module openconfig-platform-transceiver { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix oc-transceiver; import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import openconfig-platform { prefix oc-platform; } import openconfig-platform-types { prefix oc-platform-types; } import openconfig-platform-port { prefix oc-port; } import openconfig-interfaces { prefix oc-if; } import openconfig-transport-types { prefix oc-opt-types; } import openconfig-types { prefix oc-types; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } import openconfig-yang-types { prefix oc-yang; } organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This module defines configuration and operational state data for transceivers (i.e., pluggable optics). The module should be used in conjunction with the platform model where other physical entity data are represented. In the platform model, a component of type=TRANSCEIVER is expected to be a subcomponent of a PORT component. This module defines a concrete schema for the associated data for components with type=TRANSCEIVER. A transceiver will always contain physical-channel(s), however when a line side optical-channel is present (i.e. ZR+ optics) the physical-channel will reference its optical-channel. In this case, the optical-channels components must be subcomponents of the transceiver. The relationship between the physical-channel and the optical-channel allows for multiple optical-channels to be associated with a transceiver in addition to ensuring certain leaves (i.e. output-power) are not duplicated in multiple components. If a transceiver contains a digital signal processor (DSP), such as with ZR+ optics, the modeling will utilize hierarchical components as follows: PORT --> TRANSCEIVER --> OPTICAL_CHANNEL(s) The signal will then traverse through a series of terminal-device/logical-channels as required. The first logical-channel connected to the OPTICAL_CHANNEL will utilize the assignment/optical-channel leaf to create the relationship. At the conclusion of the series of logical-channels, the logical-channel will be associated to its host / client side based on: * If the TRANSCEIVER is directly within a router or switch, then it will use the logical-channel ingress leaf to specify the interface it is associated with. * If the TRANSCEIVER is within a dedicated terminal (Layer 1) device, then it will use the logical-channel ingress leaf to specify a physical-channel within a TRANSCEIVER component (i.e. gray optic) that it is associated with."; revision 2021-07-29 { description "Add several media-lane-based VDM defined by CMIS to physical channel"; reference "0.9.0"; } revision 2021-02-23 { description "Add leafref to an optical channel from a physical channel."; reference "0.8.0"; } revision 2020-05-06 { description "Ensure that when statements in read-write contexts reference only read-write leaves."; reference "0.7.1"; } revision 2018-11-25 { description "Add augment for leafref to transceiver component; Correct paths in physical channels leafref."; reference "0.7.0"; } revision 2018-11-21 { description "Add OpenConfig module metadata extensions."; reference "0.6.1"; } revision 2018-11-16 { description "Added transceiver FEC configuration and state"; reference "0.6.0"; } revision 2018-05-15 { description "Remove internal-temp state leaf, since we prefer the generic /components/component/state/temperature container for temperature information."; reference "0.5.0"; } revision 2018-01-22 { description "Fixed physical-channel path reference"; reference "0.4.1"; } revision 2017-09-18 { description "Use openconfig-yang-types module"; reference "0.4.0"; } revision 2017-07-08 { description "Adds clarification on aggregate power measurement data"; reference "0.3.0"; } revision 2016-12-22 { description "Adds preconfiguration data and clarified units"; reference "0.2.0"; } oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.9.0"; oc-ext:regexp-posix; oc-ext:catalog-organization "openconfig"; oc-ext:origin "openconfig"; grouping optical-power-state { description "Reusable leaves related to optical power state -- these are read-only state values. If avg/min/max statistics are not supported, the target is expected to just supply the instant value"; container output-power { description "The output optical power of a physical channel in units of 0.01dBm, which may be associated with individual physical channels, or an aggregate of multiple physical channels (i.e., for the overall transceiver). For an aggregate, this may be a measurement from a photodetector or a a calculation performed on the device by summing up all of the related individual physical channels. Values include the instantaneous, average, minimum, and maximum statistics. If avg/min/max statistics are not supported, the target is expected to just supply the instant value"; uses oc-types:avg-min-max-instant-stats-precision2-dBm; } container input-power { description "The input optical power of a physical channel in units of 0.01dBm, which may be associated with individual physical channels, or an aggregate of multiple physical channels (i.e., for the overall transceiver). For an aggregate, this may be