module openconfig-terminal-device-properties { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix oc-opt-term-properties; import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } import openconfig-transport-types { prefix oc-opt-types; } import openconfig-terminal-device-property-types { prefix oc-opt-term-prop-types; } organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "Module to extend OpenConfig terminal device's operational modes' data. It supports operational modes for one Optical Channel, with a single OTSi. The operational mode includes key attributes such modulation format, symbol rate, nominal central frequency (NFC) tunability constraints (grid, min/max NCF), FEC gain, minimum and maximum output power of the transmitter or minimum OSNR at the receiver as well as the spectrum width of the OTSi (OTSiMC). It also includes (optional) aspects such as filter characterization, CD and DGD tolerance."; revision 2022-04-26 { description "Initial manifest fine to extend the information related to the operational modes supported by a terminal device."; reference "0.1.0"; } oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.1.0"; oc-ext:regexp-posix; oc-ext:catalog-organization "openconfig"; oc-ext:origin "openconfig-properties"; grouping penalties-list-element-attributes { description "OSNR penalties grouping, including the set of attributes which defines each element of the penalties list."; leaf parameter-and-unit { type oc-opt-term-prop-types:impairment-type; description "Impairment and unit leading to the penalty (i.e., cd-ps)"; } leaf up-to-boundary { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } description "defines the upper (for positive values) and lower (for negative values) limit for which the penalty value is valid."; } leaf penalty-value { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } units "dB"; description "OSNR penalty associated to the given values, expressed in dB."; } } grouping fec-codes-attributes { description "FEC codes attributes grouping, including the set of attributes which defines the FEC code employed on the transmission represented by the operational-mode."; leaf fec-coding { type union { type string; type oc-opt-term-prop-types:fec-coding; } description "Forward error correction (FEC) coding schema used in the transmission mode. Type union of string (for proprietary codes) and a set of standard codes encoded as identity references"; } leaf coding-overhead { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } description "Coding overhead rate in %."; } leaf coding-gain { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } units "dB"; default "0.00"; description "Net coding gain (NCG) in dB units at 10E-15 bit error rate. It may vary depending on the modulation format used in the associated transmission mode (operational-mode)."; } leaf pre-fec-ber-threshold { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 18; } units "bit-errors-per-second"; description "Threshold on the PRE-FEC-BER, for which FEC code is able to correct errors."; } } grouping filter-attributes-top { description "This grouping includes the attributes which characterises the filter at transceiver transmission for the given operational-mode."; leaf pulse-shaping-type { type union { type string; type oc-opt-term-prop-types:pulse-shaping-type; } description "Pulse/spectral shaping type such as Raised-cosine (RC), root-raised-cosine (RRC) and OFF. The attribute allows other pulse-shaping types to be encoded as strings."; } leaf roll-off { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } description "Decimal fraction between 0 and 1. Roll-off parameter (ð›½) of the TX pulse shaping filter. This assumes a raised-cosine filter"; } } grouping operational-mode-descriptor-explicit-config-constraints-state { description "Configuration value constraints for optical channels configured on the target operational mode."; leaf min-central-frequency { type oc-opt-types:frequency-type; description "The lowest configurable central frequency in MHz."; } leaf max-central-frequency { type oc-opt-types:frequency-type; description "The highest configurable central frequency in MHz."; } leaf grid-type { type oc-opt-term-prop-types:grid-type; description "Frequency ITU-T G.694.1 (10/2020) grid specification attribute."; } leaf adjustment-granularity { type oc-opt-term-prop-types:adjustment-granularity; description "Adjustment granularity in Gigahertz. As per ITU-T G.694.1 (10/2020), it is used to calculate nominal central frequency of an optical channel. It defines the minimum granularity supporting by the optical channel's central frequency setting."; } leaf min-channel-spacing { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } units "GHz"; description "Minimum recommended spectrum spacing between the central frequency of two adjacent optical channels of the same mode. In case of two adjacent optical channels with different operational-modes, it is up to the path computation engine to determine the minimum distance between the central frequencies of these two optical channels."; } leaf min-output-power { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } units "dBm"; description "Minimum target output optical power level of the optical channel, configurable according to the optical transceiver mode properties, expressed in increments of 0.01 dBm (decibel-milliwats)"; } leaf max-output-power { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } units "dBm"; description "Maximum target output optical power level of the optical channel, configurable according to the optical transceiver mode properties, expressed in increments of 0.01 dBm (decibel-milliwatts)"; } } grouping operational-mode-descriptor-explicit-capabilities-state { description "Operational-mode capabilities leafs."; leaf modulation-format { type union { type string; type oc-opt-term-prop-types:modulation-format; } description "Optical modulation format associated to the mode. The modulation format associated to the optical signal."; } leaf bit-rate { type oc-opt-term-prop-types:bit-rate; description "Rounded bit rate of the tributary signal delivered by the optical channel associated to the specific operational mode. Exact bit rate will be refined by protocol selection at the associated tributary logical channel."; } leaf baud-rate { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } units "Bd"; description "Baud-rate or symbol rate."; } leaf optical-channel-spectrum-width { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } units "GHz"; description "Spectrum width of the optical channel associated to this operational mode, calculated as the baud-rate*(1+roll-off)."; } leaf min-tx-osnr { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } units "dB"; description "Minimum in-band transmitter OSNR measured at 0.1nm@193.6Thz, considering the maximum transceiver inserted noise. "; } leaf min-rx-osnr { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } units "dB"; description "Minimum back-to-back OSNR measured over 0.1nm@193.6Thz or 12.5GHz noise resolution bandwidth at the min-input-power. If received