module openconfig-extensions { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix oc-ext; organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "This module provides extensions to the YANG language to allow OpenConfig specific functionality and meta-data to be defined."; revision 2020-06-16 { description "Add extension for POSIX pattern statements."; reference "0.5.0"; } revision 2018-10-17 { description "Add extension for regular expression type."; reference "0.4.0"; } revision 2017-04-11 { description "rename password type to 'hashed' and clarify description"; reference "0.3.0"; } revision 2017-01-29 { description "Added extension for annotating encrypted values."; reference "0.2.0"; } revision 2015-10-09 { description "Initial OpenConfig public release"; reference "0.1.0"; } extension openconfig-version { argument semver { yin-element false; } description "The OpenConfig version number for the module. This is expressed as a semantic version number of the form: x.y.z where: * x corresponds to the major version, * y corresponds to a minor version, * z corresponds to a patch version. This version corresponds to the model file within which it is defined, and does not cover the whole set of OpenConfig models. Individual YANG modules are versioned independently -- the semantic version is generally incremented only when there is a change in the corresponding file. Submodules should always have the same semantic version as their parent modules. A major version number of 0 indicates that this model is still in development (whether within OpenConfig or with industry partners), and is potentially subject to change. Following a release of major version 1, all modules will increment major revision number where backwards incompatible changes to the model are made. The minor version is changed when features are added to the model that do not impact current clients use of the model. The patch-level version is incremented when non-feature changes (such as bugfixes or clarifications to human-readable descriptions that do not impact model functionality) are made that maintain backwards compatibility. The version number is stored in the module meta-data."; } extension openconfig-hashed-value { description "This extension provides an annotation on schema nodes to indicate that the corresponding value should be stored and reported in hashed form. Hash algorithms are by definition not reversible. Clients reading the configuration or applied configuration for the node should expect to receive only the hashed value. Values written in cleartext will be hashed. This annotation may be used on nodes such as secure passwords in which the device never reports a cleartext value, even if the input is provided as cleartext."; } extension regexp-posix { description "This extension indicates that the regular expressions included within the YANG module specified are conformant with the POSIX regular expression format rather than the W3C standard that is specified by RFC6020 and RFC7950."; } extension posix-pattern { argument pattern { yin-element false; } description "Provides a POSIX ERE regular expression pattern statement as an alternative to YANG regular expresssions based on XML Schema Datatypes. It is used the same way as the standard YANG pattern statement defined in RFC6020 and RFC7950, but takes an argument that is a POSIX ERE regular expression string."; reference "POSIX Extended Regular Expressions (ERE) Specification:"; } extension telemetry-on-change { description "The telemetry-on-change annotation is specified in the context of a particular subtree (container, or list) or leaf within the YANG schema. Where specified, it indicates that the value stored by the nodes within the context change their value only in response to an event occurring. The event may be local to the target, for example - a configuration change, or external - such as the failure of a link. When a telemetry subscription allows the target to determine whether to export the value of a leaf in a periodic or event-based fashion (e.g., TARGET_DEFINED mode in gNMI), leaves marked as telemetry-on-change should only be exported when they change, i.e., event-based."; } extension telemetry-atomic { description "The telemetry-atomic annotation is specified in the context of a subtree (containre, or list), and indicates that all nodes within the subtree are always updated together within the data model. For example, all elements under the subtree may be updated as a result of a new alarm being raised, or the arrival of a new protocol message. Transport protocols may use the atomic specification to determine optimisations for sending or storing the corresponding data."; } extension operational { description "The operational annotation is specified in the context of a grouping, leaf, or leaf-list within a YANG module. It indicates that the nodes within the context are derived state on the device. OpenConfig data models divide nodes into the following three categories: - intended configuration - these are leaves within a container named 'config', and are the writable configuration of a target. - applied configuration - these are leaves within a container named 'state' and are the currently running value of the intended configuration. - derived state - these are the values within the 'state' container which are not part of the applied configuration of the device. Typically, they represent state values reflecting underlying operational counters, or protocol statuses."; } extension catalog-organization { argument org { yin-element false; } description "This extension specifies the organization name that should be used within the module catalogue on the device for the specified YANG module. It stores a pithy string where the YANG organization statement may contain more details."; } extension origin { argument origin { yin-element false; } description "This extension specifies the name of the origin that the YANG module falls within. This allows multiple overlapping schema trees to be used on a single network element without requiring module based prefixing of paths."; } }