module hwvtep { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:ovsdb:hwvtep"; prefix "hwvtepsb"; import network-topology {prefix "topo"; revision-date "2013-10-21"; } import odl-codegen-extensions { prefix "oce"; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; revision-date 2013-07-15; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; revision-date "2013-07-15";} import opendaylight-l2-types { prefix ethertype; revision-date "2013-08-27";} revision "2015-09-01" { description "1st revision of southbound model for hwvtep"; } typedef hwvtep-physical-switch-ref { description "A reference to a hwvtep based physical switch"; type instance-identifier; } typedef hwvtep-logical-switch-ref { description "A reference to a logical switch in hwvtep based switches"; type instance-identifier; } typedef hwvtep-physical-locator-ref { description "A reference to an endpoint to which logical switch traffic may be encapsulated and forwarded"; type instance-identifier; } typedef hwvtep-global-ref { description "A reference to an hwvtep global node"; type instance-identifier; } typedef hwvtep-node-name { type string; } typedef ietf-acl-entry-ref { description "A reference to an ietf-acl-entry"; type instance-identifier; } typedef hwvtep-acl-ref { description "A reference to an acl"; type instance-identifier; } typedef hwvtep-logical-binding-stats-ref { description "A reference to a logical-binding-stats"; type instance-identifier; } grouping hwvtep-node-identification { leaf hwvtep-node-name { description "The name of the node"; type hwvtep-node-name; } leaf hwvtep-node-description { description "The description of the node"; type string; } } grouping hwvtep-mac-table-generic-attributes { leaf mac-entry-key { description "MAC address entry"; type yang:mac-address; } leaf mac-entry-uuid { description "The unique identifier of the mac-entry"; type yang:uuid; } leaf logical-switch-ref { description "The logical switch to which this mapping applies"; type hwvtep-logical-switch-ref; } } grouping hwvtep-ucast-mac-table-attributes { description "Unicast mac table attributes"; leaf ipaddr { description "Optional IP address associated with the mac"; type inet:ip-address; } leaf locator-ref { description "Reference to the physical locator to reach this entry"; type hwvtep-physical-locator-ref; } } grouping hwvtep-mcast-mac-table-attributes { description "Multicast mac table attributes"; leaf ipaddr { description "Optional IP address associated with the mac"; type inet:ip-address; } uses hwvtep-physical-locator-set-attributes; } grouping hwvtep-tunnel-attributes { leaf tunnel-uuid { description "The unique identifier of the tunnel"; type yang:uuid; } leaf local-locator-ref { description "Reference to the physical locator to reach this entry"; type hwvtep-physical-locator-ref; } leaf remote-locator-ref { description "Reference to the physical locator to reach this entry"; type hwvtep-physical-locator-ref; } list bfd-local-configs { description "Local configuation attributes for BFD"; key "bfd-local-config-key"; leaf bfd-local-config-key { description "bfd-local-config name/key"; type string; } leaf bfd-local-config-value { description "bfd-local-config value"; type string; } } list bfd-remote-configs { description "Remote configuration attributes for BFD"; key "bfd-remote-config-key"; leaf bfd-remote-config-key { description "bfd-remote-config name/key"; type string; } leaf bfd-remote-config-value { description "bfd-remote-config value"; type string; } } list bfd-params { description "Parameters to configure and enable BFD"; key "bfd-param-key"; leaf bfd-param-key { description "bfd-param name/key"; type string; } leaf bfd-param-value { description "bfd-param value"; type string; } } list bfd-status { description "runtime status of BFD on this tunnel"; config false; key "bfd-status-key"; leaf bfd-status-key { description "bfd-status name/key"; type string; } leaf bfd-status-value { description "bfd-status value"; type string; } } } grouping hwvtep-physical-switch-attributes { uses hwvtep-node-identification; leaf physical-switch-uuid { description "The unique identifier of the physical-switch"; type yang:uuid; } list management-ips { key "management-ips-key"; leaf management-ips-key { description "Management IP address of the switch"; type inet:ip-address; } } leaf managed-by { description "The hwvtep global node to which this physical switch belongs to"; type hwvtep-global-ref; } list tunnel-ips { key "tunnel-ips-key"; leaf tunnel-ips-key { description "Management IP address of the switch"; type inet:ip-address; } } list tunnels { key "local-locator-ref remote-locator-ref"; uses hwvtep-tunnel-attributes ; } list switch-fault-status { config false; key "switch-fault-status-key"; leaf switch-fault-status-key { description "switch-fault-status name/key"; type string; } leaf