module car { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config:sal-clustering-it:car"; prefix car; import ietf-inet-types { prefix "inet"; revision-date 2013-07-15; } organization "Netconf Central"; contact "Harman Singh <>"; description "YANG model for car for test application"; revision "2014-08-18" { description "Clustering sample app"; } typedef car-id { type inet:uri; description "An identifier for car entry."; } grouping car-entry { description "Describes the contents of a car entry - Details of the car manufacturer, model etc"; leaf id { type car-id; description "identifier of single list of entries."; } leaf model { type string; } leaf manufacturer { type string; } leaf year { type uint32; } leaf category { type string; } } container cars { description "Top-level container for all car objects."; list car-entry { key "id"; description "A list of cars (as defined by the 'grouping car-entry')."; uses car-entry; } } rpc stress-test { input { leaf rate { type uint16; description "The rate is a measure of the number of car-entry(s) added per second. Thus the rate is measured in terms of transactions per second. The rate is not necessary achievable; the controller may not keep up with the specified value. In this instance, rate is considered maximum rate."; } leaf count { type uint32; default 0; description "Number of cars to create. Zero implies unlimited cars; use stop-stress-test rpc to stop the test."; } } } rpc stop-stress-test { output { leaf success-count { type uint32; default 0; description "Total number of cars created when running stess-test rpc"; } leaf failure-count { type uint32; default 0; description "Total number of cars failed when running stess-test rpc"; } } } rpc register-ownership { input { leaf car-id { type string; } } } rpc unregister-ownership { input { leaf car-id { type string; } } } rpc register-logging-dtcl { description "Registers a basic logging DTCL on the cars container. This is useful for analyzing the effects of DTCL on a long, flat list."; } rpc unregister-logging-dtcls { description "Unregisters the logging DTCL(s) for the cars container."; } rpc register-commit-cohort { description "Registers a sample commit cohort that validates car entry input."; } rpc unregister-commit-cohort { description "Unregisters the sample commit cohort."; } }