module odl-inet-binary-types { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:lfm:inet-binary-types"; prefix "inet-binary"; contact "Lori Jakab <>"; description "Binary representation type definitions for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and prefixes"; revision "2016-03-03" { description "Initial revision."; } typedef ipv4-address-binary { type binary { length "4"; } description "The ipv4-address-binary type represents an IPv4 address in binary in network byte order."; } typedef ipv6-address-binary { type binary { length "16"; } description "The ipv6-address-binary type represents an IPv6 address in binary in network byte order."; } typedef ip-address-binary { type union { type ipv4-address-binary; type ipv6-address-binary; } description "The ip-address-binary type represents an IP address in binary in network byte order, and is IP version neutral. The length of the byte array implies the IP version."; } }