[DEBUG] [10/18/2024 12:09:18.973] [main] [EventStream(akka://test)] logger log1-TestEventListener started 12:09:18,974 PM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [INFO] Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started [DEBUG] [10/18/2024 12:09:18.974] [main] [EventStream(akka://test)] logger log2-Slf4jLogger started [DEBUG] [10/18/2024 12:09:18.974] [main] [EventStream(akka://test)] Default Loggers started [INFO] [10/18/2024 12:09:18.986] [main] [ArteryTransport(akka://test)] Remoting started with transport [Artery tcp]; listening on address [akka://test@] with UID [-1774471212881247671] [INFO] [10/18/2024 12:09:18.987] [main] [Cluster(akka://test)] Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Starting up, Akka version [2.6.21] ... 12:09:18,987 PM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [INFO] ArteryTransport - Remoting started with transport [Artery tcp]; listening on address [akka://test@] with UID [-1774471212881247671] 12:09:18,987 PM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [INFO] Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Starting up, Akka version [2.6.21] ... [INFO] [10/18/2024 12:09:18.990] [main] [Cluster(akka://test)] Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Registered cluster JMX MBean [akka:type=Cluster] [INFO] [10/18/2024 12:09:18.990] [main] [Cluster(akka://test)] Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Started up successfully 12:09:18,990 PM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-5] [INFO] Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Registered cluster JMX MBean [akka:type=Cluster] 12:09:18,990 PM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-5] [INFO] Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Started up successfully [INFO] [10/18/2024 12:09:18.992] [test-akka.actor.internal-dispatcher-4] [Cluster(akka://test)] Cluster Node [akka://test@] - No downing-provider-class configured, manual cluster downing required, see https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/typed/cluster.html#downing [INFO] [10/18/2024 12:09:18.992] [test-akka.actor.internal-dispatcher-4] [Cluster(akka://test)] Cluster Node [akka://test@] - No seed-nodes configured, manual cluster join required, see https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/typed/cluster.html#joining 12:09:18,994 PM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-5] [INFO] Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://test@] - No downing-provider-class configured, manual cluster downing required, see https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/typed/cluster.html#downing 12:09:18,994 PM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-5] [INFO] Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://test@] - No seed-nodes configured, manual cluster join required, see https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/typed/cluster.html#joining 12:09:19,105 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:19,105 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:19,105 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:19,106 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received AppendEntries [leaderId=test, prevLogIndex=0, prevLogTerm=0, leaderCommit=0, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=0, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[]], my term is 2 12:09:19,106 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Term 5 in "AppendEntries [leaderId=test, prevLogIndex=0, prevLogTerm=0, leaderCommit=0, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=0, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[]]" message is greater than Candidate's term 2 - switching to Follower 12:09:19,106 PM [main] [DEBUG] DefaultConfigParamsImpl - No custom RaftPolicy specified. Using DefaultRaftPolicy 12:09:19,107 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Follower, election term: 5 12:09:19,107 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior416#-811053399] 12:09:19,119 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate417] 12:09:19,119 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer418#1825598226] 12:09:19,222 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:19,222 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [peer1] 12:09:19,222 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:19,222 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=2, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=1, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer1 12:09:19,222 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Received ElectionTimeout 12:09:19,222 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 3 12:09:19,223 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=3, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=1, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer1 12:09:19,223 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior419#123512683] 12:09:19,233 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate420] 12:09:19,234 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer421#-857152108] 12:09:19,336 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:19,336 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:19,336 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 1001 12:09:19,337 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVote [term=1001, candidateId=candidate2, lastLogIndex=10000, lastLogTerm=999], my term is 1001 12:09:19,337 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): In requestVote: RequestVote [term=1001, candidateId=candidate2, lastLogIndex=10000, lastLogTerm=999] - currentTerm: 1001, votedFor: candidate, lastIndex: 1, lastTerm: 1 12:09:19,337 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): requestVote returning: RequestVoteReply [term=1001, voteGranted=false] 12:09:19,337 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior422#-2055657673] 12:09:19,348 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate423] 12:09:19,348 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer424#-762880787] 12:09:19,350 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:19,350 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:19,350 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:19,350 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received AppendEntries [leaderId=test, prevLogIndex=0, prevLogTerm=0, leaderCommit=0, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=0, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[]], my term is 2 12:09:19,351 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): handleAppendEntries: AppendEntries [leaderId=test, prevLogIndex=0, prevLogTerm=0, leaderCommit=0, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=0, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[]] 