv;
            "TLVs containing information about the reason for the

    grouping mirror-information-tlv {
        container mirror-information-tlv {
            uses tlv;
            leaf code {
                type mirror-information-code;
                "Type = 1: Information. A two-byte code that provides information
                 about the mirrored message or message stream.";

    grouping mirror-pdu-tlvs {
       container pdu-update-tlv {
           uses tlv;
           uses bgp-msg:update-message;
       container pdu-open-tlv {
           uses tlv;
           uses bgp-msg:open-message;
           "BGP Message.  A BGP PDU.  This PDU may or may not be an
           Update message.  If the BGP Message TLV occurs in the Route
           Mirroring message, it MUST occur last in the list of TLVs.";

    grouping mirror-tlvs {
        uses mirror-information-tlv;
        uses mirror-pdu-tlvs;

    grouping mirror {
        container tlvs {
            uses mirror-tlvs;

    grouping count-tlv {
        uses tlv;
        leaf count {
            type yang:counter32;

    grouping gauge-tlv {
        uses tlv;
        leaf count {
            type yang:gauge64;

    grouping afi-safi-gauge-tlv {
        uses tlv;
        uses bgp-mp:bgp-table-type;
        leaf count {
            type yang:gauge64;

    grouping stat-tlvs {
        container rejected-prefixes-tlv {
            uses count-tlv;
                "Stat Type = 0: (32-bit Counter) Number of prefixes rejected by
                 inbound policy.";
        container duplicate-prefix-advertisements-tlv {
            uses count-tlv;
                "Stat Type = 1: (32-bit Counter) Number of (known) duplicate prefix
        container duplicate-withdraws-tlv {
            uses count-tlv;
                "Stat Type = 2: (32-bit Counter) Number of (known) duplicate
        container invalidated-cluster-list-loop-tlv {
            uses count-tlv;
                "Stat Type = 3: (32-bit Counter) Number of updates invalidated due
                 to CLUSTER_LIST loop.";
        container invalidated-as-path-loop-tlv {
            uses count-tlv;
                "Stat Type = 4: (32-bit Counter) Number of updates invalidated due
                 to AS_PATH loop.";
        container invalidated-originator-id-tlv {
            uses count-tlv;
                "Stat Type = 5: (32-bit Counter) Number of updates invalidated due
                 to ORIGINATOR_ID.";
        container invalidated-as-confed-loop-tlv {
            uses count-tlv;
                "Stat Type = 6: (32-bit Counter) Number of updates invalidated due
                 to AS_CONFED loop.";
        container adj-ribs-in-routes-tlv {
            uses gauge-tlv;
                "Stat Type = 7: (64-bit Gauge) Number of routes in Adj-RIBs-In.";
        container loc-rib-routes-tlv {
            uses gauge-tlv;
                "Stat Type = 8: (64-bit Gauge) Number of routes in Loc-RIB.";
            "Each counter is encoded as a TLV.";
        container per-afi-safi-adj-rib-in-tlv {
            uses afi-safi-gauge-tlv;
                "Stat Type = 9: Number of routes in per-AFI/SAFI Adj-RIB-In.  The
                 value is structured as: AFI (2 bytes), SAFI (1 byte), followed by
                 a 64-bit Gauge.";
        container per-afi-safi-loc-rib-tlv {
            uses afi-safi-gauge-tlv;
                "Stat Type = 10: Number of routes in per-AFI/SAFI Loc-RIB.  The
                value is structured as: AFI (2 bytes), SAFI (1 byte), followed by
                a 64-bit Gauge.";
        container updates-treated-as-withdraw-tlv {
            uses count-tlv;
                "Stat Type = 11: (32-bit Counter) Number of updates subjected to
                treat-as-withdraw treatment. ";
        container prefixes-treated-as-withdraw-tlv {
            uses count-tlv;
                "Stat Type = 12: (32-bit Counter) Number of prefixes subjected to
                treat-as-withdraw treatment. ";
        container duplicate-updates-tlv {
            uses count-tlv;
            "Stat Type = 13: (32-bit Counter) Number of duplicate update
            messages received. ";

    grouping timestamp {
        leaf timestamp-sec {
            type yang:timestamp;
            default 0;
                "Timestamp with seconds precision.";
        leaf timestamp-micro {
            type yang:timestamp;
            default 0;
                "Timestamp with microseconds precision.";
            "The time when the encapsulated routes were received
             (one may also think of this as the time when they were installed
             in the Adj-RIB-In), expressed in seconds and microseconds since
             midnight (zero hour), January 1, 1970 (UTC).  If zero, the time is
             unavailable.  Precision of the timestamp is implementation-

