submodule openconfig-aft-mpls { belongs-to "openconfig-aft" { prefix "oc-aft"; } import openconfig-extensions { prefix "oc-ext"; } import openconfig-mpls-types { prefix "oc-mplst"; } // Include common cross-AFT groupings from the common submodule. include openconfig-aft-common; organization "OpenConfig working group"; contact "OpenConfig working group"; description "Submodule containing definitions of groupings for the abstract forwarding table for MPLS label forwarding."; oc-ext:openconfig-version "2.2.0"; revision "2022-06-16" { description "Add state-synced container under afts."; reference "2.2.0"; } revision "2022-06-15" { description "Add decapsulate-header in NH AFT entry state"; reference "2.1.0"; } revision "2022-05-17" { description "Relocate next-hop-group/next-hop-group-network-instance from openconfig-aft-common to resolve absolute path leafref specific to network-instances"; reference "2.0.0"; } revision "2022-01-27" { description "Add next hop counters and prefix counters."; reference "1.0.0"; } revision "2022-01-26" { description "Add vni-label and tunnel-src-ip-address properties under next-hops"; reference "0.10.0"; } revision "2021-12-09" { description "Add pop-top-label in NH AFT entry state"; reference "0.9.0"; } revision "2021-08-06" { description "Add references to the network instance within which to resolve a next-hop-group; fix defect where NHG could not be an ID defined outside the current NI; add metadata; add IP-in-IP encap."; reference "0.8.0"; } revision "2021-07-15" { description "NHG-ID and NH-ID space management."; reference "0.7.0"; } revision "2020-11-06" { description "Make AFT model read-only."; reference "0.6.0"; } revision "2020-09-09" { description "Remove leafs that are not used as keys from config containers as AFT model is ready-only. * next-hop/interface-ref/config. * all leafs under policy-forwarding-entry/config except index."; reference "0.5.0"; } revision "2019-11-07" { description "Move lsp-name leaf out of aft-common-entry-nexthop-state group."; reference "0.4.1"; } revision "2019-08-02" { description "Add installing protocol for IPv[46] unicast entries. Add the ability to describe conditional next-hop groups outside of the policy forwarding module to allow for efficient handling of CBTS, where many prefixes may share the same next-hop criteria."; reference "0.4.0"; } revision "2019-08-01" { description "Add lsp-name leaf to AFT next-hop."; reference "0.3.3"; } revision "2018-11-21" { description "Add OpenConfig module metadata extensions."; reference "0.3.2"; } revision 2017-08-24 { description "Formatting fixes"; reference "0.3.1"; } revision 2017-05-10 { description "Refactor to provide concretised per-AF schemas per AFT."; reference "0.3.0"; } grouping aft-mpls-structural { description "Structural grouping defining the schema for the MPLS abstract forwarding table."; list label-entry { key "label"; description "List of the MPLS entries within the abstract forwarding table. This list is keyed by the top-most MPLS label."; leaf label { type leafref { path "../state/label"; } description "Reference to the top-most MPLS label matched by the entry."; } container state { config false; description "Operational state parameters for the MPLS AFT entry."; uses aft-mpls-entry-state; } } } grouping aft-mpls-entry-state { description "Operational state parameters for the MPLS entry."; leaf label { type oc-mplst:mpls-label; description "The top-most MPLS label that should be matched to utilise the AFT entry."; } uses aft-common-entry-state; leaf-list popped-mpls-label-stack { type oc-mplst:mpls-label; description "The MPLS label stack to be popped from the packet when switched by the system. The stack is encoded as a leaf-list such that the first entry is the label that is outer-most (i.e., furthest from the bottom of the stack). If the local system pops the outer-most label 400, then the value of this list is [400,]. If the local system removes two labels, the outer-most being 500, and the second of which is 400, then the value of the list is [500, 400]. A swap operation is reflected by entries in the popped-mpls-label-stack and pushed-mpls-label-stack nodes."; } } }