module data-export-import-internal { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:daexim-internal"; prefix "internal"; import data-export-import { prefix daexim; revision-date 2016-09-21; } organization "Brocade BSC Team"; contact "Anton Ivanov <> David Spence <> Shaleen Saxena <> Richard Kosegi <>"; description "This module contains YANG definitions for internal implementation of the data export and import public API. Copyright (c) 2016 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at"; revision "2016-09-21" { description "Initial revision."; } typedef ipc-type { description "A message type for internal (IPC) control messages."; type enumeration { enum schedule { description "A control message to schedule export."; value 0; } enum cancel { description "A control message to cancel export."; value 1; } } } container import-operation-result { config false; description "The result of the last attempted import operation, with associated failure reason."; uses daexim:arg-result; uses daexim:arg-reason; } container daexim { config false; container daexim-control { description "Export control, used to dispatch IPC to all node instances. When `task-type` is `schedule` then `run-at` must be specified and `inclusions` and/or `exclusions` may be specified. If both `inclusions` and `exclusions` are specified, then a module is only exported if it is included and not also excluded. When `task-type` is `cancel` then `run-at`, `inclusions` and `exclusions` are ignored. If there is an export running or scheduled then `cancel` cancels it and resets status to its initial state."; leaf task-type { type ipc-type; } leaf run-at { description "The time, in absolute UTC time, at which to run the export, as determined by the node handling the `schedule-export` request."; type daexim:absolute-time; } leaf run-on-node { description "Name of node where the export should be executed."; type string; } leaf strict-data-consistency { description "Indicates if strict data consistency needs to be maintained while exporting data. This value determines how data is read from the datastore during export - in one shot (true) or in smaller batches (false)."; type boolean; default true; } uses daexim:split-by-module-options; uses daexim:inclusions; uses daexim:exclusions; } grouping node-status { leaf import-status { description "The import task status of the corresponding node."; type daexim:status; mandatory true; } leaf export-status { description "The export task status of the corresponding node."; type daexim:status; mandatory true; } leaf export-result { description "A human-readable string describing the cause, if this export task failed."; type string; } leaf import-result { description "A human-readable string describing the cause, if this import task failed."; type string; } leaf imported-at { description "The restore time in absolute UTC time."; type daexim:absolute-time; } leaf last-import-change { description "Timestamp in absolute UTC time when import status was last changed."; type daexim:absolute-time; } leaf last-export-change { description "Timestamp in absolute UTC time when export status was last changed."; type daexim:absolute-time; } uses daexim:files; } container daexim-status { description "Data export/import, used to communicate task status."; list node-status { key "node-name"; description "The nodes where the export is to be executed."; leaf node-name { description "Node name as used in cluster configuration"; type string; mandatory true; } uses node-status; } } } }