module openconfig-segment-routing-types { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix oc-srt; import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; } import openconfig-mpls-types { prefix oc-mplst; } import openconfig-inet-types { prefix oc-inet; } organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "Types associated with a network instance"; revision 2020-02-04 { description "Consistent prefix for openconfig-mpls-types."; reference "0.2.0"; } revision 2019-09-24 { description "Initial revision of the SR types."; reference "0.1.0"; } oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.2.0"; typedef sr-dataplane-type { type enumeration { enum "MPLS" { description "The entity uses MPLS labels as Segment Identifiers."; } enum "IPV6" { description "The entity uses IPv6 prefixes as Segment Identifiers."; } } description "Types of data plane that can be used to instantiate a Segment Routing block of SIDs."; } typedef sr-sid-type { type union { type oc-mplst:mpls-label; type oc-inet:ipv6-address; } description "The defined value of a segment identifier."; } typedef srte-protocol-type { type enumeration { enum "PCEP" { value 10; description "Path Computation Element Protocol."; } enum "BGP" { value 20; description "BGP SR policy."; } enum "CONFIG" { value 30; description "Local configuration."; } } description "The component or protocol that originates or signals the candidate path."; reference "Section 2.3 of draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy."; } typedef srte-endpoint-type { type oc-inet:ip-address; description "SR-TE endpoint is the policy destination which can be either an IPv4 or IPv6 address."; reference "draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy"; } typedef srte-invalid-sl-reason { type enumeration { enum "EMPTY_SL" { description "Segment-list is empty."; } enum "ZERO_WEIGHT" { description "Segment-list weight is 0."; } enum "FIRST_SID_UNRESOLVABLE" { description "The headend is unable to perform path resolution for the first SID into one or more outgoing interface(s) and next-hop(s)."; } enum "OTHER_SID_UNRESOLVABLE" { description "The headend is unable to perform SID resolution for any non-first SID of type 3-through-11 into an MPLS label or an SRv6 SID."; } enum "VERIFICATION_FAIL" { description "The headend verification fails for any SID for which verification has been explicitly requested."; } } description "The list of segment-list invalid reasons."; reference "draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy"; } typedef enlp-type { type enumeration { enum "PUSH_IPV4_EXPLICIT_NULL" { description "Push an IPv4 Explicit NULL label on an unlabeled IPv4 packet but not IPv6 one."; } enum "PUSH_IPV6_EXPLICIT_NULL" { description "Push an IPv6 Explicit NULL label on an unlabeled IPv4 packet but not IPv4 one."; } enum "PUSH_IPV46_EXPLICIT_NULL" { description "Push an IPv4 Explicit NULL label on both unlabeled IPv4 packet and IPv6 packet."; } enum "NO_EXPLICIT_NULL" { description "Do not push an Explicit NULL label."; } } description "The list of possible ENLP(Explicit NULL Label Policy) values."; reference "draft-ietf-idr-segment-routing-te-policy"; } }