module odl-mdsal-lowlevel-target {

    yang-version 1;
    namespace ",2017:controller:yang:lowlevel:target";
    prefix llt;

    import odl-mdsal-lowlevel-common {
        revision-date "2017-02-15";
        prefix llc;

    organization "OpenDaylight";
    contact "Vratko Polak <>";
    description "Elements to test, which are not to be backed by any default implementation
        upon feature installation.
        See odl-mdsal-lowlevel-control (ll) for methods how to assign implementation in runtime.
        This is separate module from odl-mdsal-lowlevel-control to simplify binding aware
        implementation, which requires either all or no RPCs to be backed up by a single Java instance.";

    revision "2017-02-15" {
        description "Initial revision for Carbon clustering testing.";

    rpc get-constant {
        description "Return the constant string provided by the previously registered implementation.
            Propagate appropriate error if no, unreachable, or failing implementation is found.";
        // No input.
        output {
            uses llc:constant-grouping;

    rpc get-contexted-constant {
        description "Return the constant corresponding to a registered implementation (either bound or default).
            Propagate appropriate error if no, unreachable, or failing implementation is found.";
        input {
            uses llc:context-grouping;
        output {
            uses llc:constant-grouping;

    rpc get-singleton-constant {
        description "Return the constant string provided by the previously registered implementation.
            Propagate appropriate error if no, unreachable, or failing implementation is found.
            This is basically the same as get-constant, but it can have a different
            implementation registered, thus allowing to track both implementations in longevity jobs.";
        // No input.
        output {
            uses llc:constant-grouping;

    notification id-sequence {
        description "Notification where the publisher is identified by the id
            and each publish increases the sequence number.";
        uses llc:id-grouping;
        leaf sequence-number {
            description "Subscriber shall verify whether this value has increased
                since the previous notification. The first sequence number published shall be 1.
                Type is 64 bit to allow longevity tests, and signed to allow exceptional numbers.";
            mandatory true;
            type int64;

    container id-ints {
        list id-int {
            description "A list of integers nested in list of ids.
                Ids are there to avoid OptimisticLockFailures from different writers.
                Typical use of the int list is to generate data change notifications.
                Config is true, in order to allow Restconf to reset content at will.
                Expected writes should create and delete items at random, values 0 .. 2^20.";
            ordered-by system;
            config true;
            key "id";
            uses llc:id-grouping;
            list item {
                description "Unsorted keyed list item. One write should create or delete up to one item.";
                ordered-by system;
                config true;
                key "number";
                leaf number {
                    description "The integer value of this item.
                        Not range restricted, to allow more scenarios.";
                    type int32;