12:09:19,351 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): New Leader test sent an AppendEntries to Candidate for term 2 - will switch to Follower 12:09:19,351 PM [main] [DEBUG] DefaultConfigParamsImpl - No custom RaftPolicy specified. Using DefaultRaftPolicy 12:09:19,351 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Follower, election term: 2 12:09:19,351 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior425#281765730] 12:09:19,362 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate426] 12:09:19,362 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer427#374088313] 12:09:19,364 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:19,364 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from 1 to -1 12:09:19,365 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [peer1, peer2] 12:09:19,365 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:19,365 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=2, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=1, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer1 12:09:19,365 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=2, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=1, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer2 12:09:19,365 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], my term is 2 12:09:19,365 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): handleRequestVoteReply: RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], current voteCount: 1 12:09:19,365 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): LastApplied index -1 is behind last index 1 - switching to PreLeader 12:09:19,365 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (PreLeader): Election: Leader has following peers: [peer1, peer2] 12:09:19,365 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (PreLeader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer1: active: false, followerNextIndex: 1, leaderLastIndex: 1, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 12:09:19,365 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (PreLeader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer2: active: false, followerNextIndex: 1, leaderLastIndex: 1, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 12:09:19,365 PM [main] [DEBUG] DefaultConfigParamsImpl - No custom RaftPolicy specified. Using DefaultRaftPolicy 12:09:19,365 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to PreLeader, election term: 2 12:09:19,365 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior428#1978370042] 12:09:19,376 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate429] 12:09:19,376 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer430#1121006568] 12:09:19,376 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer431#1649056016] 12:09:19,377 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:19,377 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:19,377 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:19,378 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVote [term=1, candidateId=test, lastLogIndex=0, lastLogTerm=0], my term is 2 12:09:19,378 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): In requestVote: RequestVote [term=1, candidateId=test, lastLogIndex=0, lastLogTerm=0] - currentTerm: 2, votedFor: candidate, lastIndex: 1, lastTerm: 1 12:09:19,378 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): requestVote returning: RequestVoteReply [term=2, voteGranted=false] 12:09:19,378 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior432#867640986] 12:09:19,389 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate433] 12:09:19,389 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer434#-1440113342] 12:09:19,491 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:19,491 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:19,491 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 3 12:09:19,491 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received AppendEntries [leaderId=leader-1, prevLogIndex=-1, prevLogTerm=-1, leaderCommit=2, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=0, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[SimpleReplicatedLogEntry [index=0, term=2, payload=zero]]], my term is 2 12:09:19,491 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): handleAppendEntries: AppendEntries [leaderId=leader-1, prevLogIndex=-1, prevLogTerm=-1, leaderCommit=2, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=0, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[SimpleReplicatedLogEntry [index=0, term=2, payload=zero]]] 12:09:19,491 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): New Leader leader-1 sent an AppendEntries to Candidate for term 2 - will switch to Follower 12:09:19,491 PM [main] [DEBUG] DefaultConfigParamsImpl - No custom RaftPolicy specified. Using DefaultRaftPolicy 12:09:19,491 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Follower, election term: 2 12:09:19,491 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior435#178570603] 12:09:19,502 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate436] 12:09:19,504 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:19,504 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:19,504 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 1001 12:09:19,504 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVote [term=1001, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=10000, lastLogTerm=999], my term is 1001 12:09:19,504 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): In requestVote: RequestVote [term=1001, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=10000, lastLogTerm=999] - currentTerm: 1001, votedFor: candidate, lastIndex: 1, lastTerm: 1 12:09:19,504 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): requestVote returning: RequestVoteReply [term=1001, voteGranted=true] 12:09:19,504 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior437#-1276612263] 12:09:19,515 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate438] 12:09:19,515 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer439#75929950] 12:09:19,617 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:19,617 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:19,617 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:19,617 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior440#167251937] 12:09:19,628 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate441] 12:09:19,734 PM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [peer3, peer2] 12:09:19,734 PM [main] [INFO] CandidateTest - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:19,734 PM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=1, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=-1, lastLogTerm=-1] to