[DEBUG] [03/27/2024 06:10:43.201] [main] [EventStream(akka://test)] logger log1-TestEventListener started 06:10:43,202 AM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-5] [INFO] Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started [DEBUG] [03/27/2024 06:10:43.203] [main] [EventStream(akka://test)] logger log2-Slf4jLogger started [DEBUG] [03/27/2024 06:10:43.203] [main] [EventStream(akka://test)] Default Loggers started [INFO] [03/27/2024 06:10:43.253] [main] [ArteryTransport(akka://test)] Remoting started with transport [Artery tcp]; listening on address [akka://test@] with UID [6241166093156885025] 06:10:43,255 AM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [INFO] ArteryTransport - Remoting started with transport [Artery tcp]; listening on address [akka://test@] with UID [6241166093156885025] [INFO] [03/27/2024 06:10:43.255] [main] [Cluster(akka://test)] Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Starting up, Akka version [2.6.21] ... 06:10:43,256 AM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-5] [INFO] Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Starting up, Akka version [2.6.21] ... [INFO] [03/27/2024 06:10:43.261] [main] [Cluster(akka://test)] Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Registered cluster JMX MBean [akka:type=Cluster] [INFO] [03/27/2024 06:10:43.261] [main] [Cluster(akka://test)] Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Started up successfully 06:10:43,269 AM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [INFO] Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Registered cluster JMX MBean [akka:type=Cluster] 06:10:43,269 AM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [INFO] Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Started up successfully 06:10:43,272 AM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [INFO] Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://test@] - No downing-provider-class configured, manual cluster downing required, see https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/typed/cluster.html#downing 06:10:43,272 AM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [INFO] Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://test@] - No seed-nodes configured, manual cluster join required, see https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/typed/cluster.html#joining [INFO] [03/27/2024 06:10:43.271] [test-akka.actor.internal-dispatcher-4] [Cluster(akka://test)] Cluster Node [akka://test@] - No downing-provider-class configured, manual cluster downing required, see https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/typed/cluster.html#downing [INFO] [03/27/2024 06:10:43.271] [test-akka.actor.internal-dispatcher-4] [Cluster(akka://test)] Cluster Node [akka://test@] - No seed-nodes configured, manual cluster join required, see https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/typed/cluster.html#joining 06:10:43,414 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:43,440 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:43,440 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:43,444 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received AppendEntries [leaderId=test, prevLogIndex=0, prevLogTerm=0, leaderCommit=0, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=0, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[]], my term is 2 06:10:43,444 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Term 5 in "AppendEntries [leaderId=test, prevLogIndex=0, prevLogTerm=0, leaderCommit=0, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=0, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[]]" message is greater than Candidate's term 2 - switching to Follower 06:10:43,444 AM [main] [DEBUG] DefaultConfigParamsImpl - No custom RaftPolicy specified. Using DefaultRaftPolicy 06:10:43,444 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Follower, election term: 5 06:10:43,444 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior170#1982569708] 06:10:43,457 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate171] 06:10:43,458 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer172#427770597] 06:10:43,563 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:43,566 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [peer1] 06:10:43,566 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:43,567 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=2, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=1, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer1 06:10:43,567 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Received ElectionTimeout 06:10:43,567 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 3 06:10:43,567 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=3, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=1, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer1 06:10:43,567 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior173#1919416749] 06:10:43,579 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate174] 06:10:43,581 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer175#-261699556] 06:10:43,689 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:43,689 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:43,689 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 1001 06:10:43,691 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVote [term=1001, candidateId=candidate2, lastLogIndex=10000, lastLogTerm=999], my term is 1001 06:10:43,691 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): In requestVote: RequestVote [term=1001, candidateId=candidate2, lastLogIndex=10000, lastLogTerm=999] - currentTerm: 1001, votedFor: candidate, lastIndex: 1, lastTerm: 1 06:10:43,691 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): requestVote returning: RequestVoteReply [term=1001, voteGranted=false] 06:10:43,692 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior176#21563158] 06:10:43,704 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate177] 06:10:43,704 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer178#1785518411] 06:10:43,810 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:43,810 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:43,810 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:43,813 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received AppendEntries [leaderId=test, prevLogIndex=0, prevLogTerm=0, leaderCommit=0, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=0, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[]], my term is 2 06:10:43,814 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): handleAppendEntries: AppendEntries [leaderId=test, prevLogIndex=0, prevLogTerm=0, leaderCommit=0, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=0, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[]] 06:10:43,814 