module openconfig-rib-bgp { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix oc-rib-bgp; import openconfig-bgp-types { prefix oc-bgpt; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } include "openconfig-rib-bgp-tables"; include "openconfig-rib-bgp-shared-attributes"; include "openconfig-rib-bgp-attributes"; include "openconfig-rib-bgp-table-attributes"; organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "Defines a data model for representing BGP routing table (RIB) contents. The model supports 5 logical RIBs per address family: loc-rib: This is the main BGP routing table for the local routing instance, containing best-path selections for each prefix. The loc-rib table may contain multiple routes for a given prefix, with an attribute to indicate which was selected as the best path. Note that multiple paths may be used or advertised even if only one path is marked as best, e.g., when using BGP add-paths. An implementation may choose to mark multiple paths in the RIB as best path by setting the flag to true for multiple entries. adj-rib-in-pre: This is a per-neighbor table containing the NLRI updates received from the neighbor before any local input policy rules or filters have been applied. This can be considered the 'raw' updates from a given neighbor. adj-rib-in-post: This is a per-neighbor table containing the routes received from the neighbor that are eligible for best-path selection after local input policy rules have been applied. adj-rib-out-pre: This is a per-neighbor table containing routes eligible for sending (advertising) to the neighbor before output policy rules have been applied. adj-rib-out-post: This is a per-neighbor table containing routes eligible for sending (advertising) to the neighbor after output policy rules have been applied."; revision 2022-06-06 { description "Revert IETF types in favor of oc-inet types"; reference "0.8.1"; } revision 2021-06-21 { description "Add L2VPN-EVPN BGP RIB Support"; reference "0.8.0"; } revision 2019-10-15 { description "Change imported segment-routing module."; reference "0.7.0"; } revision 2019-04-25 { description "Update last-modified timestamp to be expressed as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch."; reference "0.6.0"; } revision 2019-04-16 { description "Rename the top-level BGP RIB container's name to RIB."; reference "0.5.0"; } revision 2019-02-27 { description "Remove top-level BGP RIB container, and update list names to be compatible with path compression."; reference "0.4.0"; } revision 2018-11-21 { description "Add OpenConfig module metadata extensions."; reference "0.3.1"; } revision 2016-10-17 { description "OpenConfig BGP RIB refactor"; reference "0.3.0"; } revision 2016-04-11 { description "OpenConfig public release"; reference "0.2.0"; } oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.8.1"; grouping bgp-rib-state { description "Operational state data for the top level BGP RIB"; leaf afi-safi-name { type identityref { base oc-bgpt:AFI_SAFI_TYPE; } description "AFI,SAFI"; } } grouping bgp-rib-top { description "Top-level grouping for the BGP RIB"; container rib { config false; description "Top level container for BGP RIBs"; uses attribute-sets-top; uses community-sets-top; uses ext-community-sets-top; container afi-safis { config false; description "Enclosing container for address family list"; list afi-safi { key "afi-safi-name"; description "list of afi-safi types"; leaf afi-safi-name { type leafref { path "../state/afi-safi-name"; } description "Reference to the list key"; } container state { config false; description "Operational state data for the BGP list"; uses bgp-rib-state; } container ipv4-unicast { when "../afi-safi-name = 'oc-bgpt:IPV4_UNICAST'" { description "Include this container for IPv4 unicast RIB"; } description "Routing tables for IPv4 unicast -- active when the afi-safi name is ipv4-unicast"; uses ipv4-loc-rib-top; uses ipv4-adj-rib-top; } container ipv6-unicast { when "../afi-safi-name = 'oc-bgpt:IPV6_UNICAST'" { description "Include this container for IPv6 unicast RIB"; } description "Routing tables for IPv6 unicast -- active when the afi-safi name is ipv6-unicast"; uses ipv6-loc-rib-top; uses ipv6-adj-rib-top; } container ipv4-srte-policy { when "../afi-safi-name = 'oc-bgpt:SRTE_POLICY_IPV4'" { description "Include this container only for the IPv4 AFI, SR-TE Policy SAFI."; } description "Routing tables for the IPv4 Unicast, SR-TE Policy SAFI."; uses ipvX-srte-policy-locrib-top; uses ipvX-srte-policy-adjrib-top; } container ipv6-srte-policy { when "../afi-safi-name = 'oc-bgpt:SRTE_POLICY_IPV6'" { description "Include this container only for the IPv6 AFI, SR-TE Policy SAFI."; } description "Routing tables for the IPv6 Unicast, SR-TE Policy SAFI."; uses ipvX-srte-policy-locrib-top; uses ipvX-srte-policy-adjrib-top; } container l2vpn-evpn { when "../afi-safi-name = 'oc-bgpt:L2VPN_EVPN'" { description "Include this container for l2vpn evpn route-types"; } description "Routing tables for l2vpn evpn -- active when the afi-safi name is l2vpn-evpn"; uses l2vpn-evpn-loc-rib-top; uses l2vpn-evpn-adj-rib-top; } } } } } }