2024-09-06 07:54:06,943 INFO BGP-Thread-1: Connecting in the talking mode.
2024-09-06 07:54:06,943 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: Local IP address:
2024-09-06 07:54:06,943 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: Local port: 17900
2024-09-06 07:54:06,943 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: Remote IP address:
2024-09-06 07:54:06,943 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: Remote port: 1790
2024-09-06 07:54:06,945 INFO BGP-Thread-1: Connected to ODL.
2024-09-06 07:54:06,947 INFO BGP-Thread-1: Open message received.
2024-09-06 07:54:06,947 INFO BGP-Thread-1: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00410104fbf000b4c000020224022241040000fbf006000200010400010001010400020001010440040047400200b44700
2024-09-06 07:54:06,947 INFO BGP-Thread-1: Generator initialisation
2024-09-06 07:54:06,947 INFO BGP-Thread-1:   Target total number of prefixes to be introduced: 1
2024-09-06 07:54:06,947 INFO BGP-Thread-1:   Prefix base:
2024-09-06 07:54:06,947 INFO BGP-Thread-1:   My Autonomous System number: 64496
2024-09-06 07:54:06,947 INFO BGP-Thread-1:   My Hold Time: 180
2024-09-06 07:54:06,947 INFO BGP-Thread-1:   My BGP Identifier: 169782111
2024-09-06 07:54:06,947 INFO BGP-Thread-1:   Next Hop:
2024-09-06 07:54:06,947 INFO BGP-Thread-1:   Originator ID: None
2024-09-06 07:54:06,948 INFO BGP-Thread-1:   Cluster list: None
2024-09-06 07:54:06,948 INFO BGP-Thread-1:   Prefix count to be inserted at once: 1
2024-09-06 07:54:06,948 INFO BGP-Thread-1:   Prefix count to be withdrawn at once: 0
2024-09-06 07:54:06,948 INFO BGP-Thread-1:   Fast pre-fill up to 0 prefixes
2024-09-06 07:54:06,948 INFO BGP-Thread-1:   Remaining number of prefixes to be processed in parallel with withdrawals: 1
2024-09-06 07:54:06,948 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Prefix index range used after pre-fill procedure [0, 0]
2024-09-06 07:54:06,948 INFO BGP-Thread-1:   Two separate UPDATEs will be generated for each NLRI & WITHDRAWN lists
2024-09-06 07:54:06,948 INFO BGP-Thread-1:   Let's go ...

2024-09-06 07:54:06,948 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: OPEN message encoding
2024-09-06 07:54:06,948 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Marker=0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
2024-09-06 07:54:06,948 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Length=53 (0x0035)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,948 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Type=1 (0x01)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,949 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Version=4 (0x04)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,949 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   My Autonomous System=64496 (0xfbf0)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,949 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Hold Time=180 (0x00b4)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,949 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   BGP Identifier=169782111 (0x0a1eab5f)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,949 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Optional Parameters Length=24 (0x18)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,949 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Optional Parameters=0x02060104000100010206010440040047020641040000fbf0
2024-09-06 07:54:06,949 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: OPEN message encoded: 0xb'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00350104fbf000b40a1eab5f1802060104000100010206010440040047020641040000fbf0'
2024-09-06 07:54:06,949 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: Sending the OPEN message: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00350104fbf000b40a1eab5f1802060104000100010206010440040047020641040000fbf0
2024-09-06 07:54:06,951 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: KEEP ALIVE message encoding
2024-09-06 07:54:06,951 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Marker=0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
2024-09-06 07:54:06,951 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Length=19 (0x0013)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,951 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Type=4 (0x04)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,951 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: KEEP ALIVE message encoded: 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff001304
2024-09-06 07:54:06,952 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: KEEP ALIVE message encoding
2024-09-06 07:54:06,952 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Marker=0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
2024-09-06 07:54:06,952 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Length=19 (0x0013)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,952 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Type=4 (0x04)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,952 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: KEEP ALIVE message encoded: 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff001304
2024-09-06 07:54:06,952 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: Sending a KEEP ALIVE message: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff001304
2024-09-06 07:54:06,952 INFO BGP-Thread-1: Iteration: 0 - total remaining prefixes: 1
2024-09-06 07:54:06,952 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: ########## Iteration: 0 ##########
2024-09-06 07:54:06,952 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: Remaining prefixes: 1
2024-09-06 07:54:06,952 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: --- COMBINED SCENARIO ---
2024-09-06 07:54:06,953 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: Prefixes to be inserted in this iteration:
2024-09-06 07:54:06,953 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Prefix slot index: 0
2024-09-06 07:54:06,953 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Prefix slot size: 1