OSNR at min-input-power is lower than this value, an increased level of bit-errors post-FEC needs to be expected."; } leaf min-input-power { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } units "dBm"; description "Minimum value required input power in dBm of an optical channel at the receiver (Rx) according to the given min-rx-osnr value. If the input-power is lower it is expected to introduce an OSNR penalty."; } leaf max-input-power { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } units "dBm"; description "Maximum tolerated input power in dBm at the receiver (Rx) of the coherence transceiver, which if exceeded can cause an overload."; } leaf max-chromatic-dispersion { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } units "ps-nm"; description "Maximum chromatic-dispersion, accumulated value, supported by the optical channel associated to the associated transmission mode (operational model), expressed in picoseconds / nanometer (ps/nm)."; } leaf max-differential-group-delay { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } units "ps"; description "Maximum differential-group-delay, absolute value, supported by the optical channel associated to the associated tranmission mode (operational model), expressed in picoseconds (ps)."; } leaf max-polarization-dependent-loss { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } units "dB"; description "Maximum polarization-dependent-loss accumulated value, supported by the optical channel associated to the associated transmission mode (operational model), expressed in decibels (dB)"; } } grouping operational-mode-descriptor-explicit-top { description "Definition of proprietary or non-standard operational-modes, which can be uniformly characterized by the set of attributes included in their operational-mode-capabilities which defines the related signal physical impairment related aspects such Rx and Tx associated attributes and tolerances; and its optical-channel-config-value-constraints, which defines what are the allowed values to be configured at the oc-component:optical-channel instance configured to this mode."; container explicit-mode { description "Explicit definition of the operational-mode. Typically this is used for non-standard/proprietary modes defined by the terminal-device vendor and it is self-described by the capabilities included in the subtree underneath."; container operational-mode-capabilities { description "Set of attributes which characterizes the operational-mode for optimal optical-channel transmission and receiver functions. This attributes are intending to describe all the relevant data used during the network planning phase, to estimate the physical-impairment tolerances which can be introduced by the DWDM optical path, while assuring optimal transmission function."; container state { config false; description "Operational-mode explicit mode capabilities state container."; uses operational-mode-descriptor-explicit-capabilities-state; } container fec { description "The Forward Error Coding (FEC) coding schema used, including the name, overhead, pre-fec-ber threshold and gain properties."; container state { config false; description "FEC state attributes top container."; uses fec-codes-attributes; } } container penalties { description "Enconsing list's container."; list penalty { key "parameter-and-unit up-to-boundary"; description "Penalties includes contributions from different impairments including cd, pmd, low RX Power, pdl,... - For parameter values below lowest up-to-boundary value, the penalty is 0. - For parameter values between lowest and highest up-to-boundary values, penalty could be linearly interpolated. - For parameter values above highest up-to-boundary value, the penalty is the one included within penalty-value attribute associated to the highest up-to-boundary"; leaf parameter-and-unit { type leafref { path "../state/parameter-and-unit"; } description "Impairment and unit leading to the penalty (i.e., cd-ps)"; } leaf up-to-boundary { type leafref { path "../state/up-to-boundary"; } description "defines the upper (for positive values) and lower (for negative values) limit for which the penalty value is valid."; } container state { config false; description "Penalties list element's state attributes top container."; uses penalties-list-element-attributes; } } } container filter { description "This container includes information which characterises the filter at transceiver transmission for the given operational-mode."; container state { config false; description "Filter's state attributes top container."; uses filter-attributes-top; } } } container optical-channel-config-value-constraints { description "Set of constraints of the configuration attributes of the optical-channel associated to the selected operational-mode."; container state { config false; description "Operational-mode explicit mode config value constrains state top container."; uses operational-mode-descriptor-explicit-config-constraints-state; } } } } grouping operational-mode-descriptor-standard-state { description "Standard mode features attributes grouping."; leaf standard-mode { type oc-opt-term-prop-types:standard-mode; description "G.698.2 (11/18) standard mode"; } } grouping operational-mode-descriptor-standard-top { description "Standard mode features description grouping. It is used if the 'mode-type' attribute is set to 'TRANSCEIVER_MODE_TYPE_STANDARD"; container G.698.2 { description "ITU-T G.698.2 (11/18) standard mode that guarantees interoperability. It must be an string with the following format: B-DScW-ytz(v) where all these attributes are conformant to the ITU-T G.698.2 (11/18) recommendation."; container state { config false; description "Operational-mode standard mode state top container."; uses operational-mode-descriptor-standard-state; } } } grouping operational-mode-descriptor-state { description "Top-level operational-mode-features grouping definitions"; leaf mode-id { type uint16; description "Two-octet encoding of the vendor-defined operational mode"; } leaf mode-type { type identityref { base oc-opt-term-prop-types:TRANSCEIVER_MODE_TYPE; } description "Indicates whether the transceiver's mode is a standard mode, an organizational mode or an explicit mode."; } } grouping operational-mode-top { description "top-level operational-mode definitions"; container operational-modes { config false; description "Indicates the transceiver's list of supported operational modes and its associated transmission features"; list mode-descriptor { key "mode-id"; description "List of operational modes supported by the platform. The operational mode provides a platform-defined summary of information such as symbol rate, modulation, pulse shaping, etc."; leaf mode-id { type leafref { path "../state/mode-id"; } description "Reference to mode-id"; } container state { description "Static features or properties which characterize the operational mode."; uses operational-mode-descriptor-state; } uses operational-mode-descriptor-standard-top; uses operational-mode-descriptor-explicit-top; } } } uses operational-mode-top; }