module org-openroadm-controller-customization { yang-version 1.1; namespace "http://org/openroadm/controller/customization"; prefix org-openroadm-controller-customization; import org-openroadm-common-link-types { prefix org-openroadm-common-link-types; revision-date 2019-11-29; } import org-openroadm-common-node-types { prefix org-openroadm-common-node-types; revision-date 2021-05-28; } import org-openroadm-common-service-types { prefix org-openroadm-common-service-types; revision-date 2023-05-26; } import org-openroadm-common-optical-channel-types { prefix org-openroadm-common-optical-channel-types; revision-date 2023-05-26; } organization "Open ROADM MSA"; contact ""; description "YANG definitions of services. Copyright of the Members of the Open ROADM MSA Agreement dated (c) 2016, All other rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the Members of the Open ROADM MSA Agreement nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE OPEN ROADM MSA AGREEMENT ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT THE MEMBERS OF THE OPEN ROADM MSA AGREEMENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE"; revision 2023-05-26 { description "Version 13.1"; } revision 2023-03-31 { description "Version 13.0"; } revision 2022-12-09 { description "Version 12.1"; } revision 2022-09-30 { description "Version 12.0"; } revision 2022-05-27 { description "Version 11.1"; } revision 2022-03-25 { description "Version 11.0"; } revision 2021-12-10 { description "Version 10.1"; } revision 2021-09-24 { description "Version 10.0"; } revision 2021-05-28 { description "Version 9.1"; } revision 2021-03-26 { description "Version 9.0"; } revision 2020-12-11 { description "Version 8.1"; } revision 2020-09-25 { description "Version 8.0"; } revision 2020-05-29 { description "Version 7.1.0"; } revision 2020-03-27 { description "Version 7.0.0"; } typedef notification-events { type enumeration { enum roadm-to-roadm-link-creation { value 1; } enum roadm-to-roadm-link-deletion { value 2; } enum otn-link-creation { value 3; } enum otn-link-deletion { value 4; } enum xpdr-in-out-link-creation { value 5; } enum xpdr-in-out-link-deletion { value 6; } enum link-state-change { value 7; } enum otn-link-bandwidth-usage-change { value 8; } enum node-creation { value 9; } enum node-deletion { value 10; } enum node-state-change { value 11; } enum tp-creation { value 12; } enum tp-deletion { value 13; } enum tp-state-change { value 14; } enum ila-state-change { value 15; } enum none { value 16; } enum all { value 17; } } description "Define possible notification events."; } typedef rmsa-policy { type enumeration { enum maximize-capacity { value 1; } enum maximize-reach { value 2; } enum minimize-margins { value 3; } enum maximize-margins { value 4; } enum customer-spectrum-partitioning { value 5; } enum fragmentation-limiting-partitioning { value 6; } enum minimize-new-equipment { value 7; } } description "Defines Routing Modulation and and Spectrum Allocation policies."; } typedef non-rpc-related-notification-type { type enumeration { enum service-state-change { value 1; } enum topology-change { value 2; } enum exceeded-attenuation-crossing-warning { value 3; } enum insufficient-margin-crossing-alarm { value 4; } enum autonomous-optical-restoration-triggered { value 5; } } description "Defines notification types for non rpc related notifications."; } typedef restriction-scope { description "Used to indicate the scope of global restrictions"; type enumeration { enum service-create { value 1; } enum service-create-bulk { value 2; } enum temp-service-create { value 3; } enum temp-service-create-bulk { value 4; } enum service-feasibility-check { value 5; } enum service-feasibility-check-bulk { value 6; } enum service-roll { value 7; } enum service-reconfigure { value 8; } enum service-restoration { value 9; } enum service-reroute { value 10; } enum network-re-optimization { value 11; } enum all { value 12; } } } typedef restriction-type { description "Used to indicate type of restriction for site or node"; type enumeration { enum add-drop { value 1; description "Add/drops are forbidden at the associated node (or site). No service may add or drop at site/node"; } enum pass-through { value 2; description "Routing through the associated node (or site) is forbidden. No service may pass-through at site/node"; } enum both { value 3; description "Both adds/drops and through routing are forbidden for the associated node (or site)."; } } } typedef link-restriction-type { description "Used to indicate the type of restriction for link"; type enumeration { enum fully-restricted { value 1; description "Link cannot be used under any circumstances. This is the default option"; } enum pass-through-only-allowed { value 2; description "All the services that pass-through the link (terminate on neither end) are allowed and regenerator locations are considered as pass-through"; } } } typedef regeneration-restriction-type { description "Used to indicate the type of restriction for the regeneration type"; type enumeration { enum do-not-propose { value 1; description "Proposing new regens (via a feasibility check) at the associated node (or site) is forbidden."; } enum do-not-use-existing { value 2; description "Use of an existing regen at the associated node (or site) is forbidden."; } enum both { value 3; description "Both use of existing regens and proposal of new regens are forbidden at the associated node (or site)."; } } } grouping spectrum-portion { description "Specifies a portion of the spectrum and its characteristics."; leaf spectrum-portion-id { type uint8; description "Identifies a spectrum portion with specific characteristics."; } leaf start-edge-frequency { type org-openroadm-common-optical-channel-types:frequency-THz; description "If present, this parameter states the lowest frequency to start filling the spectrum, or a spectrum portion if stop-bandwidth is also defined."; } leaf stop-edge-frequency { type org-openroadm-common-optical-channel-types:frequency-THz; description "If present and associated with a start frequency, this parameter states the upper frequency broundary to fill the spectrum portion. If present, in the absence of a start frequency, this parameter states the highest frequency to start filling the spectrum."; } leaf-list dedicated-customer { type string; description "Applies only to spectrum-portion (both start and stop edge frequencies defined), when the spectrum-portion is dedicated to some customers. This list shall includes customer-codes identifying specific customers. No customer out of this list can share the bandwidth of this spectrum portion"; } leaf-list non-authorized-customer { type string; description "Applies only to spectrum-portion (both start and stop edge frequencies defined), when the spectrum-portion is dedicated to some customers. This list shall includes customer-codes identifying specific customers, that are not allowed to share the bandwidth of this spectrum portion"; } } grouping controller-parameters { description "Defines the structure of Service/controller-behaviour-settings container, as well as the structure of controller-parameters-setting rpc input"; container non-rpc-related-notification-settings { description "Defines url, notification-type and type of events that shall / shall not trigger notifications"; list non-rpc-related-notification-url-list { key "non-rpc-related-notification-type"; description "Used to record url to be used when forwarding non rpc related notifications."; leaf non-rpc-related-notification-type { type non-rpc-related-notification-type; description "Type of notification will trigger specific leaves."; } leaf notification-url { type string; description "Defines the url the notification is sent to."; } leaf-list events-disabling-notification { when "../non-rpc-related-notification-type = 'topology-change'"; type notification-events; description "List of events for which notifications to SDN-Controller are not desirabled. The filtering is currently activated only on topological changes which could lead to large volumes of data."; } leaf-list events-triggering-notification { when "../non-rpc-related-notification-type = 'topology-change'"; type notification-events; description "List of events for which notifications to SDN-Controller are desirabled. Has the priority with regards to events-disabling-notification. As an example if events-disabling-notification is set to all, events set in events-triggering-notification will be the only events to be notified"; } } } container spectrum-filling { description "Spectrum may be filled according to specific rules to limit partitionning or to dedicate part of the spectrum to some specific clients (customer-code)"; list spectrum-filling-rules { key "rule-id"; description "Defines a set of rules used to fill the spectrum"; leaf rule-id { type uint16; description "defines the rule identifier"; } leaf priority { type uint8; description "The rules shall be applied sequentially according to their defined priority (Highest:1, lowest:255). Rules with highest priority will be applied first"; } leaf RMSA-policy { type rmsa-policy; description "Defines the Routing, Spectrum & Mode assignment policy to be applied"; } container spectrum-range-of-appliance { when "../RMSA-policy = 'customer-spectrum-partitioning' or ../RMSA-policy = 'fragmentation-limiting-partitioning'"; description "Defines, when needed, the spectrum range to which the rule applies"; uses spectrum-portion; leaf dedicated-signal-bandwidth-multiple { when "../../RMSA-policy = 'fragmentation-limiting-partitioning'" { description "For fragmentation partitioning, defines which part of the spectrum will be used according to the signal spectral occupation"; } type uint8; description "Used for spectrum partitioning to reduce fragmentation. Defines the width of the service to be provisioned in the spectrum portion. As an example a spectrum portion can be dedicated to signals with a 50 GHz multiple spectral occupation, whereas another portion of the spectrum is dedicated to signal with a 75 GHz multiple spectral occupation"; } } } } container margins { description "defines all margins operator may want to specify"; leaf minimum-fiber-attenuation-bol-margin { type org-openroadm-common-link-types:ratio-dB; description "Minimum fiber-attenuation margin to be considered for path calculation at begining of life. The path calculation shall be made considering on each link the engineered-spanloss (provided by an external sytem) _The RNC shall raise an ALARM to the northbound Controller through an insufficient-margin-crossing-alarm as soon as: (span-loss-base + minimum-fiber-attenuation-bol-margin) - engineered-spanloss > threshold-observed-vs-design-margin _The RNC shall raise a WARNING to the northbound Controller through an exceeded-attenuation-crossing-warning as soon as : (engineered-spanloss - spanloss-current) < threshold-observed-vs-design-attenuation."; } leaf threshold-observed-vs-design-attenuation { type org-openroadm-common-link-types:ratio-dB; description "Defines the threshold used to raise an alarm when fiber initial attenuation is too close to the engineered-spanloss, meaning the value accounted for the design has been underestimated and a new design shall triggered."; } leaf threshold-observed-vs-design-margin { type org-openroadm-common-link-types:ratio-dB; description "Defines the threshold used to raise a warning when fiber measured attenuation comes too close to the engineered-spanloss, so that remaining margin is considered as too limited."; } list minimum-osnr-margins { key "margin-id"; description "osnr margins to be considered may differ according to the rate and the modulation format"; leaf margin-id { type string; description "defines a margin for specific line-rates and modulation formats"; } leaf minimum-osnr-margin-value { type org-openroadm-common-link-types:ratio-dB; description "Minimum OSNR margin to be considered to keep an acceptable OSNR value at end of life for the associated line-rates and modulation-formats"; } leaf-list line-rates { type uint64; description "Line-rates to which the osnr-margin applies"; } leaf-list modulation-formats { type org-openroadm-common-optical-channel-types:modulation-format; description "Modulation-formats to which the osnr-margin applies"; } } } container metrics-policy { description "Defines how the RNC shall interpret the routing-metrics"; leaf composite-metric-versus-selective { type boolean; description "Defines the way the RNC shall interpret the priorities defined for the metrics: _ True corresponds to a weighted composite metric, _ False corresponds to a selective priority based metric"; } } container regeneration-policy { description "Defines rules to place regenerators when a service-feasibility-check rpc is invoked, or when a service-create rpc is invoked if spare regenerators are already in place"; leaf global-placement { type enumeration { enum regenerator-banks { value 1; } enum distributed { value 2; } } description "To priviledge the positioning in specific locations"; } leaf on-path-positioning { type enumeration { enum maximize-rate { value 1; } enum latest-convenient-hop { value 2; } } description "To position regenerators as far as possible on the path or optimizing performances"; } leaf path-symmetry { type boolean; description "True corresponds to same location on A to Z and Z to A paths False allows positioning regenerators in different nodes for A to Z and Z to A paths"; } leaf-list preferred-sites { type string; description "CLLI's of the sites to be privileged when positioning regenerators in specific locations"; } } container global-restriction { container site-restriction { list site { key "site-id"; description "List of sites to be excluded from paths when routing."; leaf site-id { type string; } leaf restriction-type { type restriction-type; default "both"; } leaf-list restriction-scopes { description "Restriction scope applicable for the site-restriction. Default scope is set to all RPCs"; type restriction-scope; default "all"; } } } container node-restriction { list node { key "node-id"; description "List of equipment nodes to be excluded from paths when routing."; leaf node-id { type org-openroadm-common-node-types:node-id-type; } leaf restriction-type { type restriction-type; default "both"; } leaf-list restriction-scopes { description "Restriction scope applicable for the node-restriction. Default scope is set to all RPCs"; type restriction-scope; default "all"; } } } container regeneration-site-restriction { list forbidden-site { key "site-id"; description "List of forbidden sites where regenerators shall not be placed"; leaf site-id { type string; } leaf regeneration-restriction-type { type regeneration-restriction-type; default "both"; } leaf-list restriction-scopes { description "Restriction scope applicable for the regenrator-site-restriction. Default scope is set to all RPCs"; type restriction-scope; default "all"; } } } container regeneration-node-restriction { list forbidden-node { key "node-id"; description "List of forbidden nodes where regenerators shall not be placed"; leaf node-id { type org-openroadm-common-node-types:node-id-type; } leaf