2024-09-06 07:54:06,953 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Prefix count: 1
2024-09-06 07:54:06,953 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Prefix indexes: [0]
2024-09-06 07:54:06,953 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Prefix list: [IPv4Address('')]
2024-09-06 07:54:06,953 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: Prefixes to be withdrawn in this iteration:
2024-09-06 07:54:06,953 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Prefix slot index: 0
2024-09-06 07:54:06,953 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Prefix slot size: 1
2024-09-06 07:54:06,954 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Prefix count: 0
2024-09-06 07:54:06,954 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Prefix indexes: []
2024-09-06 07:54:06,954 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Prefix list: []
2024-09-06 07:54:06,954 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: UPDATE message encoding
2024-09-06 07:54:06,954 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Marker=0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
2024-09-06 07:54:06,954 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Length=60 (0x003c)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,954 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Type=2 (0x02)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,954 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   withdrawn_routes_length=0 (0x0000)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,954 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Withdrawn_Routes=[]/28 (0x)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,954 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Total Path Attributes Length=37 (0x0025)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,954 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Path Attributes=(0x800e2240044704c00002010000050015070000000000000001010203040001000105060708)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,955 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:     Origin=IGP
2024-09-06 07:54:06,955 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:     AS path=64496
2024-09-06 07:54:06,955 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:     Next hop=
2024-09-06 07:54:06,955 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:     MP_REACH_NLRI: {'Identifier': 1, 'TunnelID': 1, 'LSPID': 1, 'IPv4TunnelSenderAddress': IPv4Address(''), 'IPv4TunnelEndPointAddress': IPv4Address('')}
2024-09-06 07:54:06,955 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Network Layer Reachability Information=[]/28 (0x)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,955 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: UPDATE message encoded: 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff003c0200000025800e2240044704c00002010000050015070000000000000001010203040001000105060708
2024-09-06 07:54:06,955 INFO BGP-Thread-1: All update messages generated.
2024-09-06 07:54:06,955 INFO BGP-Thread-1: Storing performance results.
2024-09-06 07:54:06,955 INFO BGP-Thread-1: ########## Final results ##########
2024-09-06 07:54:06,955 INFO BGP-Thread-1: Number of iterations: 1
2024-09-06 07:54:06,955 INFO BGP-Thread-1: Number of UPDATE messages sent in the pre-fill phase: 0
2024-09-06 07:54:06,955 INFO BGP-Thread-1: The pre-fill phase duration: 0s
2024-09-06 07:54:06,956 INFO BGP-Thread-1: Number of UPDATE messages sent in the 2nd test phase: 1
2024-09-06 07:54:06,956 INFO BGP-Thread-1: The 2nd test phase duration: 0.0026504993438720703s
2024-09-06 07:54:06,956 INFO BGP-Thread-1: Threshold for performance reporting: 1000
2024-09-06 07:54:06,956 INFO BGP-Thread-1: Message generator performance results stored in totals-bgp.csv:
2024-09-06 07:54:06,956 INFO BGP-Thread-1:   
2024-09-06 07:54:06,956 INFO BGP-Thread-1:   
2024-09-06 07:54:06,956 INFO BGP-Thread-1: Message generator performance results stored in performance-bgp.csv:
2024-09-06 07:54:06,956 INFO BGP-Thread-1:   
2024-09-06 07:54:06,956 INFO BGP-Thread-1:   
2024-09-06 07:54:06,956 INFO BGP-Thread-1: Finally an END-OF-RIB is sent.
2024-09-06 07:54:06,956 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: UPDATE message encoding
2024-09-06 07:54:06,956 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Marker=0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
2024-09-06 07:54:06,956 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Length=23 (0x0017)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,956 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Type=2 (0x02)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,956 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   withdrawn_routes_length=0 (0x0000)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,956 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Withdrawn_Routes=[]/28 (0x)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,957 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1:   Network Layer Reachability Information=[]/28 (0x)
2024-09-06 07:54:06,957 DEBUG BGP-Thread-1: UPDATE message encoded: 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00170200000000
2024-09-06 07:54:06,957 INFO BGP-Thread-1: total_received_update_message_counter: 0
2024-09-06 07:54:06,957 INFO BGP-Thread-1: total_received_nlri_prefix_counter: 0
2024-09-06 07:54:06,957 INFO BGP-Thread-1: total_received_withdrawn_prefix_counter: 0
2024-09-06 07:54:06,983 INFO BGP-Thread-1: ... idle for 0.026s
2024-09-06 07:54:06,983 INFO BGP-Thread-1: total_rx_idle_time_counter: 0.026s
2024-09-06 07:54:06,984 INFO BGP-Thread-1: NOTIFICATION message received: 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff001603030301
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "play.py", line 2543, in <module>
  File "play.py", line 2537, in threaded_job
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/socketserver.py", line 236, in serve_forever
    ready = selector.select(poll_interval)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/selectors.py", line 376, in select
    fd_event_list = self._poll.poll(timeout)