a measurement from a photodetector or a a calculation performed on the device by summing up all of the related individual physical channels. Values include the instantaneous, average, minimum, and maximum statistics. If avg/min/max statistics are not supported, the target is expected to just supply the instant value"; uses oc-types:avg-min-max-instant-stats-precision2-dBm; } container laser-bias-current { description "The current applied by the system to the transmit laser to achieve the output power. The current is expressed in mA with up to two decimal precision. Values include the instantaneous, average, minimum, and maximum statistics. If avg/min/max statistics are not supported, the target is expected to just supply the instant value"; uses oc-types:avg-min-max-instant-stats-precision2-mA; } } grouping output-optical-frequency { description "Reusable leaves related to optical output power -- this is typically configurable on line side and read-only on the client-side"; leaf output-frequency { type oc-opt-types:frequency-type; description "The frequency in MHz of the individual physical channel (e.g. ITU C50 - 195.0THz and would be reported as 195,000,000 MHz in this model). This attribute is not configurable on most client ports."; } } grouping physical-channel-config { description "Configuration data for physical client channels"; leaf index { type uint16 { range "0..max"; } description "Index of the physical channnel or lane within a physical client port"; } leaf associated-optical-channel { type leafref { path "/oc-platform:components/oc-platform:component/oc-platform:name"; } description "A physical channel may reference an optical channel component. If the physical channel does make this optional reference, then a limited set of leaves will apply within the physical channel to avoid duplication within the optical channel."; } leaf description { type string; description "Text description for the client physical channel"; } leaf tx-laser { type boolean; description "Enable (true) or disable (false) the transmit label for the channel"; } uses physical-channel-config-extended { when "../../../config/module-functional-type = 'oc-opt-types:TYPE_STANDARD_OPTIC'" { description "When the physical channel is of TYPE_STANDARD_OPTIC, the extended config will be used"; } } } grouping physical-channel-config-extended { description "Extended configuration data for physical client channels for applications where the full physical channel config and state are used. In some cases, such as when the physical channel has a leafref to an optical channel component and the module-functional-type is TYPE_DIGITAL_COHERENT_OPTIC this grouping will NOT be used."; leaf target-output-power { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } units "dBm"; description "Target output optical power level of the optical channel, expressed in increments of 0.01 dBm (decibel-milliwats)"; } } grouping physical-channel-state { description "Operational state data for client channels. In some cases, such as when the physical channel has a leafref to an optical channel component and the module-functional-type is TYPE_DIGITAL_COHERENT_OPTIC this grouping will NOT be used."; leaf laser-age { type oc-types:percentage; description "Laser age (0% at beginning of life, 100% end of life) in integer percentage. This term is defined by Common Management Interface Specification (CMIS)."; reference "QSFP-DD CMIS 5.0 Table 8-122"; } container laser-temperature { description "Laser temperature for the cooled laser in degrees Celsius with 1 decimal precision. This term is defined by Common Management Interface Specification (CMIS). Values include the instantaneous, average, minimum, and maximum statistics. If avg/min/max statistics are not supported, the target is expected to just supply the instant value."; reference "QSFP-DD CMIS 5.0 Table 8-122"; uses oc-platform-types:avg-min-max-instant-stats-precision1-celsius; } container target-frequency-deviation { description "The difference in MHz with 1 decimal precision between the target center frequency and the actual current center frequency . This term is defined by Common Management Interface Specification (CMIS) and referred to as laser frequency error or laser ferquency deviation. Values include the instantaneous, average, minimum, and maximum statistics. If avg/min/max statistics are not supported, the target is expected to just supply the instant value."; reference "QSFP-DD CMIS 5.0 Section Table 8-122"; uses oc-opt-types:avg-min-max-instant-stats-precision1-mhz; } container tec-current { description "The amount of current flowing to the TC of a cooled laser in percentage with 2 decimal precision. This term is defined by Common Management Interface Specification (CMIS). Values include the instantaneous, average, minimum, and maximum statistics. If avg/min/max statistics are not supported, the target is expected to just supply the instant value."; reference "QSFP-DD CMIS 5.0 Table 8-122"; uses oc-opt-types:avg-min-max-instant-stats-precision2-pct; } uses physical-channel-state-extended { when "../../../state/module-functional-type = 'oc-opt-types:TYPE_STANDARD_OPTIC'" { description "When the physical channel is of TYPE_STANDARD_OPTIC, the extended state will be used"; } } } grouping physical-channel-state-extended { description "Extended operational state data for physical client channels for applications where the full physical channel config and state are used. In some cases, such as when the physical channel has a leafref to an optical channel component and the module-functional-type is TYPE_DIGITAL_COHERENT_OPTIC this grouping will NOT be used."; uses output-optical-frequency; uses optical-power-state; } grouping physical-channel-top { description "Top-level grouping for physical client channels"; container physical-channels { description "Enclosing container for client channels"; list channel { key "index"; description "List of client channels, keyed by index within a physical client port. A physical port with a single channel would have a single zero-indexed element"; leaf index { type leafref { path "../config/index"; } description "Reference to the index number of the channel"; } container config { description "Configuration data for physical channels"; uses physical-channel-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state data for channels"; uses physical-channel-config; uses physical-channel-state; } } } } grouping port-transceiver-config { description "Configuration data for client port transceivers"; leaf enabled { type boolean; description "Turns power on / off to the transceiver -- provides a means to power on/off the transceiver (in the case of SFP, SFP+, QSFP,...) or enable high-power mode (in the case of CFP, CFP2, CFP4) and is optionally supported (device can choose to always enable). True = power on / high power, False = powered off"; } leaf form-factor-preconf { type identityref { base oc-opt-types:TRANSCEIVER_FORM_FACTOR_TYPE; } description "Indicates the type of optical transceiver used on this port. If the client port is built into the device and not pluggable, then non-pluggable is the corresponding state. If a device port supports multiple form factors (e.g. QSFP28 and QSFP+, then the value of the transceiver installed shall be reported. If no transceiver is present, then the value of the highest rate form factor shall be reported (QSFP28, for example). The form factor is included in configuration data to allow pre-configuring a device with the expected type of transceiver ahead of deployment. The corresponding state leaf should reflect the actual transceiver type plugged into the system."; } leaf ethernet-pmd-preconf { type identityref { base oc-opt-types:ETHERNET_PMD_TYPE; } description "The Ethernet PMD is a property of the optical transceiver used on the port, indicating the type of physical connection. It is included in configuration data to allow pre-configuring a port/transceiver with the expected PMD. The actual PMD is indicated by the ethernet-pmd state leaf."; } leaf fec-mode { type identityref { base oc-platform-types:FEC_MODE_TYPE; } description "The FEC mode indicates the mode of operation for the transceiver's FEC. This defines typical operational modes and does not aim to specify more granular FEC capabilities."; } leaf module-functional-type { type identityref { base oc-opt-types:TRANSCEIVER_MODULE_FUNCTIONAL_TYPE; } description "Indicates the module functional type which represents the functional capability of the transceiver. For example, this would specify the module is a digital coherent optic or a standard grey optic that performs on-off keying."; } } grouping port-transceiver-state { description "Operational state data for client port transceivers"; leaf present { type enumeration { enum "PRESENT" { description "Transceiver is present on the port"; } enum "NOT_PRESENT" { description "Transceiver is not present on the port"; } } description "Indicates whether a transceiver is present in the specified client port."; } leaf form-factor { type identityref { base oc-opt-types:TRANSCEIVER_FORM_FACTOR_TYPE; } description "Indicates the type of optical transceiver used on this port. If the client port is built into the device and not pluggable, then non-pluggable is the corresponding state. If a device port supports multiple form factors (e.g. QSFP28 and QSFP+, then the value of the transceiver installed shall be reported. If no transceiver is present, then the value of the highest rate form factor shall be reported (QSFP28, for example)."; } leaf connector-type { type identityref { base oc-opt-types:FIBER_CONNECTOR_TYPE; } description "Connector type used on this port"; } leaf vendor { type string { length "1..16"; } description "Full name of transceiver vendor. 16-octet field that contains ASCII characters, left-aligned and padded on the right with ASCII spaces (20h)"; } leaf vendor-part { type string { length "1..16"; } description "Transceiver vendor's part number. 16-octet field that contains ASCII characters, left-aligned and padded on the right with ASCII spaces (20h). If part number is undefined, all 16 octets = 0h"; } leaf vendor-rev { type string { length "1..2"; } description "Transceiver vendor's revision number. 