module odl-netconf-device {
  namespace "urn:opendaylight:netconf:device";
  prefix "ond";

    "Common groupings for describing configuration and operational status
     of an OpenDaylight southbound NETCONF device.";

  import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; }
  import ietf-netconf { prefix nc; }

  revision 2024-10-09 {
    description "Add range restriction for backoff-multiplier leaf.";

  revision 2024-01-20 {
    description "Rename between-attempts-timeout-millis, max-timeout-between-attempts-millis and sleep-factor
    to min-backoff-millis, max-backoff-millis and backoff-multiplier.";

  revision 2024-01-19 {
    description "Mark between-attempts-timeout-millis, max-timeout-between-attempts-millis and sleep-factor
    as obsolete. They will be renamed to min-backoff-millis, max-backoff-millis and backoff-multiplier
    in the NETCONF-7 release.";

  revision 2024-01-18 {
    description "Mark between-attempts-timeout-millis, max-timeout-between-attempts-millis and sleep-factor
    as deprecated. They will be renamed to min-backoff-millis, max-backoff-millis and backoff-multiplier
    in the NETCONF-7 release.";

  revision 2024-01-10 {
    description "Add possibility to set range of backoff randomization";

  revision 2024-01-04 {
    description "Add possibility to set max timeout between connection attempts";

  revision 2023-11-21 {
    description "Store encrypted login-pw case password as binary";

  revision 2023-10-25 {
    description "Remove deprecated login-password case";

  revision 2023-10-24 {
    description "Marking deprecated login-password as obsolete before removing it";

  revision 2023-04-30 {
    description "Use ietf-netconf's session-id-type";

  revision 2022-12-25;

  grouping username-password {
    leaf username {
      type string;

    leaf password {
      type binary;

  grouping username-password-unencrypted {
    leaf username {
      type string;

    leaf password {
      type string;

  grouping credentials {
    choice credentials {
      config true;
      case login-pw {
        description "login-password credentials, encrypted.";

        container login-password {
          uses username-password;
      case login-pw-unencrypted {
        description "login-password credentials, not encrypted.";

        container login-password-unencrypted {
          uses username-password-unencrypted;
      case key-auth {
        description "key-based authentication, use the id for the pair thats stored in the keystore.";

        container key-based {
          leaf key-id {
            type string;

          leaf username {
            type string;

  grouping connection-parameters {
    leaf host {
      type inet:host;

    leaf port {
      type inet:port-number;

    leaf tcp-only {
      config true;
      type boolean;
      default false;

    container protocol {
      config true;
      leaf name {
        type enumeration {
          enum SSH;
          enum TLS;
        default SSH;

      choice specification {
        case tls-case {
          container tls {
            leaf-list excluded-versions {
              type string;
              description "A list of TLS version names provided in JDK that are not supported by the
                           target netconf device, eg, the netopeer2 simulator does not support the
                           SSLv2Hello. Most of the time, this list need not be set";

    leaf schemaless {
      type boolean;
      default false;

    container yang-module-capabilities {
      config true;
      leaf override {
        type boolean;
        default false;
        description "Whether to override or merge this list of capabilities with capabilities from device";

      leaf-list capability {
        type string;
        description "Set a list of capabilities to override capabilities provided in device's hello message.
                     Can be used for devices that do not report any yang modules in their hello message";

    container non-module-capabilities {
      config true;
      leaf override {
        type boolean;
        default false;
        description "Whether to override or merge this list of non-module based capabilities with non-module
                     based capabilities from device";

      leaf-list capability {
        type string;
        description "Set a list of non-module based capabilities to override or merge non-module capabilities
                     provided in device's hello message. Can be used for devices that do not report or
                     incorrectly report non-module based capabilities in their hello message";

    leaf reconnect-on-changed-schema {
      config true;
      type boolean;
      default false;
      description "If true, the connector would auto disconnect/reconnect when schemas are changed in the
                   remote device. The connector subscribes (right after connect) to base netconf notifications
                   and listens for netconf-capability-change notification";

    leaf connection-timeout-millis {
      description "Specifies timeout in milliseconds after which connection must be established.";
      config true;
      type uint32;
      default 20000;