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): New Leader test sent an AppendEntries to Candidate for term 2 - will switch to Follower 06:10:43,814 AM [main] [DEBUG] DefaultConfigParamsImpl - No custom RaftPolicy specified. Using DefaultRaftPolicy 06:10:43,814 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Follower, election term: 2 06:10:43,815 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior179#-613516645] 06:10:43,827 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate180] 06:10:43,829 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer181#1440462768] 06:10:43,939 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:43,939 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from 1 to -1 06:10:43,948 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [peer1, peer2] 06:10:43,948 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:43,949 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=2, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=1, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer1 06:10:43,949 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=2, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=1, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer2 06:10:43,949 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], my term is 2 06:10:43,949 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): handleRequestVoteReply: RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], current voteCount: 1 06:10:43,949 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): LastApplied index -1 is behind last index 1 - switching to PreLeader 06:10:43,951 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (PreLeader): Election: Leader has following peers: [peer1, peer2] 06:10:43,951 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (PreLeader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer1: active: false, followerNextIndex: 1, leaderLastIndex: 1, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 06:10:43,951 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (PreLeader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer2: active: false, followerNextIndex: 1, leaderLastIndex: 1, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 06:10:43,951 AM [main] [DEBUG] DefaultConfigParamsImpl - No custom RaftPolicy specified. Using DefaultRaftPolicy 06:10:43,951 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to PreLeader, election term: 2 06:10:43,951 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior182#-1317640141] 06:10:43,962 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate183] 06:10:43,963 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer184#1701747082] 06:10:43,963 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer185#-1269314329] 06:10:44,68 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:44,68 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:44,68 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:44,70 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVote [term=1, candidateId=test, lastLogIndex=0, lastLogTerm=0], my term is 2 06:10:44,70 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): In requestVote: RequestVote [term=1, candidateId=test, lastLogIndex=0, lastLogTerm=0] - currentTerm: 2, votedFor: candidate, lastIndex: 1, lastTerm: 1 06:10:44,70 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): requestVote returning: RequestVoteReply [term=2, voteGranted=false] 06:10:44,71 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior186#-1356808722] 06:10:44,82 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate187] 06:10:44,86 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer188#2058953753] 06:10:44,193 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:44,193 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:44,193 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 3 06:10:44,193 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received AppendEntries [leaderId=leader-1, prevLogIndex=-1, prevLogTerm=-1, leaderCommit=2, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=0, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[SimpleReplicatedLogEntry [index=0, term=2, payload=zero]]], my term is 2 06:10:44,193 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): handleAppendEntries: AppendEntries [leaderId=leader-1, prevLogIndex=-1, prevLogTerm=-1, leaderCommit=2, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=0, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[SimpleReplicatedLogEntry [index=0, term=2, payload=zero]]] 06:10:44,193 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): New Leader leader-1 sent an AppendEntries to Candidate for term 2 - will switch to Follower 06:10:44,194 AM [main] [DEBUG] DefaultConfigParamsImpl - No custom RaftPolicy specified. Using DefaultRaftPolicy 06:10:44,194 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Follower, election term: 2 06:10:44,194 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior189#-272556513] 06:10:44,206 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate190] 06:10:44,310 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:44,310 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:44,310 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 1001 06:10:44,312 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVote [term=1001, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=10000, lastLogTerm=999], my term is 1001 06:10:44,312 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): In requestVote: RequestVote [term=1001, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=10000, lastLogTerm=999] - currentTerm: 1001, votedFor: candidate, lastIndex: 1, lastTerm: 1 06:10:44,312 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): requestVote returning: RequestVoteReply [term=1001, voteGranted=true] 06:10:44,315 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior191#-884624051] 06:10:44,327 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate192] 06:10:44,327 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer193#-499125507] 06:10:44,335 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:44,335 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:44,335 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:44,336 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior194#1672018428] 06:10:44,347 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate195] 06:10:44,591 AM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [peer3, peer2] 06:10:44,592 AM [main] [INFO] CandidateTest - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:44,593 AM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=1, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=-1, lastLogTerm=-1] to peer peer3 06:10:44,593 AM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=1, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=-1, lastLogTerm=-1] to