module people {

    yang-version 1;

    namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config:sal-clustering-it:people";

    prefix people;

	  import ietf-inet-types { prefix "inet"; revision-date 2013-07-15; }
    organization "Netconf Central";

      "Harman Singh <>";

      "YANG model for person for test application";

    revision "2014-08-18" {
        "Clustering sample app";
    typedef person-id {
      type inet:uri;
      description "An identifier for person.";

    typedef person-ref {
      type instance-identifier;
      description "A reference that points to an people:people/person in the data tree.";
    identity person-context {
        description "A person-context is a classifier for person elements which allows an RPC to provide a service on behalf of a particular element in the data tree.";

    grouping person {
      description "Describes the details of the person";

      leaf id {
        type person-id;
        description "identifier of single list of entries.";

      leaf gender {
        type string;

      leaf age {
        type uint32;

      leaf address {
        type string;

      leaf contactNo {
        type string;
    container people {
        "Top-level container for all people";

      list person {
      	key "id";
      	description "A list of people (as defined by the 'grouping person').";
      	uses person;

    rpc add-person {
        "Add a person entry into database";
      input {
        uses person;