peer peer3 12:09:19,735 PM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=1, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=-1, lastLogTerm=-1] to peer peer2 12:09:20,138 PM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=false], my term is 1 12:09:20,138 PM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Candidate): handleRequestVoteReply: RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=false], current voteCount: 1 12:09:20,138 PM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], my term is 1 12:09:20,138 PM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Candidate): handleRequestVoteReply: RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], current voteCount: 1 12:09:20,138 PM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Leader): Election: Leader has following peers: [peer1, peer3, peer2, peer4] 12:09:20,138 PM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer1: active: false, followerNextIndex: -1, leaderLastIndex: -1, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 12:09:20,138 PM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer3: active: false, followerNextIndex: -1, leaderLastIndex: -1, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 12:09:20,138 PM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer2: active: false, followerNextIndex: -1, leaderLastIndex: -1, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 12:09:20,139 PM [main] [DEBUG] CandidateTest - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer4: active: false, followerNextIndex: -1, leaderLastIndex: -1, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 12:09:20,139 PM [main] [DEBUG] DefaultConfigParamsImpl - No custom RaftPolicy specified. Using DefaultRaftPolicy 12:09:20,139 PM [main] [INFO] CandidateTest - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Leader, election term: 1 12:09:20,139 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior442#-2028533422] 12:09:20,150 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate443] 12:09:20,150 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer444#368693818] 12:09:20,151 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer445#-318663075] 12:09:20,151 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer446#-1834929023] 12:09:20,151 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer447#-1087756668] 12:09:20,154 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:20,154 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from 1 to 4 12:09:20,158 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [peer1, peer3, peer2, peer4] 12:09:20,158 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 3 12:09:20,158 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=3, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=4, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer1 12:09:20,158 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=3, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=4, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer3 12:09:20,159 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=3, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=4, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer2 12:09:20,159 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=3, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=4, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer4 12:09:20,159 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=false], my term is 3 12:09:20,159 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): handleRequestVoteReply: RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=false], current voteCount: 1 12:09:20,159 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], my term is 3 12:09:20,159 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): handleRequestVoteReply: RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], current voteCount: 1 12:09:20,159 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], my term is 3 12:09:20,159 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): handleRequestVoteReply: RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], current voteCount: 2 12:09:20,159 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Leader): Election: Leader has following peers: [peer1, peer3, peer2, peer4] 12:09:20,159 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer1: active: false, followerNextIndex: 4, leaderLastIndex: 4, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 12:09:20,159 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer3: active: false, followerNextIndex: 4, leaderLastIndex: 4, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 12:09:20,159 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer2: active: false, followerNextIndex: 4, leaderLastIndex: 4, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 12:09:20,159 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer4: active: false, followerNextIndex: 4, leaderLastIndex: 4, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 12:09:20,159 PM [main] [DEBUG] DefaultConfigParamsImpl - No custom RaftPolicy specified. Using DefaultRaftPolicy 12:09:20,159 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Leader, election term: 3 12:09:20,159 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior448#1995181502] 12:09:20,170 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate449] 12:09:20,170 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer450#597903268] 12:09:20,170 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer451#-1364508632] 12:09:20,170 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer452#-434775725] 12:09:20,171 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer453#-277405963] 12:09:20,172 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:20,172 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:20,172 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:20,172 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior454#-441780526] 12:09:20,183 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate455] 12:09:20,185 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:20,185 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:20,185 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:20,185 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Received ElectionTimeout 12:09:20,185 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Leader): Election: Leader has following peers: [] 12:09:20,185 PM [main] [DEBUG] DefaultConfigParamsImpl - No custom RaftPolicy specified. Using DefaultRaftPolicy 12:09:20,185 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Leader, election term: 2 12:09:20,185 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior456#-1014465810] 12:09:20,196 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate457] 