peer peer2 06:10:44,997 AM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=false], my term is 1 06:10:44,997 AM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Candidate): handleRequestVoteReply: RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=false], current voteCount: 1 06:10:44,998 AM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], my term is 1 06:10:44,998 AM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Candidate): handleRequestVoteReply: RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], current voteCount: 1 06:10:44,999 AM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Leader): Election: Leader has following peers: [peer1, peer3, peer2, peer4] 06:10:44,999 AM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer1: active: false, followerNextIndex: -1, leaderLastIndex: -1, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 06:10:44,999 AM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer3: active: false, followerNextIndex: -1, leaderLastIndex: -1, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 06:10:45,0 AM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer2: active: false, followerNextIndex: -1, leaderLastIndex: -1, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 06:10:45,0 AM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer4: active: false, followerNextIndex: -1, leaderLastIndex: -1, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 06:10:45,1 AM [main] [DEBUG] DefaultConfigParamsImpl - No custom RaftPolicy specified. Using DefaultRaftPolicy 06:10:45,1 AM [main] [INFO] CandidateTest - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Leader, election term: 1 06:10:45,1 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior196#1015344695] 06:10:45,13 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate197] 06:10:45,13 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer198#263287109] 06:10:45,14 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer199#-1130020945] 06:10:45,14 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer200#-1118589018] 06:10:45,15 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer201#390486818] 06:10:45,119 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:45,119 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from 1 to 4 06:10:45,125 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [peer1, peer3, peer2, peer4] 06:10:45,125 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 3 06:10:45,125 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=3, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=4, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer1 06:10:45,125 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=3, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=4, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer3 06:10:45,125 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=3, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=4, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer2 06:10:45,125 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=3, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=4, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer4 06:10:45,126 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=false], my term is 3 06:10:45,126 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): handleRequestVoteReply: RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=false], current voteCount: 1 06:10:45,126 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], my term is 3 06:10:45,126 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): handleRequestVoteReply: RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], current voteCount: 1 06:10:45,126 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], my term is 3 06:10:45,126 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): handleRequestVoteReply: RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], current voteCount: 2 06:10:45,127 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Leader): Election: Leader has following peers: [peer1, peer3, peer2, peer4] 06:10:45,127 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer1: active: false, followerNextIndex: 4, leaderLastIndex: 4, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 06:10:45,127 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer3: active: false, followerNextIndex: 4, leaderLastIndex: 4, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 06:10:45,127 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer2: active: false, followerNextIndex: 4, leaderLastIndex: 4, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 06:10:45,127 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer4: active: false, followerNextIndex: 4, leaderLastIndex: 4, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 06:10:45,127 AM [main] [DEBUG] DefaultConfigParamsImpl - No custom RaftPolicy specified. Using DefaultRaftPolicy 06:10:45,127 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Leader, election term: 3 06:10:45,127 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior202#1154986183] 06:10:45,138 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate203] 06:10:45,140 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer204#1904640822] 06:10:45,141 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer205#-907220098] 06:10:45,143 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer206#1049042675] 06:10:45,146 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer207#784266273] 06:10:45,250 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:45,250 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:45,250 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:45,250 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior208#-2085719842] 06:10:45,262 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate209] 06:10:45,366 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:45,367 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:45,367 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:45,367 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Received ElectionTimeout 06:10:45,367 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Leader): Election: Leader has following peers: [] 06:10:45,367 AM [main] [DEBUG] DefaultConfigParamsImpl - No custom RaftPolicy specified. Using DefaultRaftPolicy 06:10:45,367 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Leader, election term: 2 06:10:45,367 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior210#1121808722] 06:10:45,378 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate211] 06:10:45,484 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:45,484 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:45,484 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:45,486 