switch-fault-status-value { description "switch-fault-status value"; type string; } } } grouping hwvtep-connection-info-attributes { leaf remote-ip { type inet:ip-address; description "Hwvtep Connection Remote IP"; } leaf remote-port { type inet:port-number; description "Hwvtep Connection Remote Port Number"; } leaf local-ip { type inet:ip-address; description "Hwvtep Connection Local IP"; } leaf local-port { type inet:port-number; description "Hwvtep Connection Local Port Number IP"; } } grouping hwvtep-global-attributes { description "global node for the hwvtep"; container connection-info { uses hwvtep-connection-info-attributes; } leaf db-version { description "The database schema version"; type string; } list managers { description ""; key "target"; leaf target { description "Uri indicating connection method to the Manager"; type inet:uri; } leaf manager-uuid { description "The unique identifier of the manager"; type yang:uuid; } leaf is-connected { type boolean; } list manager-other-configs { description "Key-value pairs for configuring rarely used features. other_config : dscp : optional string contains an integer, in the range 0 - 63. DSCP value to be used when establishing a connection to the switch. Default value of 48 if none specified."; key "other-config-key"; leaf other-config-key { description "other-config name/key"; type string; } leaf other-config-value { description "other-config value"; type string; } } } list switches { description "List of physical switches managed by this node"; key "switch-ref"; leaf switch-ref { type hwvtep-physical-switch-ref; } } list logical-switches { key "hwvtep-node-name"; uses hwvtep-logical-switch-attributes; } list local-ucast-macs { key "mac-entry-key logical-switch-ref"; uses hwvtep-mac-table-generic-attributes; uses hwvtep-ucast-mac-table-attributes; } list remote-ucast-macs { key "mac-entry-key logical-switch-ref"; uses hwvtep-mac-table-generic-attributes; uses hwvtep-ucast-mac-table-attributes; } list local-mcast-macs { key "mac-entry-key logical-switch-ref"; uses hwvtep-mac-table-generic-attributes; uses hwvtep-mcast-mac-table-attributes; } list remote-mcast-macs{ key "mac-entry-key logical-switch-ref"; uses hwvtep-mac-table-generic-attributes; uses hwvtep-mcast-mac-table-attributes; } list logical-routers { key "hwvtep-node-name"; uses hwvtep-logical-router-attributes; } list local-arp-sources { key "src-mac"; uses hwvtep-arp-sources-attributes; } list remote-arp-sources { key "src-mac"; uses hwvtep-arp-sources-attributes; } list acls { key "acl-name"; uses hwvtep-acl-attributes; } list logical-binding-stats { config false; key "logical-binding-stats-uuid"; uses hwvtep-logical-binding-stats-attributes; } } identity encapsulation-type-base { description "Base Encapsulation type"; } identity encapsulation-type-vxlan-over-ipv4 { base encapsulation-type-base; description "Encapsulation type vxlan-over-ipv4"; } typedef encapsulation-type { type identityref { base encapsulation-type-base; } description "This type is used to refer to an Encapsulation Type."; } grouping hwvtep-physical-locator-attributes { leaf physical-locator-uuid { description "The unique identifier of the physical-locator"; type yang:uuid; } leaf encapsulation-type { type encapsulation-type; description "Encapsulation type used by this locator"; } leaf dst-ip { type inet:ip-address; description "IP address of the locator"; } } grouping hwvtep-physical-locator-set-attributes { list locator-set { leaf locator-ref { type hwvtep-physical-locator-ref; } } } grouping hwvtep-logical-switch-attributes { uses hwvtep-node-identification; leaf logical-switch-uuid { description "A unique identifier of the logical switch"; type yang:uuid; } leaf tunnel-key { description "Per Logical Switch tunnel key"; type string; } leaf replication-mode { description "Per Logical Switch replication mode"; type string; } } grouping hwvtep-physical-port-attributes { uses hwvtep-node-identification; leaf physical-port-uuid { description "The unique identifier of the physical-port"; type yang:uuid; } list vlan-bindings { description "A map of vlan ID to logical switch pairs"; key "vlan-id-key"; leaf vlan-id-key { description "vlan ids in the range 0 - 4095"; type ethertype:vlan-id; } leaf logical-switch-ref { description "Reference to logical switch for the vlan"; type hwvtep-logical-switch-ref; } } list acl-bindings { key "acl-binding-vlan-id"; leaf acl-binding-vlan-id { description "vlan ids in the range 0 - 4095"; type ethertype:vlan-id; } leaf acl-ref { description "reference to ACL to be applied to this port"; type hwvtep-acl-ref; } } list vlan-stats { key "vlan-stats-key"; leaf vlan-stats-key { description "vlan ids in the range 0 - 4095"; type ethertype:vlan-id; } leaf vlan-stats-ref { description "reference to logical binding stats for this port"; type