12:09:20,298 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:20,298 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:20,298 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:20,299 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received AppendEntries [leaderId=test, prevLogIndex=0, prevLogTerm=0, leaderCommit=0, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=0, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[]], my term is 2 12:09:20,299 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Cannot append entries because sender's term 1 is less than 2 12:09:20,299 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior458#2054345572] 12:09:20,310 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate459] 12:09:20,310 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer460#1789064033] 12:09:20,312 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:20,313 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from 1 to 1 12:09:20,313 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [peer1, peer2] 12:09:20,313 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:20,314 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=2, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=1, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer1 12:09:20,314 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Sending RequestVote [term=2, candidateId=candidate, lastLogIndex=1, lastLogTerm=1] to peer peer2 12:09:20,314 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], my term is 2 12:09:20,314 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): handleRequestVoteReply: RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true], current voteCount: 1 12:09:20,314 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Leader): Election: Leader has following peers: [peer1, peer2] 12:09:20,314 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer1: active: false, followerNextIndex: 1, leaderLastIndex: 1, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 12:09:20,314 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Leader): Checking sendAppendEntries for follower peer2: active: false, followerNextIndex: 1, leaderLastIndex: 1, leaderSnapShotIndex: -1 12:09:20,314 PM [main] [DEBUG] DefaultConfigParamsImpl - No custom RaftPolicy specified. Using DefaultRaftPolicy 12:09:20,314 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Leader, election term: 2 12:09:20,314 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior461#-2070505179] 12:09:20,325 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate462] 12:09:20,325 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer463#418229414] 12:09:20,325 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/peer464#-1697429538] 12:09:20,428 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:20,428 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:20,428 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:20,428 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior465#-1402663206] 12:09:20,439 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate466] 12:09:20,541 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:20,541 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:20,541 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:20,542 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVote [term=1, candidateId=test, lastLogIndex=10000, lastLogTerm=999], my term is 1 12:09:20,542 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): In requestVote: RequestVote [term=1, candidateId=test, lastLogIndex=10000, lastLogTerm=999] - currentTerm: 1, votedFor: test, lastIndex: 1, lastTerm: 1 12:09:20,542 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): requestVote returning: RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=true] 12:09:20,542 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior467#252911020] 12:09:20,553 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate468] 12:09:20,655 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:20,655 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:20,655 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:20,655 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVote [term=1, candidateId=test, lastLogIndex=1999, lastLogTerm=1], my term is 1 12:09:20,655 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): In requestVote: RequestVote [term=1, candidateId=test, lastLogIndex=1999, lastLogTerm=1] - currentTerm: 1, votedFor: test, lastIndex: 2000, lastTerm: 1 12:09:20,655 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): requestVote returning: RequestVoteReply [term=1, voteGranted=false] 12:09:20,656 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior469#706766624] 12:09:20,666 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate470] 12:09:20,770 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:20,770 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:20,770 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:20,770 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received AppendEntries [leaderId=leader-1, prevLogIndex=0, prevLogTerm=0, leaderCommit=1, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=0, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[]], my term is 2 12:09:20,770 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Term 100 in "AppendEntries [leaderId=leader-1, prevLogIndex=0, prevLogTerm=0, leaderCommit=1, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=0, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[]]" message is greater than Candidate's term 2 - switching to Follower 12:09:20,770 PM [main] [DEBUG] DefaultConfigParamsImpl - No custom RaftPolicy specified. Using DefaultRaftPolicy 12:09:20,770 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Follower, election term: 100 12:09:20,771 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:20,771 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:20,771 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received AppendEntriesReply [term=100, success=false, followerId=follower-1, logLastIndex=100, logLastTerm=100, forceInstallSnapshot=false, needsLeaderAddress=false, payloadVersion=0, raftVersion=5, recipientRaftVersion=5], my term is 2 12:09:20,771 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Term 100 in "AppendEntriesReply [term=100, success=false, followerId=follower-1, logLastIndex=100, logLastTerm=100, forceInstallSnapshot=false, needsLeaderAddress=false, payloadVersion=0, raftVersion=5, recipientRaftVersion=5]" message is greater than Candidate's term 2 - switching to Follower 12:09:20,771 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Follower, election term: 100 12:09:20,771 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:20,771 