module aaa-app-config { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:aaa:app:config"; prefix "aaa-app-config"; organization "OpenDaylight"; contact ","; revision "2017-06-19" { description "aaa-app-config is used to manipulate aspects of AAA clustered-app-config."; } grouping string-pair { description "Used to store string key/value pairs."; leaf pair-key { type string; description "The key."; } leaf pair-value { type string; description "The value."; } } grouping shiro.ini { description "Basic structure of generated shiro.ini"; list main { key "pair-key"; uses string-pair; ordered-by user; description "The main section of shiro.ini."; } list urls { key "pair-key"; uses string-pair; ordered-by user; description "The urls section of shiro.ini."; } } container shiro-configuration { description "AAA shiro related configuration."; uses shiro.ini; } container datastore-config { leaf store { description "Available data store types."; type enumeration { enum h2-data-store { description "H2 DataStore."; } } } leaf time-to-live { description "Time to live for tokens in second."; type uint64; default 36000; } leaf time-to-wait { description "Time to wait for tokens in second."; type uint64; default 3600; } } }