module flow-node-inventory { namespace "urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory"; prefix flownode; import odl-codegen-extensions { prefix oce; } import ietf-inet-types {prefix inet; revision-date "2013-07-15";} import ietf-yang-types {prefix yang; revision-date "2013-07-15";} import opendaylight-port-types {prefix port;revision-date "2013-09-25";} import opendaylight-inventory {prefix inv;revision-date "2013-08-19";} import opendaylight-table-types {prefix table;revision-date "2013-10-26";} import opendaylight-flow-types {prefix flow;revision-date "2013-10-26";} import opendaylight-group-types {prefix group;revision-date "2013-10-18";} import opendaylight-meter-types {prefix meter;revision-date "2013-09-18";} import opendaylight-multipart-types { prefix multipart; revision-date "2017-01-12"; } description "Flow Capable Node extensions to the Inventory model"; revision "2013-08-19" { description "added descriptions"; } identity feature-capability { } identity flow-feature-capability-flow-stats { description "Flow statistics"; base feature-capability; } identity flow-feature-capability-table-stats { description "Table statistics"; base feature-capability; } identity flow-feature-capability-port-stats { description "Port statistics"; base feature-capability; } identity flow-feature-capability-stp { description "802.1d spanning tree"; base feature-capability; } identity flow-feature-capability-reserved { description "Reserved, must be zero"; base feature-capability; } identity flow-feature-capability-ip-reasm { description "Can reassemble IP fragments"; base feature-capability; } identity flow-feature-capability-queue-stats { description "Queue statistics"; base feature-capability; } identity flow-feature-capability-arp-match-ip { description "Match IP addresses in ARP pkts"; base feature-capability; } identity flow-feature-capability-group-stats { description "Group statistics"; base feature-capability; } identity flow-feature-capability-port-blocked { description "Switch will block looping ports"; base feature-capability; } grouping feature { description "Features supported by openflow device."; leaf support-state { type inv:support-type; } } grouping queue { leaf queue-id { type uint32; description "id for the specific queue"; mandatory true; } container properties { leaf minimum-rate { type uint32; } leaf maximum-rate{ type uint32; } } } typedef flow-id { description "MD-SAL identifier of openflow flow. "; type inet:uri; } grouping tables { description "Openflow table structure. Here flows are contained."; list table { key "id"; leaf id { type uint8; } list flow { key "id"; leaf id { type flow-id; } uses flow:flow; } // BE-RECON: Modification for including stale-flow for Reconciliation list stale-flow { key "id"; leaf id { type flow-id; } uses flow:flow; } } } grouping meters { description "Openflow meter list."; list meter { key "meter-id"; uses meter:meter; } // BE-RECON: Modification for including stale-flow for Reconciliation list stale-meter { key "meter-id"; uses meter:meter; } } grouping ip-address-grouping { description "Additional ip address info referring to device interface which connects to controller"; leaf ip-address { description "IP address of a flow capable node."; type inet:ip-address; } } grouping port-number-grouping { leaf port-number { description "Port number of a flow capable node."; type inet:port-number; } } grouping desc { leaf manufacturer { type string; } leaf hardware { type string; } leaf software { type string; } leaf serial-number { type string; } leaf description { type string; } } grouping flow-node { description "Openflow node structure = device"; uses desc; uses tables; uses table:table-features; uses group:groups; uses meters; uses ip-address-grouping; uses port-number-grouping; container supported-match-types { list match-type { key "match"; uses feature; leaf match { type string; // FIXME: Add identity } } } container supported-instructions { list instruction-type { key "instruction"; uses feature; leaf instruction { type string; // FIXME: Add identity } } } container supported-actions { list action-type { key "action"; uses feature; leaf action { type string; // FIXME: Add identity } } } container switch-features { leaf max_buffers { type uint32; } leaf max_tables { type uint8; } leaf-list capabilities { type identityref { base feature-capability; } } } } grouping flow-node-connector { description "Wrapper of openflow port. TODO::simplify/rename"; leaf reason { type port:port-reason; } uses port:flow-capable-port; } grouping snapshot-gathering-status-grouping { description "Basic info about snapshot gathering - timestamps of begin, end."; container snapshot-gathering-status-start { description "gathering start mark"; leaf begin { type yang:date-and-time; } } container snapshot-gathering-status-end { description "gathering end mark + result"; leaf end { type yang:date-and-time; } leaf succeeded { type boolean; } } } augment "/inv:nodes/inv:node" { oce:augment-identifier "flow-capable-node"; description "Top attach point of openflow node into node inventory tree."; uses flow-node; } augment "/inv:nodes/inv:node/inv:node-connector" { oce:augment-identifier "flow-capable-node-connector"; description "Openflow port into inventory tree."; uses flow-node-connector; } augment "/inv:node-updated" { oce:augment-identifier "flow-capable-node-updated"; description "Openflow node into node notification."; uses flow-node; } augment "/inv:node-updated/inv:node-connector" { // FIXME: oce:identical-augment "flow-capable-node-connector"; oce:augment-identifier "flow-capable-node-connector-update-fields"; description "Openflow port into node notification."; uses flow-node-connector; } augment "/inv:node-connector-updated" { oce:augment-identifier "flow-capable-node-connector-updated"; description "Openflow port into node-connector notification."; uses flow-node-connector; } augment "/inv:nodes/inv:node/table" { oce:augment-identifier "flow-hash-id-mapping"; description "Flow is identified by match and priority on device. So Operational/DS has to simulate that behavior and contract between FlowId and match+priority identification should represent Flow hashCode. Flow has to contain only match priority and flowCookie for create a hashCode"; list flow-hash-id-map { key "hash"; leaf hash { type string; } leaf flow-id { type flow-id; } } } augment "/inv:nodes/inv:node" { oce:augment-identifier "flow-capable-statistics-gathering-status"; description "Placeholder for timestamp of device status snapshot. This is contructed by asynchronous process."; uses snapshot-gathering-status-grouping; } augment "/multipart:multipart-reply/multipart:multipart-reply-body" { case multipart-reply-desc { uses desc; } } augment "/multipart:multipart-request/multipart:multipart-request-body" { case multipart-request-desc { // Empty request case } } }