    grouping peer {
        leaf type {
            type peer-type;
            mandatory true;
        leaf peer-distinguisher {
            type union {
                type bgp-t:route-distinguisher;
                type binary {
                    length 8;
                "This field is present to distinguish peers that
                 belong to one address domain from the other.";
        leaf address {
            type inet:ip-address-no-zone;
            mandatory true;
                "The remote IP address associated with the TCP
                 session over which the encapsulated PDU was received.  It is 4
                 bytes long if an IPv4 address is carried in this field (with most
                 significant bytes zero filled) and 16 bytes long if an IPv6
                 address is carried in this field.";
        leaf as {
            type inet:as-number;
            mandatory true;
                "The Autonomous System number of the peer from which the
                 encapsulated PDU was received.  If a 16 bit AS number is stored in
                 this field [RFC4893], it should be padded with zeroes in the most
                 significant bits.";
        leaf bgp-id {
            type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone;
            mandatory true;
                "The BGP Identifier of the peer from which the
                 encapsulated PDU was received.";

    grouping peer-header {
        container peer-header {
            uses peer;
            uses timestamp;
            leaf adj-rib-in-type {
                type adj-rib-in-type;
                mandatory true;
            leaf ipv4 {
                type boolean;
                mandatory true;
                    "Indicates if peer's address is IPv4. If set to false address is IPv6.";
            "The per-peer header follows the common header for most BMP messages.
              The rest of the data in a BMP message is dependent on the Message
              Type field in the common header.";

    grouping stat {
        container tlvs {
            uses stat-tlvs;

    grouping open-msg {
        uses bgp-msg:open-message {
            augment "bgp-parameters/optional-capabilities/c-parameters" {
                uses bgp-mp:mp-capabilities;

    grouping peer-up {
        leaf local-address {
            type inet:ip-address-no-zone;
            mandatory true;
                "The local IP address associated with the peering
                 TCP session.";
        leaf local-port {
            type inet:port-number;
            mandatory true;
                "The local port number associated with the peering TCP
        leaf remote-port {
            type inet:port-number;
            mandatory true;
                "The remote port number associated with the peering
                 TCP session.";
        container sent-open {
            uses open-msg;
                "The full OPEN message transmitted by the
                 monitored router to its peer.";
        container received-open {
            uses open-msg;
                "The full OPEN message received by the
                 monitored router from its peer.";
        container information {
            uses string-informations;

    grouping peer-down {
        leaf local-system-closed {
            type boolean;
            mandatory true;
                "If set true, the local system closed the session.
                 Otherwise the remote system closed the session.";
        choice data {
            container notification {
                uses bgp-msg:notify-message;
                    "BGP PDU containing the BGP
                     NOTIFICATION message as received from the peer.";
            leaf fsm-event-code {
                type uint16;
                default 0;
                    "Containing the code corresponding to the FSM Event which caused
                     the system to close the session.
                     Two bytes both set to zero are used to indicate that no relevant
                     Event code is defined.";

    grouping initiation {
        container tlvs {
            uses initiation-tlvs;

    grouping termination {
        container tlvs {
            uses termination-tlvs;

    notification initiation-message {
        uses initiation;
            "The initiation message provides a means for the monitored router to
             inform the monitoring station of its vendor, software version, and so on.";

    notification termination-message {
        uses termination;
            "The termination message provides a way for a monitored router to
             indicate why it is terminating a session.";

    notification route-monitoring-message {
        uses peer-header;
        container update {
            uses bgp-msg:update-message;
            "Route Monitoring messages are used for initial synchronization of
             ADJ-RIBs-In.  They are also used for ongoing monitoring of received
             advertisements and withdraws.";

    notification route-mirroring-message {
        uses peer-header;
        uses mirror;
            "Route Mirroring messages are used for verbatim duplication of
             messages as received.";

    notification stats-reports-message {
        uses peer-header;
        uses stat;
            "These messages contain information that could be used by the
             monitoring station to observe interesting events that occur on the

    notification peer-down-notification {
        uses peer-header;
        uses peer-down;
            "This message is used to indicate that a peering session was

    notification peer-up-notification {
        uses peer-header;
        uses peer-up;
            "The Peer Up message is used to indicate that a peering session has
             come up (i.e., has transitioned into ESTABLISHED state).";