module odl-mdsal-lowlevel-common {

    yang-version 1;
    namespace ",2017:controller:yang:lowlevel:common";
    prefix llc;

    import yang-ext { prefix ext; revision-date 2013-07-09; }

    organization "OpenDaylight";
    contact "Vratko Polak <>";

    revision "2017-02-15" {
        description "Initial revision for Carbon clustering testing.";
    description "Declarations to be used both in odl-mdsal-lowlevel-target (llt)
            and odl-mdsal-lowlevel-control (ll).";

    grouping id-grouping {
        leaf id {
            description "Any string uniquely identifying the publisher, producer or writer,
                typically containing the member name.";
            mandatory true;
            type string;

    grouping constant-grouping {
        leaf constant {
            description "The string to be returned by llt:get-constant
                    (or llt:get-contexted-constant) RPC implementation.
                    The string typically includes (the context and) the name of the member
                    the user called to cause the RPC implementation registration
                    (that member may be different from both the member running the implementation,
                    and member where llt:get-constant is called).";
            mandatory true;
            type string;

    identity constant-context {
        description "Routed RPCs context needs to be based on an identity.";

    list rpc-context {
        description "Routed RPCs need to be registered with a path.
            It has to be an instance-identifier within an accessible model,
            but the instance does not have to be present in data tree.
            This is config false to signal users they do not need to create any instance.";
        config false;
        ordered-by system;
        key "identifier";
        leaf identifier {
            description "Users are free to refer to arbitrary strings
                if they are testing RPC regstrations to different paths.";
            type string;

    grouping context-grouping {
        leaf context {
            description "The context for bound implementation of
                llt:get-contexted-constant RPC to match.
                The extension has no data, users are free to use instance identifiers
                referring to (non-existent) items of rpc-context list.";
            ext:context-reference constant-context;
            mandatory true;
            type instance-identifier;