    leaf default-request-timeout-millis {
      description "Timeout for blocking operations within transactions.";
      config true;
      type uint32;
      default 60000;

    leaf max-connection-attempts {
      description "Maximum number of connection retries. Non positive value or null is interpreted as infinity.";
      config true;
      type uint32;
      default 0; // retry forever

    leaf min-backoff-millis {
      description "Initial minimum timeout in milliseconds randomized with backoff-jitter to wait between connection
                   attempts. Will be multiplied by backoff-multiplier with every additional attempt";
      config true;
      type uint16;
      default 2000;

    leaf max-backoff-millis {
      description "Maximum timeout in milliseconds randomized with backoff-jitter to wait between connection attempts.";
      config true;
      type uint32;
      default 1800000;

    leaf backoff-multiplier {
      description "Multiplier for backoff timeout. The backoff will be multiplied by this value with every
                   additional attempt. Backoff-multiplier must be in the range (1, max).";
      config true;
      type decimal64 {
        fraction-digits 1;
        range "1..max";
      default 1.5;

    leaf backoff-jitter {
      description "Range of backoff randomization. The backoff will be multiplied by a random number in the range
                   (1 - backoff-jitter, 1 + backoff-jitter). Backoff-jitter must be in the range (0, 0.5).";
      config true;
      type decimal64 {
        fraction-digits 1;
        range 0..0.5;
      default 0.1;

    // Keepalive configuration
    leaf keepalive-delay {
      config true;
      type uint32;
      default 120;
      description "Netconf connector sends keepalive RPCs while the session is idle, this delay specifies
                   the delay between keepalive RPC in seconds.
                   If a value <1 is provided, no keepalives will be sent";

    leaf concurrent-rpc-limit {
      config true;
      type uint16;
      default 0;
      description "Limit of concurrent messages that can be send before reply messages are received.
                   If value <1 is provided, no limit will be enforced";

    leaf actor-response-wait-time {
      config true;
      type uint16 {
        range "1..max";
      default 5;
      description "Time that slave actor will wait for response from master.";

    container odl-hello-message-capabilities {
      config true;
      leaf-list capability {
        type inet:uri;
        description "Certain devices are non-accepting of ODL's hello message.  This allows specification of
                     a custom ODL hello message based on a list of supported capabilities.";

  grouping connection-oper {
    leaf session-id {
      config false;
      type nc:session-id-type;

    leaf connection-status {
      config false;
      type enumeration {
        enum connecting;
        enum connected;
        enum unable-to-connect;

    container clustered-connection-status {
      config false;
      list node-status {
        leaf node {
          type string;
        leaf status {
          type enumeration {
            enum connected;
            enum unavailable;
            enum failed;
      leaf netconf-master-node {
        config false;
        type string;

    leaf connected-message {
      config false;
      type string;

    container available-capabilities {
      config false;
      list available-capability {
        leaf capability {
            type string;
        leaf capability-origin {
          type enumeration {
            enum user-defined;
            enum device-advertised;

    container unavailable-capabilities {
      config false;
      list unavailable-capability {
        leaf capability {
          type string;

        leaf failure-reason {
          type enumeration {
            enum missing-source;
            enum unable-to-resolve;

    container pass-through {
      when "../connection-status = connected";
        "When the underlying node is connected, its NETCONF context
        is available verbatim under this container through the
        mount extension.";
  grouping netconf-schema-storage {
    leaf schema-cache-directory {
      config true;
      type string;
      default "schema";
        "The destination schema repository for yang files relative to the cache directory.
         This may be specified per netconf mount so that the loaded yang files are stored
         to a distinct directory to avoid potential conflict.";

    container yang-library {
      leaf yang-library-url {
          config true;
          type inet:uri;
            "Yang library to be plugged as additional source provider into the shared schema repository";

      // credentials for basic http authentication
      leaf username {
          config true;
          type string;

      leaf password {
          config true;
          type string;

  grouping datastore-access {
    leaf lock-datastore {
      type boolean;
      default true;
      description "The operation allows the client to lock the entire configuration datastore
                   system of a device.
                   WARNING - With blocking the lock/unlock operations, the user is coming to operate
                   in a manner which is not supported. Concurrent access to the data store may interfere
                   with data consistency.";