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received AppendEntries [leaderId=test, prevLogIndex=0, prevLogTerm=0, leaderCommit=0, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=0, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[]], my term is 2 06:10:45,486 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Cannot append entries because sender's term 1 is less than 2 06:10:45,487 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior212#-1117103173] 06:10:45,499 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate213] 06:10:45,499 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer214#-1552909051] 06:10:45,503 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:45,503 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from 1 to 1 06:10:45,507 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [peer1, peer2] 06:10:45,507 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:45,508 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=2, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=1, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer1 06:10:45,508 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=2, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=1, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer2 06:10:45,508 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], my term is 2 06:10:45,508 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): handleRequestVoteReply: RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], current voteCount: 1 06:10:45,508 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Leader): Election: Leader has following peers: [peer1, peer2] 06:10:45,508 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer1: active: false, followerNextIndex: 1, leaderLastIndex: 1, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 06:10:45,508 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer2: active: false, followerNextIndex: 1, leaderLastIndex: 1, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 06:10:45,509 AM [main] [DEBUG] DefaultConfigParamsImpl - No custom RaftPolicy specified. Using DefaultRaftPolicy 06:10:45,509 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Leader, election term: 2 06:10:45,509 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior215#927827287] 06:10:45,520 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate216] 06:10:45,520 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer217#-1204845931] 06:10:45,521 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer218#-69113024] 06:10:45,526 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:45,526 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:45,526 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:45,527 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior219#-138656417] 06:10:45,538 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate220] 06:10:45,642 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:45,642 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:45,642 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:45,642 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVote [term=1, candidateId=test, lastLogIndex=10000, lastLogTerm=999], my term is 1 06:10:45,642 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): In requestVote: RequestVote [term=1, candidateId=test, lastLogIndex=10000, lastLogTerm=999] - currentTerm: 1, votedFor: test, lastIndex: 1, lastTerm: 1 06:10:45,642 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): requestVote returning: RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true] 06:10:45,642 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior221#-1707882544] 06:10:45,654 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate222] 06:10:45,758 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:45,758 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:45,758 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:45,758 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVote [term=1, candidateId=test, lastLogIndex=1999, lastLogTerm=1], my term is 1 06:10:45,758 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): In requestVote: RequestVote [term=1, candidateId=test, lastLogIndex=1999, lastLogTerm=1] - currentTerm: 1, votedFor: test, lastIndex: 2000, lastTerm: 1 06:10:45,758 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): requestVote returning: RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=false] 06:10:45,758 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior223#632882303] 06:10:45,770 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate224] 06:10:45,773 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:45,773 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:45,773 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:45,773 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received AppendEntries [leaderId=leader-1, prevLogIndex=0, prevLogTerm=0, leaderCommit=1, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=0, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[]], my term is 2 06:10:45,773 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Term 100 in "AppendEntries [leaderId=leader-1, prevLogIndex=0, prevLogTerm=0, leaderCommit=1, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=0, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[]]" message is greater than Candidate's term 2 - switching to Follower 06:10:45,774 AM [main] [DEBUG] DefaultConfigParamsImpl - No custom RaftPolicy specified. Using DefaultRaftPolicy 06:10:45,774 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Follower, election term: 100 06:10:45,774 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:45,774 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:45,774 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received AppendEntriesReply [term=100, success=false, followerId=follower-1, logLastIndex=100, logLastTerm=100, forceInstallSnapshot=false, needsLeaderAddress=false, payloadVersion=0, raftVersion=5, recipientRaftVersion=5], my term is 2 06:10:45,774 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Term 100 in "AppendEntriesReply [term=100, success=false, followerId=follower-1, logLastIndex=100, logLastTerm=100, forceInstallSnapshot=false, needsLeaderAddress=false, payloadVersion=0, raftVersion=5, recipientRaftVersion=5]" message is greater than Candidate's term 2 - switching to Follower 06:10:45,774 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Follower, election term: 100 06:10:45,774 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:45,774 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:45,774 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVote [term=100, candidateId=candidate-1, lastLogIndex=10, lastLogTerm=100], my term is 2 06:10:45,774 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Term 100 in "RequestVote [term=100, candidateId=candidate-1, lastLogIndex=10, lastLogTerm=100]" message is greater than Candidate's term 2 - switching to Follower 06:10:45,774 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): In requestVote: RequestVote [term=100, candidateId=candidate-1, lastLogIndex=10, lastLogTerm=100] - currentTerm: 100, votedFor: null, lastIndex: 0, lastTerm: 1 06:10:45,774 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): requestVote returning: RequestVoteReply [term=100, voteGranted=true] 06:10:45,774 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Follower, election term: 100 06:10:45,774 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:45,774 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:45,774 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVoteReply [term=100, voteGranted=false], my term is 2 06:10:45,775 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Term 100 in "RequestVoteReply [term=100, voteGranted=false]" message is greater than Candidate's term 2 - switching to Follower 06:10:45,775 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Follower, election term: 100 06:10:45,775 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior225#1955864187] 06:10:45,786 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate226] 06:10:45,788 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - test: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:45,788 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - test (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:45,788 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - test (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 06:10:45,788 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior227#-1186991132] 06:10:45,799 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate228] 06:10:45,801 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:45,801 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:45,801 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 1001 06:10:45,802 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received AppendEntries [leaderId=leader-1, prevLogIndex=0, prevLogTerm=0, leaderCommit=101, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=4, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[]], my term is 1001 06:10:45,802 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Cannot append entries because sender's term 100 is less than 1001 06:10:45,802 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior229#1964171094] 06:10:45,813 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate230] 06:10:45,817 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 06:10:45,817 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 06:10:45,817 AM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 1001 06:10:45,817 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVote [term=999, candidateId=test, lastLogIndex=10000, lastLogTerm=999], my term is 1001 06:10:45,817 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): In requestVote: RequestVote [term=999, candidateId=test, lastLogIndex=10000, lastLogTerm=999] - currentTerm: 1001, votedFor: candidate, lastIndex: 1, lastTerm: 1 06:10:45,817 AM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): requestVote returning: RequestVoteReply [term=1001, voteGranted=false] 06:10:45,817 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior231#-664078039] 06:10:45,828 AM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate232] [INFO] [03/27/2024 06:10:45.829] [main] [CoordinatedShutdown(akka://test)] Running CoordinatedShutdown with reason [ActorSystemTerminateReason] 06:10:45,830 AM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-13] [INFO] CoordinatedShutdown - Running CoordinatedShutdown with reason [ActorSystemTerminateReason] [WARN] [03/27/2024 06:10:45.832] [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [akka://test/system/cluster/core/daemon] unhandled message from Actor[akka://test/deadLetters]: Leave(akka://test@ [INFO] [akkaDeadLetter][03/27/2024 06:10:45.832] [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [akka://test/system/cluster/core/daemon] Message [akka.cluster.ClusterUserAction$Leave] to Actor[akka://test/system/cluster/core/daemon#-1327687321] was unhandled. [1] dead letters encountered. This logging can be turned off or adjusted with configuration settings 'akka.log-dead-letters' and 'akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown'. 06:10:45,835 AM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [INFO] LocalActorRef - Message [akka.cluster.ClusterUserAction$Leave] to Actor[akka://test/system/cluster/core/daemon#-1327687321] was unhandled. [1] dead letters encountered. This logging can be turned off or adjusted with configuration settings 'akka.log-dead-letters' and 'akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown'. [INFO] [03/27/2024 06:10:45.836] [test-akka.actor.internal-dispatcher-4] [Cluster(akka://test)] Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Exiting completed [INFO] [03/27/2024 06:10:45.836] [test-akka.actor.internal-dispatcher-4] [Cluster(akka://test)] Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Shutting down... 06:10:45,837 AM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-13] [INFO] Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Exiting completed 06:10:45,837 AM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-13] [INFO] Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Shutting down... 06:10:45,837 AM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-13] [INFO] Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Successfully shut down [INFO] [03/27/2024 06:10:45.837] [test-akka.actor.internal-dispatcher-4] [Cluster(akka://test)] Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Successfully shut down [INFO] [03/27/2024 06:10:45.841] [test-akka.remote.default-remote-dispatcher-7] [akka://test@] Shutting down remote daemon. [INFO] [03/27/2024 06:10:45.841] [test-akka.remote.default-remote-dispatcher-7] [akka://test@] Remote daemon shut down; proceeding with flushing remote transports. 06:10:45,842 AM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-12] [INFO] RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator - Shutting down remote daemon. 06:10:45,842 AM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-12] [INFO] RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator - Remote daemon shut down; proceeding with flushing remote transports. [INFO] [03/27/2024 06:10:45.845] [test-akka.remote.default-remote-dispatcher-8] [akka://test@] Remoting shut down. 06:10:45,845 AM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-12] [INFO] RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator - Remoting shut down. [DEBUG] [03/27/2024 06:10:45.846] [test-akka.actor.internal-dispatcher-10] [EventStream] shutting down: StandardOutLogger