regeneration-restriction-type { type regeneration-restriction-type; default "both"; } leaf-list restriction-scopes { description "Restriction scope applicable for the regeneration-node-restriction. Default scope is set to all RPCs"; type restriction-scope; default "all"; } } } container link-restriction { list link { key "link-id"; leaf link-id { type string; description "List of links to be excluded from paths when routing."; } leaf link-restriction-type { type link-restriction-type; default "fully-restricted"; } leaf-list restriction-scopes { description "Restriction scope applicable for the link-restriction. Default scope is set to all RPCs"; type restriction-scope; default "all"; } } } container supporting-service-restriction { list supporting-service-list { key "supporting-service"; leaf supporting-service { type string; description "List of supporting services to be excluded from paths when routing"; } leaf supporting-service-restriction-type { type link-restriction-type; default "fully-restricted"; } leaf-list restriction-scopes { description "Restriction scope applicable applicable for the supporting-service-restriction. Default scope is set to all RPCs"; type restriction-scope; default "all"; } } } } container default-behaviour { description "Parameters in this container are used to define default behaviour in case optional parameters in rpc have not been defined"; leaf default-backup-path-number { type uint16; description "0 means on the fly path calculation. Higher number corresponds to backup path pre-calculation, and states the number of paths to be calculated"; } leaf reversion { type boolean; description "Concerns reversion for service that have a resiliency defined as restorable (restoration handled autonomously by the controller at the WDM/OTN layer)"; } leaf wait-to-restore { type uint64; units "ms"; description "time delay to revert to initial path after conditions for reversion are satisfied"; } leaf holdoff-time { type uint64; units "ms"; description "time delay to initiate a protection or restoration event"; } } container sla-definition { description "Definition of Service Level Agreements parameters"; list sla-parameters { key "sla-id"; description "Defines several SLA profiles and associated expected behaviour"; leaf sla-id { type string; description "sla-id as defined by the operator"; } leaf preemption { type boolean; description "False : service shall never be preempted True : preemption of the service is allowed"; } leaf restoration-priority { type uint8; description "The service shall be restored according to the defined priority (First:1, latest:255). Services with highest priority will be restored first"; } } } container failure-case-list { description "Use to provide information on failure cases associated with backup-path pre-calculation: If PCE supports the calculation of multiple backup-paths, these might be identified through a failure case-id corresponding to a node, physical-link or logical-link failure"; list failure-case { key "failure-case-id"; description "Describes and identifies different failure-cases. Each of them can be associated with one or several backup-paths in the context of backup-path pre-calculation"; leaf failure-case-id { type uint32; description "Identifies a failure case"; } leaf failure-type { type enumeration { enum node-failure { value 1; } enum logical-link-failure { value 2; } enum physiscal-link-failure { value 3; } } description "describes failure type that can be simulated in a planner or by a PCE to calculate a backup path"; } leaf-list nodes { when "../failure-type = 'node-failure'" { description "List of nodes impacted by the failure (not only single failures may be envisaged)."; } type string; description "Nodes as they appear in the openroadm-topology or otn-topology layer"; } leaf-list logical-links { when "../failure-type = 'logical-link-failure'" { description "List of logical links impacted by the failure (not only single failures may be envisaged)."; } type string; description "logical links as they appear in the otn-topology layer"; } leaf-list physical-links { when "../failure-type = 'physical-link-failure'" { description "List of physical links impacted by the failure (not only single failures may be envisaged)."; } type string; description "physical-links as they appear in the openroadm-topology layer"; } } } } rpc controller-parameters-setting { description "Rpc used to populate controller parameters in the Data Store of the RNC."; input { uses org-openroadm-common-service-types:sdnc-request-header; uses controller-parameters; } output { uses org-openroadm-common-service-types:configuration-response-common; leaf-list unsupported-customization-options { type string; description "Provides a list of customization parameters that are not supported by the RNC controller. Leaflist items corresponds to the yang nodes of controller-parameters that the RNC does not handle. It is assumed that for a yang node provided in the list, all nodes/leaves at a lower level in the hierarchy are also not supported by the RNC"; } } } }