hwvtep-logical-binding-stats-ref; } } list port-fault-status { config false; key "port-fault-status-key"; leaf port-fault-status-key { description "port-fault-status name/key"; type string; } leaf port-fault-status-value { description "port-fault-status value"; type string; } } } grouping hwvtep-logical-router-attributes { uses hwvtep-node-identification; leaf logical-router-uuid { description "A unique identifier of the logical router"; type yang:uuid; } list switch-bindings { description "A map of IPv4 or IPv6 address prefix in CIDR notation to logical switch. Multiple prefixes may map to the same switch. By writing a 32-bit (or 128-bit for v6) address with a /N prefix length, both the router's interface address and the subnet prefix can be configured. For example, creates a /24 subnet for the logical switch attached to the interface and assigns the address to the router interface."; leaf destination-address { description "IPv4 or IPv6 address prefix in CIDR notation"; type inet:ip-prefix; } leaf logical-switch-ref { description "reference to logical switch"; type hwvtep-logical-switch-ref; } } list static-routes { description "map of string-string pairs. One or more static routes, mapping IP prefixes to next hop IP addresses."; leaf destination-address { description "IPv4 or IPv6 address prefix in CIDR notation"; type inet:ip-prefix; } leaf nexthop-address { description "IP address of next hop"; type inet:ip-address; } } list acl-bindings { description "map of string-ACL pairs. Maps ACLs to logical router interfaces. The router interfaces are indicated using IP address notation, and must be the same interfaces created in the switch_binding column. For example, an ACL could be associated with the logical router interface with an address of as defined in the example above."; key "router-interface"; leaf router-interface { description "IPv4 or IPv6 address prefix in CIDR notation"; type inet:ip-prefix; } leaf acl-ref { description "reference to ACL to be applied to this router"; type hwvtep-acl-ref; } } } grouping hwvtep-arp-sources-attributes { description "AP Sources table attributes"; leaf arp-sources-uuid { description "The unique identifier of the arp-source"; type yang:uuid; } leaf src-mac { description "Source mac to be used by given tep"; type yang:mac-address; } uses hwvtep-physical-locator-attributes; } grouping hwvtep-acl-entry-attributes { description "ACL Entry attributes"; leaf sequence { description "integer. Sequence number for ACL entry"; type uint32 { range "0..max"; } } leaf acl-entry-uuid { description "The unique identifier of the acl-entry"; type yang:uuid; } leaf acl-entry-ref { type ietf-acl-entry-ref; } list acle-fault-status { config false; key "acle-fault-status-key"; leaf acle-fault-status-key { description "acle-fault-status name/key"; type string; } leaf acle-fault-status-value { description "acle-fault-status value: can be empty/None"; type string; } } } grouping hwvtep-acl-attributes { description "ACL attributes"; leaf acl-name { description "Name of the ACL"; type string; } leaf acl-uuid { description "The unique identifier of the acl"; type yang:uuid; } list acl-entries { uses hwvtep-acl-entry-attributes; } list acl-fault-status { config false; key "acl-fault-status-key"; leaf acl-fault-status-key { description "acl-fault-status name/key"; type string; } leaf acl-fault-status-value { description "acl-fault-status value: can be empty/None"; type hwvtep-acl-ref; } } } grouping hwvtep-logical-binding-stats-attributes { leaf logical-binding-stats-uuid { description "A unique identifier of the logical binding stats"; type yang:uuid; } leaf packets-from-local { description "integer"; type uint32; } leaf bytes-from-local { description "integer"; type uint32; } leaf packets-to-local { description "integer"; type uint32; } leaf bytes-to-local { description "integer"; type uint32; } } augment "/topo:network-topology/topo:topology/topo:node" { description "Augmentation for physical switch nodes managed by hwvtep"; oce:augment-identifier "physical-switch-augmentation"; uses hwvtep-physical-switch-attributes; } augment "/topo:network-topology/topo:topology/topo:node" { description "Augment topology node for a hwvtep node"; oce:augment-identifier "hwvtep-global-augmentation"; uses hwvtep-global-attributes; } augment "/topo:network-topology/topo:topology/topo:node/topo:termination-point" { description "Augment topology node termination-point for a hwvtep physical-locator"; oce:augment-identifier "hwvtep-physical-locator-augmentation"; uses hwvtep-physical-locator-attributes; } augment "/topo:network-topology/topo:topology/topo:node/topo:termination-point" { description "Augment topology node termination-point for a hwvtep physical-port"; oce:augment-identifier "hwvtep-physical-port-augmentation"; uses hwvtep-physical-port-attributes; } }