/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Pantheon Technologies s.r.o. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ module openflow-extensible-match { namespace "urn:opendaylight:openflow:oxm"; prefix "oxm"; import ietf-yang-types {prefix yang;} import ietf-inet-types {prefix inet;} import openflow-types {prefix oft;} revision "2015-02-25" { description "#NOT_PUBLISHED# OpenFlow 1.3 - match model"; } identity oxm-match-type { description "The OpenFlow Extensible Match type must be supported by all OpenFlow switches."; base oft:match-type-base; } // oxm classes identity oxm-class-base { description "Base identity for OXM classes"; } identity nxm-0-class { description "Match class for backward compatibility with NXM"; base oxm-class-base; } identity nxm-1-class { description "Match class for backward compatibility with NXM"; base oxm-class-base; } identity eric-exp-class { description "Ericsson experimenter class for openflow"; base oxm-class-base; } identity openflow-basic-class { description "Basic class for OpenFlow"; base oxm-class-base; } identity experimenter-class { description "Marks Experimenter match type class. All experimenter match classes MUST use this class as a base."; base oxm-class-base; } // match-field types identity match-field { description "Base identity for OXM Fields"; } identity in_port { base match-field; description "OXM field for Switch input port."; } identity in_phy_port { base match-field; description "OXM field for Switch physical input port."; } identity metadata { base match-field; description "OXM field for Metadata passed between tables."; } identity packet_type { base match-field; description "OXM field for Packet type."; } identity eth_dst { base match-field; description "OXM field for Ethernet destination address."; } identity eth_src { base match-field; description "OXM field for Ethernet source address."; } identity eth_type { base match-field; description "OXM field for Ethernet frame type."; } identity vlan_vid { base match-field; description "OXM field for VLAN id."; } identity vlan_pcp { base match-field; description "OXM field for VLAN priority."; } identity ip_dscp { base match-field; description "OXM field for IP DSCP (6 bits in ToS field)."; } identity ip_ecn { base match-field; description "OXM field for IP ECN (2 bits in ToS field)."; } identity ip_proto { base match-field; description "OXM field for IP protocol."; } identity ipv4_src { base match-field; description "OXM field for IPv4 source address."; } identity ipv4_dst { base match-field; description "OXM field for IPv4 destination address."; } identity tcp_src { base match-field; description "OXM field for TCP source port."; } identity tcp_dst { base match-field; description "OXM field for TCP destination port."; } identity udp_src { base match-field; description "OXM field for UDP source port."; } identity udp_dst { base match-field; description "OXM field for UDP destination port."; } identity sctp_src { base match-field; description "OXM field for SCTP source port."; } identity sctp_dst { base match-field; description "OXM field for SCTP destination port."; } identity icmpv4_type { base match-field; description "OXM field for ICMP type."; } identity icmpv4_code { base match-field; description "OXM field for ICMP code."; } identity arp_op { base match-field; description "OXM field for ARP opcode."; } identity arp_spa { base match-field; description "OXM field for ARP source IPv4 address."; } identity arp_tpa { base match-field; description "OXM field for ARP target IPv4 address."; } identity arp_sha { base match-field; description "OXM field for ARP source hardware address."; } identity arp_tha { base match-field; description "OXM field for ARP target hardware address."; } identity ipv6_src { base match-field; description "OXM field for IPv6 source address."; } identity ipv6_dst { base match-field; description "OXM field for IPv6 destination address."; } identity ipv6_flabel { base match-field; description "OXM field for IPv6 Flow Label"; } identity icmpv6_type { base match-field; description "OXM field for ICMPv6 type."; } identity icmpv6_code { base match-field; description "OXM field for ICMPv6 code."; } identity ipv6_nd_target { base match-field; description "OXM field for Target address for ND."; } identity ipv6_nd_sll { base match-field; description "OXM field for Source link-layer for ND."; } identity ipv6_nd_tll { base match-field; description "OXM field for Target link-layer for ND."; } identity mpls_label { base match-field; description "OXM field for MPLS label."; } identity mpls_tc { base match-field; description "OXM field for MPLS TC."; } identity mpls_bos { base match-field; description "OXM field for MPLS BoS bit."; } identity pbb_isid { base match-field; description "OXM field for PBB I-SID."; } identity tunnel_id { base match-field; description "OXM field for Logical Port Metadata"; } identity ipv6_exthdr { base match-field; description "OXM field for IPv6 Extension Header pseudo-field"; } grouping match-grouping { container match { description "Match structure (OF v1.3)"; leaf type { type identityref { base oft:match-type-base; } } uses match-entries-grouping; } } grouping match-entries-grouping { list match-entry { config false; uses match-entry-fields-grouping; uses match-entry-value-grouping; } } grouping match-entry-fields-grouping { leaf oxm-class { type identityref { base oxm-class-base; } } leaf oxm-match-field { type identityref { base match-field; } } leaf has-mask { type boolean; } } container oxm-container { uses match-entry-value-grouping; } grouping match-entry-value-grouping { choice match-entry-value { case in-port-case { container in-port { leaf port-number { type oft:port-number; } } } case in-phy-port-case { container in-phy-port { leaf port-number { type oft:port-number; } } } case metadata-case { container metadata { leaf metadata { type binary; } leaf mask { type binary; } } } case packet-type-case { container packet-type { leaf packet-type { type uint32; } } } case eth-src-case { container eth-src { leaf mac-address { type yang:mac-address; } leaf mask { type binary; } } } case eth-dst-case { container eth-dst { leaf mac-address { type yang:mac-address; } leaf mask { type binary; } } } case eth-type-case { container eth-type { leaf eth-type { type oft:ether-type; } } } case vlan-vid-case { container vlan-vid { leaf vlan-vid { type uint16; } leaf cfi-bit { type boolean; } leaf mask { type binary; } } } case vlan-pcp-case { container vlan-pcp { leaf vlan-pcp { type uint8; } } } case ip-dscp-case { container ip-dscp { leaf dscp { type inet:dscp; } } } case ip-ecn-case { container ip-ecn { leaf ecn { type uint8; } } } case ip-proto-case { container ip-proto { leaf protocol-number { type uint8; } } } case ipv4-src-case { container ipv4-src { leaf ipv4-address { type inet:ipv4-address; } leaf mask { type binary; } } } case ipv4-dst-case { container ipv4-dst { leaf ipv4-address { type inet:ipv4-address; } leaf mask { type binary; } } } case tcp-src-case { container tcp-src { leaf port { type inet:port-number; } } } case tcp-dst-case { container tcp-dst { leaf port { type inet:port-number; } } } case udp-src-case { container udp-src { leaf port { type inet:port-number; } } } case udp-dst-case { container udp-dst { leaf port { type inet:port-number; } } } case sctp-src-case { container sctp-src { leaf port { type inet:port-number; } } } case sctp-dst-case { container sctp-dst { leaf port { type inet:port-number; } } } case icmpv4-type-case { container icmpv4-type { leaf icmpv4-type { type uint8; } } } case icmpv4-code-case { container icmpv4-code { leaf icmpv4-code { type uint8; } } } case arp-op-case { container arp-op { leaf op-code { type uint16; } } } case icmpv6-nd-reserved-case { container icmpv6-nd-reserved { leaf icmpv6-nd-reserved { type uint32; } } } case icmpv6-nd-options-type-case { container icmpv6-nd-options-type { leaf icmpv6-nd-options-type { type uint8; } } } case arp-spa-case { container arp-spa { leaf ipv4-address { type inet:ipv4-address; } leaf mask { type binary; } } } case arp-tpa-case { container arp-tpa { leaf ipv4-address { type inet:ipv4-address; } leaf mask { type binary; } } } case arp-sha-case { container arp-sha { leaf mac-address { type yang:mac-address; } leaf mask { type binary; } } } case arp-tha-case { container arp-tha { leaf mac-address { type yang:mac-address; } leaf mask { type binary; } } } case ipv6-src-case { container ipv6-src { leaf ipv6-address { type inet:ipv6-address; } leaf mask { type binary; } } } case ipv6-dst-case { container ipv6-dst { leaf ipv6-address { type inet:ipv6-address; } leaf mask { type binary; } } } case ipv6-flabel-case { container ipv6-flabel { leaf ipv6-flabel { type inet:ipv6-flow-label; } leaf mask { type binary; } } } case icmpv6-type-case { container icmpv6-type { leaf icmpv6-type { type uint8; } } } case icmpv6-code-case { container icmpv6-code { leaf icmpv6-code { type uint8; } } } case ipv6-nd-target-case { container ipv6-nd-target { leaf ipv6-address { type inet:ipv6-address; } } } case ipv6-nd-sll-case { container ipv6-nd-sll { leaf mac-address { type yang:mac-address; } } } case ipv6-nd-tll-case { container ipv6-nd-tll { leaf mac-address { type yang:mac-address; } } } case mpls-label-case { container mpls-label { leaf mpls-label { type uint32; } } } case mpls-tc-case { container mpls-tc { leaf tc { type uint8; } } } case mpls-bos-case { container mpls-bos { leaf bos { type boolean; } } } case pbb-isid-case { container pbb-isid { leaf isid { type uint32; } leaf mask { type binary; } } } case tunnel-id-case { container tunnel-id { leaf tunnel-id { type binary; } leaf mask { type binary; } } } case ipv6-exthdr-case { container ipv6-exthdr { leaf pseudo-field { type oft:ipv6-exthdr-flags; } leaf mask { type binary; } } } } } // OF1.0 structures grouping match-v10-grouping { container match-v10 { description "OF v1.0 match structure"; leaf wildcards { description "Wildcard fields (only flags)."; type oft:flow-wildcards-v10; } leaf nw-src-mask { description "IP source address mask (definition differs from OF v1.0.0 spec to ease understanding, library does the transformation into OF v1.0 spec correct data)"; type uint8; } leaf nw-dst-mask { description "IP destination address mask (definition differs from OF v1.0.0 spec to ease understanding, library does the transformation into OF v1.0 spec correct data)"; type uint8; } leaf in-port { description "Input switch port."; type uint16; } leaf dl-src { description "Ethernet source address."; type yang:mac-address; } leaf dl-dst { description "Ethernet destination address."; type yang:mac-address; } leaf dl-vlan { description "Input VLAN id."; type uint16; } leaf dl-vlan-pcp { description "Input VLAN priority."; type uint8; } leaf dl-type { description "Ethernet frame type."; type uint16; } leaf nw-tos { description "IP ToS (actually DSCP field, 6 bits)."; type uint8; } leaf nw-proto { description "IP protocol or lower 8 bits of ARP opcode."; type uint8; } leaf nw-src { description "IP source address."; type inet:ipv4-address; } leaf nw-dst { description "IP destination address."; type inet:ipv4-address; } leaf tp-src { description "TCP/UDP source port."; type uint16; } leaf tp-dst { description "TCP/UDP destination port."; type uint16; } } } }