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:20,771 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVote [term=100, candidateId=candidate-1, lastLogIndex=10, lastLogTerm=100], my term is 2 12:09:20,771 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Term 100 in "RequestVote [term=100, candidateId=candidate-1, lastLogIndex=10, lastLogTerm=100]" message is greater than Candidate's term 2 - switching to Follower 12:09:20,771 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): In requestVote: RequestVote [term=100, candidateId=candidate-1, lastLogIndex=10, lastLogTerm=100] - currentTerm: 100, votedFor: null, lastIndex: 0, lastTerm: 1 12:09:20,771 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): requestVote returning: RequestVoteReply [term=100, voteGranted=true] 12:09:20,771 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Follower, election term: 100 12:09:20,771 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:20,771 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:20,771 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVoteReply [term=100, voteGranted=false], my term is 2 12:09:20,771 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Term 100 in "RequestVoteReply [term=100, voteGranted=false]" message is greater than Candidate's term 2 - switching to Follower 12:09:20,771 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate) :- Switching from behavior Candidate to Follower, election term: 100 12:09:20,771 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior471#549057863] 12:09:20,782 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate472] 12:09:20,885 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - test: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:20,885 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - test (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:20,885 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - test (Candidate): Starting new election term 2 12:09:20,885 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior473#474356611] 12:09:20,896 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate474] 12:09:20,898 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:20,898 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:20,898 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 1001 12:09:20,898 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received AppendEntries [leaderId=leader-1, prevLogIndex=0, prevLogTerm=0, leaderCommit=101, replicatedToAllIndex=-1, payloadVersion=4, recipientRaftVersion=5, leaderRaftVersion=5, leaderAddress=null, entries=[]], my term is 1001 12:09:20,898 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Cannot append entries because sender's term 100 is less than 1001 12:09:20,898 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior475#-508432543] 12:09:20,909 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate476] 12:09:20,912 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate: Moving last applied index from -1 to 1 12:09:20,913 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Election: Candidate has following voting peers: [] 12:09:20,913 PM [main] [INFO] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): Starting new election term 1001 12:09:20,913 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): RaftRPC message received RequestVote [term=999, candidateId=test, lastLogIndex=10000, lastLogTerm=999], my term is 1001 12:09:20,913 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): In requestVote: RequestVote [term=999, candidateId=test, lastLogIndex=10000, lastLogTerm=999] - currentTerm: 1001, votedFor: candidate, lastIndex: 1, lastTerm: 1 12:09:20,913 PM [main] [DEBUG] MockRaftActorContext - candidate (Candidate): requestVote returning: RequestVoteReply [term=1001, voteGranted=false] 12:09:20,913 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor Actor[akka://test/user/behavior477#910355218] 12:09:20,923 PM [main] [INFO] TestActorFactory - Killing actor TestActor[akka://test/user/candidate478] 12:09:20,930 PM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [INFO] CoordinatedShutdown - Running CoordinatedShutdown with reason [ActorSystemTerminateReason] 12:09:20,930 PM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [INFO] Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Exiting completed 12:09:20,930 PM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [INFO] Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Shutting down... 12:09:20,930 PM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [INFO] Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Successfully shut down [INFO] [10/18/2024 12:09:20.925] [main] [CoordinatedShutdown(akka://test)] Running CoordinatedShutdown with reason [ActorSystemTerminateReason] [WARN] [10/18/2024 12:09:20.930] [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-5] [akka://test/system/cluster/core/daemon] unhandled message from Actor[akka://test/deadLetters]: Leave(akka://test@ [INFO] [10/18/2024 12:09:20.927] [test-akka.actor.internal-dispatcher-10] [Cluster(akka://test)] Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Exiting completed [INFO] [10/18/2024 12:09:20.927] [test-akka.actor.internal-dispatcher-10] [Cluster(akka://test)] Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Shutting down... [INFO] [10/18/2024 12:09:20.927] [test-akka.actor.internal-dispatcher-10] [Cluster(akka://test)] Cluster Node [akka://test@] - Successfully shut down [WARN] [10/18/2024 12:09:20.930] [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-5] [akka://test/system/deadLetterListener] received dead letter: UnhandledMessage(Leave(akka://test@,Actor[akka://test/deadLetters],Actor[akka://test/system/cluster/core/daemon#1418628970]) [INFO] [10/18/2024 12:09:20.932] [test-akka.remote.default-remote-dispatcher-7] [akka://test@] Shutting down remote daemon. 12:09:20,933 PM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-11] [INFO] RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator - Shutting down remote daemon. 12:09:20,933 PM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-5] [INFO] RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator - Remote daemon shut down; proceeding with flushing remote transports. [INFO] [10/18/2024 12:09:20.933] [test-akka.remote.default-remote-dispatcher-7] [akka://test@] Remote daemon shut down; proceeding with flushing remote transports. 12:09:20,936 PM [test-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-5] [INFO] RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator - Remoting shut down. [INFO] [10/18/2024 12:09:20.936] [test-akka.remote.default-remote-dispatcher-7] [akka://test@] Remoting shut down. [DEBUG] [10/18/2024 12:09:20.936] [test-akka.actor.internal-dispatcher-3] [EventStream] shutting down: StandardOutLogger