submodule openconfig-ospfv2-area-interface { belongs-to openconfig-ospfv2 { prefix "oc-ospfv2"; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix "yang"; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix "oc-ext"; } import openconfig-types { prefix "oc-types"; } import openconfig-interfaces { prefix "oc-if"; } import openconfig-ospf-types { prefix "oc-ospf-types"; } import openconfig-bfd { prefix "oc-bfd"; } // include common submodule include openconfig-ospfv2-common; // meta organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This submodule provides OSPFv2 configuration and operational state parameters that are specific to the area context"; oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.4.0"; revision "2022-02-10" { description "Fix spelling error in retransmission-queue-length leaf."; reference "0.4.0"; } revision "2021-07-28" { description "Add prefix to qualify when statements."; reference "0.3.1"; } revision "2021-03-17" { description "Add bfd support without augmentation."; reference "0.3.0"; } revision "2019-11-28" { description "Revert path changes in when statements in LSDB model"; reference "0.2.2"; } revision "2019-11-05" { description "Fix paths in when statements in LSDB model"; reference "0.2.1"; } revision "2019-07-09" { description "Normalise all timeticks64 to be expressed in nanoseconds."; reference "0.2.0"; } revision "2018-11-21" { description "Add OpenConfig module metadata extensions."; reference "0.1.3"; } revision "2018-06-05" { description "Bug fixes in when statements in lsdb"; reference "0.1.2"; } revision "2017-08-24" { description "Minor formatting fixes."; reference "0.1.1"; } revision "2017-02-28"{ description "Initial public release of OSPFv2"; reference "0.1.0"; } revision "2016-06-24" { description "Initial revision"; reference "0.0.1"; } grouping ospfv2-area-interface-config { description "Configuration parameters for an OSPF interface"; leaf id { type string; description "An operator-specified string utilised to uniquely reference this interface"; } leaf network-type { type identityref { base "oc-ospf-types:OSPF_NETWORK_TYPE"; } description "The type of network that OSPFv2 should use for the specified interface."; } leaf priority { type uint8; description "The local system's priority to become the designated router"; } leaf multi-area-adjacency-primary { type boolean; default true; description "When the specified interface is included in more than one area's configuration, this leaf marks whether the area should be considered the primary (when the value is true). In the case that this value is false, the area is considered a secondary area."; } leaf authentication-type { type string; // rjs TODO: discuss with bogdanov@ what the approach for auth // links should be. description "The type of authentication that should be used on this interface"; } leaf metric { type oc-ospf-types:ospf-metric; description "The metric for the interface"; } leaf passive { type boolean; description "When this leaf is set to true, the interface should be advertised within the OSPF area but OSPF adjacencies should not be established over the interface"; } leaf hide-network { type boolean; description "When this leaf is set to true, the network connected to the interface should be hidden from OSPFv2 advertisements per the procedure described in RFC6860."; reference "RFC6860 - Hiding Transit-Only Networks in OSFF"; } } grouping ospfv2-area-interface-timers-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to per-interface OSPFv2 timers"; leaf dead-interval { type uint32; units seconds; description "The number of seconds that the local system should let elapse before declaring a silent router down"; reference "RFC2328"; } leaf hello-interval { type uint32; units seconds; description "The number of seconds the local system waits between the transmission of subsequent Hello packets"; } leaf retransmission-interval { type uint32; units seconds; description "The number of seconds that the local system waits before retransmitting an unacknowledged LSA."; } } grouping ospfv2-area-interface-mpls-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to MPLS extensions for OSPF"; leaf traffic-engineering-metric { type uint32; description "A link metric that should only be considered for traffic engineering purposes."; reference "RFC3630, §2.5.5"; } } grouping ospfv2-area-interface-neighbor-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to an individual neighbor system on an interface within an OSPF area"; leaf router-id { type yang:dotted-quad; description "The router ID of the remote system."; } leaf metric { type oc-ospf-types:ospf-metric; description "The metric that should be considered to the remote neighbor over this interface. This configuration is only applicable for multiple-access networks"; } } grouping ospfv2-area-interface-neighbor-state { description "Operational state parameters relating an individual neighbor system on an interface within an OSPF area"; leaf priority { type uint8; description "The remote system's priority to become the designated router"; } leaf dead-time { type oc-types:timeticks64; description "The time at which this neighbor's adjacency will be considered dead. The value is expressed relative to the Unix Epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC)."; } leaf designated-router { type yang:dotted-quad; description "The designated router for the adjacency. This device advertises the Network LSA for broadcast and NBMA networks."; } leaf backup-designated-router { type yang:dotted-quad; description "The backup designated router for the adjacency."; } leaf optional-capabilities { // rjs TODO: should this be anything more than the hex-string // this is currently what is shown in IOS/JUNOS type yang:hex-string; description "The optional capabilities field received in the Hello message from the neighbor"; } leaf last-established-time { type oc-types:timeticks64; // rjs TODO: check implementations - is FULL considered 'up' // since the adjacency is probably up since ExStart description "The time at which the adjacency was last established with the neighbor. That is to say the time at which the adjacency last transitioned into the FULL state. The value is expressed relative to the Unix Epoch (Jan 1 1970 00:00:00 UTC)."; } leaf adjacency-state { type identityref { base "oc-ospf-types:OSPF_NEIGHBOR_STATE"; } description "The state of the adjacency with the neighbor."; } leaf state-changes { type uint32; description "The number of transitions out of the FULL state that this neighbor has been through"; } leaf retransmission-queue-length { type uint32; description "The number of LSAs that are currently in the queue to be retransmitted to the neighbor"; } } grouping ospfv2-area-interface-lsa-filter-config { description "Configuration options relating to filtering LSAs on an interface."; leaf all { type boolean; description "When this leaf is set to true, all LSAs should be filtered to the neighbours with whom adjacencies are formed on the interface."; } // NB: this container can be augmented to add additional // filtering options which exist in some implementations. } grouping ospfv2-area-interface-mpls-igp-ldp-sync-state { description "Operational state parameters relating to MPLS LDP/IGP synchronization on a per-neighbor basis"; leaf synchronized { type boolean; description "When the value of this leaf is set to true, the LDP neighbors reachable via this interface are considered to be synchronized, and hence the link is considered usable by the IGP."; } } grouping ospfv2-area-interfaces-structure { description "Structural grouping for configuration and operational state parameters that relate to an interface"; container interfaces { description "Enclosing container for a list of interfaces enabled within this area"; list interface { key "id"; description "List of interfaces which are enabled within this area"; leaf id { type leafref { path "../config/id"; } description "A pointer to the identifier for the interface."; } container config { description "Configuration parameters for the interface on which OSPFv2 is enabled"; uses ospfv2-area-interface-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters for the interface on which OSPFv2 is enabled"; uses ospfv2-area-interface-config; } uses oc-if:interface-ref; container timers { description "Timers relating to OSPFv2 on the interface"; container config { description "Configuration parameters for OSPFv2 timers on the interface"; uses ospfv2-area-interface-timers-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters for OSPFv2 timers on the interface"; uses ospfv2-area-interface-timers-config; } } container mpls { description "Configuration and operational state parameters for OSPFv2 extensions related to MPLS on the interface."; container config { description "Configuration parameters for OSPFv2 extensions relating to MPLS for the interface"; uses ospfv2-area-interface-mpls-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state for OSPFv2 extensions relating to MPLS for the interface"; uses ospfv2-area-interface-mpls-config; } container igp-ldp-sync { description "OSPFv2 parameters relating to LDP/IGP synchronization"; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to LDP/IG synchronization."; uses ospfv2-common-mpls-igp-ldp-sync-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state variables relating to LDP/IGP synchronization"; uses ospfv2-common-mpls-igp-ldp-sync-config; uses ospfv2-area-interface-mpls-igp-ldp-sync-state; } } } container lsa-filter { description "OSPFv2 parameters relating to filtering of LSAs to neighbors the specified interface."; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to filtering LSAs on the specified interface."; uses ospfv2-area-interface-lsa-filter-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to filtering LSAs on the specified interface"; uses ospfv2-area-interface-lsa-filter-config; } } container neighbors { description "Enclosing container for the list of neighbors that an adjacency has been established with on the interface"; list neighbor { key "router-id"; description "A neighbor with which an OSPFv2 adjacency has been established within this area"; leaf router-id { type leafref { path "../config/router-id"; } description "Reference to the router ID of the adjacent system"; } container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the adjacent system"; uses ospfv2-area-interface-neighbor-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters relating to the adjacent system"; uses ospfv2-area-interface-neighbor-config; uses ospfv2-area-interface-neighbor-state; } } } uses oc-bfd:bfd-enable; } } } }