2-octet field that contains ASCII characters, left-aligned and padded on the right with ASCII spaces (20h)"; } leaf ethernet-pmd { type identityref { base oc-opt-types:ETHERNET_PMD_TYPE; } description "Ethernet PMD (physical medium dependent sublayer) that the transceiver supports. The SFF/QSFP MSAs have registers for this and CFP MSA has similar."; } leaf sonet-sdh-compliance-code { type identityref { base oc-opt-types:SONET_APPLICATION_CODE; } description "SONET/SDH application code supported by the port"; } leaf otn-compliance-code { type identityref { base oc-opt-types:OTN_APPLICATION_CODE; } description "OTN application code supported by the port"; } leaf serial-no { type string { length "1..16"; } description "Transceiver serial number. 16-octet field that contains ASCII characters, left-aligned and padded on the right with ASCII spaces (20h). If part serial number is undefined, all 16 octets = 0h"; } leaf date-code { type oc-yang:date-and-time; description "Representation of the transceiver date code, typically stored as YYMMDD. The time portion of the value is undefined and not intended to be read."; } leaf fault-condition { type boolean; description "Indicates if a fault condition exists in the transceiver"; } leaf fec-status { type identityref { base oc-platform-types:FEC_STATUS_TYPE; } description "Operational status of FEC"; } leaf fec-uncorrectable-blocks { type yang:counter64; description "The number of blocks that were uncorrectable by the FEC"; } leaf fec-uncorrectable-words { type yang:counter64; description "The number of words that were uncorrectable by the FEC"; } leaf fec-corrected-bytes { type yang:counter64; description "The number of bytes that were corrected by the FEC"; } leaf fec-corrected-bits { type yang:counter64; description "The number of bits that were corrected by the FEC"; } container pre-fec-ber { description "Bit error rate before forward error correction -- computed value with 18 decimal precision. Note that decimal64 supports values as small as i x 10^-18 where i is an integer. Values smaller than this should be reported as 0 to inidicate error free or near error free performance. Values include the instantaneous, average, minimum, and maximum statistics. If avg/min/max statistics are not supported, the target is expected to just supply the instant value"; uses oc-opt-types:avg-min-max-instant-stats-precision18-ber; } container post-fec-ber { description "Bit error rate after forward error correction -- computed value with 18 decimal precision. Note that decimal64 supports values as small as i x 10^-18 where i is an integer. Values smaller than this should be reported as 0 to inidicate error free or near error free performance. Values include the instantaneous, average, minimum, and maximum statistics. If avg/min/max statistics are not supported, the target is expected to just supply the instant value"; uses oc-opt-types:avg-min-max-instant-stats-precision18-ber; } container supply-voltage { description "Supply voltage to the transceiver in volts with 2 decimal precision. Values include the instantaneous, average, minimum, and maximum statistics. If avg/min/max statistics are not supported, the target is expected to just supply the instant value."; uses oc-platform-types:avg-min-max-instant-stats-precision2-volts; } uses optical-power-state; } grouping port-transceiver-top { description "Top-level grouping for client port transceiver data"; container transceiver { description "Top-level container for client port transceiver data"; container config { description "Configuration data for client port transceivers"; uses port-transceiver-config; } container state { config false; description "Operational state data for client port transceivers"; uses port-transceiver-config; uses port-transceiver-state; } uses physical-channel-top; } } augment "/oc-platform:components/oc-platform:component" { description "Adding transceiver data to physical inventory. This subtree is only valid when the type of the component is TRANSCEIVER."; uses port-transceiver-top; } augment "/oc-if:interfaces/oc-if:interface/oc-if:state" { description "Adds a reference from an interface to the corresponding transceiver component."; leaf transceiver { type leafref { path "/oc-platform:components/oc-platform:component[oc-platform:name=current()/../oc-port:hardware-port]/oc-platform:subcomponents/oc-platform:subcomponent/oc-platform:name"; } description "Provides a reference to the transceiver subcomponent that corresponds to the physical port component for this interface. The device must only populate this leaf with a reference to a component of type TRANSCEIVER."; } } augment "/oc-if:interfaces/oc-if:interface/oc-if:state" { description "Adds a reference from the base interface to its corresponding physical channels."; leaf-list physical-channel { type leafref { path "/oc-platform:components/oc-platform:component[oc-platform:name=current()/../oc-transceiver:transceiver]/oc-transceiver:transceiver/oc-transceiver:physical-channels/oc-transceiver:channel/oc-transceiver:index"; } description "For a channelized interface, list of references to the physical channels (lanes) corresponding to the interface. The physical channels are elements of a transceiver component in the platform model."; } } }